Monday, May 9, 2016

Class of 2020 -- Blog #10 -- Summertime!

Well, eighth graders, our time together is just about over!  I have certainly enjoyed getting to know all of you better this year, and overall, I think we've had an awesome year!  I look forward to hearing great things about all of you, as you begin your high school careers!

Summer is my favorite time of year!  I love the long lazy days of summer.  Sleeping in is always a perk too!  For my family, summertime is SWEET -- literally!  We love spending time at the lake, or just hanging out together!  It is a time of year when the regular routine seems a little less crazy, and a little more relaxed.

June is always fun with CMA Fest, and we have a blast.  We enjoy country music,  especially when our son, Conner, is on the stage!

July means a family reunion with our extended family in North Carolina.  We share  a lot of laughs and hugs from family members we don't see too often.  (And we get a little competitive on the go-carts!)

We also usually go on a vacation, and this year, we are planning to head to the beach in late July!  That is my favorite place is the world, and I am looking forward to it.

What are your plans for summer?  In the final blog of the year, please respond to this question.  Please answer in three complete questions for three extra credit points.  This blog will close at midnight on Tuesday, 5/17.  Write on! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Class of 2020 -- Blog #9 -- Winding Down!

Students --

It is hard to believe that our year together is winding down quickly!  We have one full week left of classes!

This is a time of year for reflection.  We have had such an amazing year, and I am proud of you all!  It is hard to believe that you are almost ready to be FRESHMEN in high school!  It seems like only yesterday (well, maybe last week!) that it was August, and 8th grade was just beginning!   Wow! 

Remember the amazing pep rallies??

How about the Prodigious Pumpkin Project?


Washington D.C trip??

New friends?

Diagramming Sentences??  Definitely!

Writing to President Obama?

A Black Tie Affair?

Girls' Ministry??

Field Day? 

We have definitely had a year to remember!  For this blog, I would like for you to reflect back on your favorite memory of 8th grade.  Please write three to four sentences for three extra credit points!  This blog will close on Friday, May 6th, so you just have about four days to complete this!  Write on!