Thursday, September 17, 2015

Class of 2020 -- Blog #3 -- IT"S ALMOST FALL, YA'LL!

Well, students . . . it is hard to believe, but FALL BREAK is only a couple of weeks away!  Our first nine weeks are quickly drawing to a close!  I love fall!  It is my very favorite season!  I love the colors of fall and the scents of fall!

 I love Goodpasture homecoming and all the awesome floats!

 I love college football in the fall!

 I love duck hunting in the fall -- camo, face paint and all!

I love baking in my kitchen during the fall!

I love the holidays of fall -- Halloween, Thanksgving, and all the hub-bub leading up to Christmas!  Hey -- can you tell that I LOVE FALL!!

Fall break is always a nice break from the school routine!  Some people take a quick trip to the mountains or the beach.  Others prefer to just relax at home!

What are your plans for fall break?  What do you enjoy about fall?  Please respond to this blog in a minimum of FOUR sentences for FOUR extra credit points!  This will be the final blog of this nine weeks' period, so don't waste it!  (There have been a total of TEN possible points for this period!
Hope you haven't missed out!) 

You can beginning responding today!  This blog will close at midnight on September 29th -- the day we get out for FALL BREAK 2015!  Woo!  Hoo!  WRITE ON!!