Thursday, September 17, 2015

Class of 2020 -- Blog #3 -- IT"S ALMOST FALL, YA'LL!

Well, students . . . it is hard to believe, but FALL BREAK is only a couple of weeks away!  Our first nine weeks are quickly drawing to a close!  I love fall!  It is my very favorite season!  I love the colors of fall and the scents of fall!

 I love Goodpasture homecoming and all the awesome floats!

 I love college football in the fall!

 I love duck hunting in the fall -- camo, face paint and all!

I love baking in my kitchen during the fall!

I love the holidays of fall -- Halloween, Thanksgving, and all the hub-bub leading up to Christmas!  Hey -- can you tell that I LOVE FALL!!

Fall break is always a nice break from the school routine!  Some people take a quick trip to the mountains or the beach.  Others prefer to just relax at home!

What are your plans for fall break?  What do you enjoy about fall?  Please respond to this blog in a minimum of FOUR sentences for FOUR extra credit points!  This will be the final blog of this nine weeks' period, so don't waste it!  (There have been a total of TEN possible points for this period!
Hope you haven't missed out!) 

You can beginning responding today!  This blog will close at midnight on September 29th -- the day we get out for FALL BREAK 2015!  Woo!  Hoo!  WRITE ON!!


  1. I have some plans for this fall break. My grandparents and my family are going to Gatlinburg. We are going to hike in the mountains and go to Dollywood. I also enjoy many things about fall. I like fall because my birthday is during fall. I love the holidays of Halloween and Thanksgiving. I also love how the leaves change color and fall to the ground. The only thing I don't like about fall is that the weather starts to get cold. Hopefully, school will go by fast so we can enjoy fall break!

  2. On fall break I will be going to Washington D.C. My mom has work up there so my grandma and I will go along. On that Friday night we will go to an MLS soccer game. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Everyone comes to our house and we have a basketball tournament. I love watching college football, too.

  3. I love a lot of things about fall. First, I love camping in the fall. I also love cuddling up in a blanket with coffee or hot chocolate watching movies. My favorite thing in fall though is basketball season starts.

  4. Gatlinburg! Washington, D.C.! Camping! Sounds great! Fall break is only one week away! Write on!

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  6. During fall break I'm going to my grandmas house in Chattanooga. There, I'm going to an amusement park called Lake Winnie. I love jumping in leaves, and I love the weather of fall. Also, my favorite holiday is Halloween.

  7. Over fall break I am going to Cumberland Mountain State Park. We go at least twice a year or more. I think that my favorite part about going is the restaraunt because they have a big restaraunt inside the park with a buffett, really good dessert, and a great lake view where you can see ducks walking around. Another thing i really like about the park is that there are multiple spots where you can fish. There are also trails that I enjoy hiking. It is one of my favorite places to go on vacation.

  8. Overall, spring is my favorite season, but I love fall, too, because of the bright colors and mild weather ������! Besides Fall Break, Halloween ��, and Thanksgiving, I get to celebrate another special occasion—my birthday in November! �� Fall is a season for birthdays in our family. I plan to relax, work on school projects, and spend time with family over Fall Break. We currently don't have anything road trips planned, but that could change! ��

  9. My favorite over all of the seasons is fall because of the colors and it gets colder. I like that basketball starts, but I'm not playing this year because of my knee. My plans for fall break are to sleep, eat, and watch tv. My brother is coming home for a few days from college and I'm happy about that. That's probably the only thing that I'm looking forward to this fall break. My favorite holiday is Thanksgiving because I get to see my whole family and the food for sure.

  10. Fall is my favorite season! I plan to start practice for Nutcracker. Halloween is also a big deal for my family. Also it's starting to become sweater weather and ugg boot season, which are always waited for. The weather is so nice this time of the season too!

  11. I love Autumn, it's definitely my favorite season. I love that it's not too hot or cold, and it's just beautiful. My plans for Fall Break are absolutely nothing. My family never seems to go anywhere for any break except Christmas. It's kind of annoying to be honest, but I could definitely use a couple of days off.

  12. This fall break I'm going to stay home and relax. Past years, I would go to Florida or Gatlinburg. But this year I'm going to sleep in and watch tv. That's what I'm going to do this fall break.

  13. I love fall! All the different colors and great weather is absolutely wonderful! My definite favorite part is the clothes! I'm planning on doing anything for fall break, (other than going to the dentist😝) so I will probably plan my fall wardrobe. My favorite outfit is my uggs, leggings, and a big sweatshirt! I wish I could wear that everyday! I can't wait until it's colder!

  14. This fall break I'm going to work on my A.H. project. Fall is my second favorite season. I love the leaves on the trees when they change color, because they're so bright and pretty. I love to go to haunted houses and watch people getting scared. It's just so humorous! My favorite part about the fall is when my grandmother organizes the Goostree hay ride, which is like a cookout for friends, family, and our church. They hay ride usually comes at the end of the cookout. I'm super excited for my cousin's wedding though!

  15. For fall break, I'm not doing so much exciting things. I have a research paper to do, and don't have much time for it. I will have some friends over though to have some fun. Also I plan to get fitted for a new SeeMore putter by a pro. That's my fall break plans.

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  17. Fall break is the first break of the school year, so naturally everyone is excited. This fall break, though, I will be working on my American History project and staying at home. Fall is my favorite season of the year. I'm very excited about fall break because there is no school.

  18. I will be visiting my family for my uncle's birthday for fall break. Fall isn't my favorite season but it is one of the most fun. There's jumping in the leaves and it's not too hot or cold. Also it's just a few months before Christmas, the "gift season." Also in fall it shows you how close you are to the end of the year and you can look back on how far you've come in the year. Either way fall is as fun or as boring, bearable or annoying as you make it.

  19. For fall break, I don't think I'm doing anything. However, I'm looking forward to fall for many reasons. Number one, the weather is really nice. Number two, a lot of sports are tv and that's fun to watch. Last, but not least, is the clothes. All the warm fuzzy boots, leggings, sweatshirts, and sweaters. That is definitely my favorite part about fall. So in conclusion fall is not my favorite, but it's one step closer to getting out of school.

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  22. On fall break I will be working on my go cart and practicing baseball.I like fall break because it is the first break of the year.I like fall break because you can stay up later and do more things.I also like to watch football.

  23. Only ONE MORE DAY for the blog . . . and until FALL BREAK! Write on!

  24. I love fall! Fall is one of my favorite seasons because you get all your blankets out, burn fall candles, get new sweaters, and binge watch. During fall the activities outside my decrease but the style increases. I love going shopping during the fall for fall candles and many other fall related items such as new blankets, clothing, etc. Fall is all in all one of my favorite seasons because of these reasons.

  25. I love fall because it starts all the great and fun holidays. You also get to go to haunted houses and dress up for Halloween. Fall starts the first official break from school and I think everyone is excited about that. For fall break I'm going to Atlanta to visit the Coke factory. That is why fall is my favorite season and what I'm doing for fall break.

  26. Hope that everyone had a great break! Blog is now closed.
