Friday, March 27, 2015

Blog #12 -- A Political Future??

Many of you are enjoying the beautiful and historic Washington D.C. this week.  I so enjoyed my trip there in 2011!  There is so much to see, it can be hard for your mind to take it all in.  I've enjoyed keeping up with you guys through various pictures posted on social media.  It looks like everyone is having a blast!  I'm so sorry that a few have been sick!  That's no fun!  Hopefully, everyone will get to enjoy the last couple of days!

One particular pic, that I think is so neat, is a group taking a "selfie" with Tennessee Senator Bob Corker.  (I found this particularly interesting since so many of you insisted on the yearbook survey that you don't do selfies!)  At any rate, Senator Corker actually posted this pic on his facebook site, and it is getting a lot of views.  Senator Corker calls you guys -- "our nation's future leaders".  How cool is that!

It's hard to believe, but this is so true.  In just a few short years, you will be out of high school (NO MORE IXL!); finishing up college; and deciding your path in life.  Some of you may end up back in Washington as a lobbyist, a senator, or even the president of the United States one day!  (If you do, you will be glad that your old 8th grade English teacher taught you how to speak and write properly!)

What about it?  Would you enjoy a career in politics?  Do you think you have what it takes to lead our city, state or nation?  What characteristics would make you successful?  Do you think a politician has an easy or difficult job?  Do you think it is important that voters choose good, moral individuals to represent them as political leaders?  Why or why not?  What would be some "pros" and "cons" of being a career politician?

Please respond to these questions in at least 5 complete sentences for FIVE extra credit points!
Responses should be completed by Friday, April 3rd at midnight.

Write on! 


  1. No, I would not enjoy politics. It is probably very stressful to lead a city, state, or country. Me personally would probably not be able to do that. It is very important that we vote on honest people. We need leaders that make good decisions and people that take their job seriously. This is what I think on politics.

  2. No because it would be stressful. No because who gave that guy the right to spell buffet instead of buffey. I don't get disctrated vary easily and I can remember things easily. A stressful job because you have to deal with senators and politicians. Yes because if we didn't have good leaders America would break apart. He would be stressed out but the good thing is he makes a lot of money.

  3. I personally would not want to take part in politics. I think it would be very stressful having to control a city, state, or country. People that take part in politics have to be very focussed not to get stressed out. That is why it is important to vote on trustworthy people. That is why I would not take part in politics.

  4. I don't think I would enjoy politics. I am not that patient with people and politics are very stressful. I think life as a politician would be hard. We need to vote on good politicians or terrible things would happen. People would become corrupt and greedy and crime would go up. The good thing about being a politician is that you impact people's lives, the bad thing is that it ages you beyond your years.

  5. Yes. I think I would enjoy a career in politics. But I don't know if I have what it takes to lead our city cause I'm a little shy when it comes to that type of stuff. Maybe my personality would make me successful. I think a politician has a hard job cause they dedicate there life to there job. I think it is important to pick the right president cause if you don't it could be a pretty rough 4 years.

  6. Conner. I would not want to be a polititian. I believe it takes a special person called by God to win elections. A polititians job never ends. They are responsibile for our country night and day. The stress would be too great.

  7. No, I would not enjoy working in politics. No, I do not think I have what it takes to lead our city, state, or nation. I'm indecisive, and I know you have to be able to make a lot of decisions when it comes to politics. Politicians have a very difficult job. I would never be able to handle all of the stress about knowing all of the problems within our country. Yes, I think it is very important for citizens to choose people with good morals to be in politics. If not, things would go horrible! They would not get anything done, nor would they care about this country's issues.

  8. Good deal! I think you all would be AWESOME as leaders! Blog is now closed!

  9. I would not want to be a politician. I think I do have what it takes to make a good politician but it's is just too stressful for me. I have a few characteristics to make a good politition. I think one is persistance. I can stick with what ever I try to do. I think being a polotition is a difficult job. I do think it is important that they choose wisly because if they choose unwisely this nation capsule go into a lot of debt. Some pro's are you have a lot of protection. Also you get paid some decent money.
