Monday, February 27, 2017

Class of 2021 -- Blog #7 -- The Light at the End of the Tunnel . . . !

It is really hard to believe, but our 8th grade year together is quickly drawing to a close.  By the end of this week, you will have completed 75% of 8th grade, with only one nine-weeks' grading period remaining.

It seems like only yesterday, that we were talking about Johnny Tremain, Animal Farm and creating amazing pumpkin projects!

We were getting ready for the holidays and having a fun time with students at Stratton!

We were hoping for snow days, and getting none, while we muddled through research projects, presentations and reading Julius Caesar!

Now, here we are!  It's the end of March, and we can see the light at the end of the proverbial 8th grade tunnel!

So, here's the question.  How are you going to make the last 25% of your 8th grade year the best?  How are you going to improve grades (not just English!)?  How are you going to enjoy time with friends?  How are you going to do your best in all aspects of life?

Please respond in TWO to THREE complete sentences for TWO extra credit points.  Remember these are weighted like tests, so it's really like SIX extra points in your cumulative total!  This blog will close on Friday, 3/3/17 at midnight!  WRITE ON!!


  1. I am going to improve my grades by making sure i am prepared more and no what i am doing before I do it. I want to also spend the rest of the year being with friends that may leave. I will do my best in my life by thinking of how God would act. I will also be sure i make all my friends feel special and wanted. Not leaving anyone out of anything.

  2. I want to study hard to make straight A's, so I can skip the final exams. I want to hang out with my friends more outside of school, like going to a movie or something. I am going to make the best quarter yet by thinking bad about anything, only optimism and no stress.

  3. I am gonna work my hardest to improve my grades and work on my friendships. I am gonna study harder and finish my homework the day it is assigned. I am gonna help plan some times where we can hang out together and try to focus on them more than i have been and connect with people i havent in a while.

  4. I'm going to improve my grades by studying and doing the things earlier then the day before. I also will hang out with my friends more instead of going home and doing nothing, I'll talk to them more. To do better in the aspect in life I will read the Bible more, understand it, & apply it

  5. I am going to improve my grades by preparing myself with plenty of time before the assingment is due. I am going to try to do more with my friends as 8th comes to an end. I will try to hang out with more than my usual friend group. I want to try to get to know more people in our grade. To do better in my life overall, I want to start thinking about what Jesus would do before I just do things. I want to make sure people know I'm a christian, & have no doubts about that.

  6. I'm going to make the last 25% of this year the best by staying on top of everything. I am going to improve my grades by studying as hard as I possibly can and working to the best of my ability. I'm going to enjoy the time I have at school with friends and invite them to hang. Im going to improve in all aspects of life by acting like Christ would, and that's how I'm going to make the rest of this year better.

  7. I have had a great school year. I hope to make some more friends and get to hang out with my friends more. I have learned so much and I appreciate all of the teachers helping me.

  8. I'm going to improve my grade by not play video games. Finish those IXLs on time , study really hard on tests and behave myself.

  9. I'm going to improve my grades by focusing on my studies and turning work in on time. I need to prioritize my time with friends and homework so I have enough time for both!!

  10. I want to start my grades with A's so that I'll have a better change of getting all A's next 9 weeks.

  11. I want to finish my grades out this year well with all A's. I also want to spend more time with people who may be leaving next year. I would also like to this more on how God would do things. Or how he would act.

  12. I plan to finish this school year strong by staying ahead of my class work, and completing homework as soon as it is assigned. I have had great grades so far, and I intend on keeping them that way. My grades for this school year have, literally, been the best grades I've ever made, and being exempt from the finals is where I'm headed.

  13. This last nine weeks I am going to do my best to get good grades! I am also going to make great memories with my friends! This year has been so much fun so I want to finish it out strong!!

  14. I'm going to make the best of the remaining 25% of the year by, turning in all my work on time. I will also enjoy the fun and funny moments with my friends a little more.

  15. It's scary to think I will be a freshman next year. I am going to make the last 25% of 8th grade count! I want to spend it with my friends and getting better grades. During my first year of high school softball I would sure love to make it to state! Towards the end of the year everybody tends to slack off, but this year I want to finish out strong.

  16. These last nine weeks are going to be AWESOME! WRITE ON!

  17. WOW. Freshman. It has a good ring to it. I am going to make the lat 25% of this year by making the best grades i can. I want to end on the best note possible. I want to go to as many activities and games as possible so I can hang out with my friends. I want to be able to turn my homework in on time and strive for the best grades I have had yet. I want to finish this year out strong and on the best note.

  18. This 9 weeks I'm gonna strive to do the best I can. I want to be able to hang out with my friends as much as I can. Not only this is our last 9 weeks the year this is our last 9 weeks of being a middle schooler. I'm gonna try and make all A's this 9 weeks and be exempted from all of my exams. I'm gonna do my best these last 9 weeks of being a middle schooler.

  19. I'm going to have as much fun as possible..... and still keep my grades up. I seriously can not believe I'm going to be in high school!!!!
    ! Life has gone so fast!! I'm going to make the best of my last year of middle school. I know Washington and banquet will be fun. I still plan to hang out with friends this summer too.

  20. Honestly, I'd barely noticed how close I am to high school until recently. I'm going to make sure and keep my grades up, especially algebra, as I head towards the end of the year! Of course, I'll also be hanging with my friends when I'm free.

  21. For the last nine weeks, I'm going to try my best. I'm going to try and make good test grades, and finish all my homework. I am also going to try to get better at baseball.

  22. The last nine weeks I'm going to try and push to the end. I am going to make it count because after this year I have to go to high school, and deal with those crazy people everyday. For the last nine weeks I'm going to not stress everything to the last minute like I've done for a while and get everything done faster than the night before.

  23. With this last nine weeks grading period I'm going to not stress and just have fun. This is our last year of middle school so I'm going to make these last few months great. I will work hard to keep my grades up but will spend time with friends when I can.

  24. With my last 25% of 8th grade I'm going to try to push myself to get my grades up. I'm also going to try to hang out with my friends as much as possible because it's our last year in middle school.

  25. For the final nine weeks, im going to put 150% into everything i do. I need to be ready for highschool. Im going to improve in all my grades and try to be exempt from all of my classes. Thats how i will spend my final 9 weeks.

  26. For my last 9 weeks, I will try to be more organized with work. I will try my very best to work around my sports scedule. I will definitely try to improve on the, "oh, its just a quiz, it's okay" saying. I need to do my best in every piece of work I do. I feel like these last 9 weeks will be the best 9 weeks of this school year!

  27. For my last nine weeks of middle school, I am going to make the most of it. Whether it be in the classroom, and improving my grades. It can also be with my friends, I have made a lot of new friends this year because of the assignments that we do for class. I am going to savor every moment, and learn not to stress out over everything.

  28. For my last 9 weeks I am going to try to make the most of it. This is our last 9 weeks of middle school and my goal is to make a lasting impact.

  29. Great ideas! I'm excited about the great things you are going to do as high school students SOON! WRITE ON!

  30. For my last 25% of my school year I'm going to try to not me as lazy. Also I am going to try to no procrastinate on any assignments and make the most of this last 25%.

  31. For my last 9 weeks I'm going to try to be exempt from all my exams at the end of the year. Also, I want to spend time with my friends as much as possible. I think this last 9 weeks will be the best!!!!!

  32. For my last 25% of this nine weeks, I'm going to strive to be exempt from all my exams. I will not procrastinate on any of my assignments and turn them in on time.

  33. Keep up the good work! Blog closes at midnight tonight! Write on!

  34. For the last nine weeks I plan on getting exempt from all of my exams. I also want to spend more time with my friends outside of school. I know this nine weeks is going to be a great end to middle school!

  35. Good job! This blog is now closed.
