Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Class of 2023 -- Blog #4 I AM THANKFUL

November is here, and it is finally beginning to feel like autumn.  This is my favorite season of the year, and one of those reasons is because of Thanksgiving.

We truly have so much for which to be thankful, and I'm afraid that sometimes we possibly take so many of our blessings for granted.  We always need to be mindful of the MANY ways in which God blesses our lives.

What are the "Top 5" things for which you are thankful?

Here are mine:
  • My family is so very special to me,and I thank God for them every day.
  • I am so thankful to be healthy in a world full of people who are struggling with cancer and other diseases.
  • I sometimes forget that one of the greatest blessings for which to be thankful is that fact that God loved ME enough to send His Son, Jesus, to this world to die for my sins.  Wow!  What a blessing! 
  • I'm so very blessed to be part of Goodpasture Christian School.
  • I'm thankful for each one of my students -- past and present.  You are all very special, and I cannot wait to see what life holds for each of you.  
Your blog responses are worth FIVE (5) extra credit points, IF you follow these guidelines:

Post in at least FIVE complete sentences -- but you may use bullet points. (You may use mine as a template.)  Also, please use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar, along with good sentence structure.

This blog will close on Friday, 11/16 at midnight!

Happy Turkey Day!  Write on!

Mrs. S.