Monday, February 27, 2017

Class of 2021 -- Blog #7 -- The Light at the End of the Tunnel . . . !

It is really hard to believe, but our 8th grade year together is quickly drawing to a close.  By the end of this week, you will have completed 75% of 8th grade, with only one nine-weeks' grading period remaining.

It seems like only yesterday, that we were talking about Johnny Tremain, Animal Farm and creating amazing pumpkin projects!

We were getting ready for the holidays and having a fun time with students at Stratton!

We were hoping for snow days, and getting none, while we muddled through research projects, presentations and reading Julius Caesar!

Now, here we are!  It's the end of March, and we can see the light at the end of the proverbial 8th grade tunnel!

So, here's the question.  How are you going to make the last 25% of your 8th grade year the best?  How are you going to improve grades (not just English!)?  How are you going to enjoy time with friends?  How are you going to do your best in all aspects of life?

Please respond in TWO to THREE complete sentences for TWO extra credit points.  Remember these are weighted like tests, so it's really like SIX extra points in your cumulative total!  This blog will close on Friday, 3/3/17 at midnight!  WRITE ON!!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Class of 2021 -- Blog #6 -- Where's the SNOW??

We've been waiting and waiting; hoping and hoping; wishing and wishing!  We've watched for the SnowBird, but he's not flying; we've worn our pajamas inside out with no luck; we've done snow dances and looked just plain silly! So . . . where's the snow?

 Really?  Thousands of feet (well, not exactly!) up north, and that's just not fair!  Almost no snow for Tennessee this year! Temperatures have been mild -- even warm -- for much of our "so-called" winter!  We've been robbed of a full snow day!  (True, we got out early one day, but we've still been robbed!)

We've all got spring fever, and it's only the middle of February! It is quite disheartening!  We need a break from school!  (Yes, even the teachers!)

So, we ponder the meaning of life, and why we have not been blessed with any snow days!

Alas, there is hope!  Monday, February 20th is a HOLIDAY!  We get a long weekend!  Finally!
How will you spend your long weekend?  Shopping?  Sleeping?  Roadtrip?

For three extra credit points, write THREE complete sentences explaining how you will spend the approximate 89 hours of your long weekend!  This blog will close on Tuesday, 2/21/17 at midnight.

Enjoy your little break, even though we all still want SNOW!