Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Class of 2023 -- Blog #5 A CHRISTMAS WISH

It is hard to believe that we are now in December -- my favorite month of the year!  We are only a couple of weeks away from Christmas!  Lists have been made, and shopping has begun.  Trees are being decorated, and stockings are being hung on mantles!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!  (Hey, that sounds like a song!!)

All of us love the presents and frivolity of the season -- of course!  However, when we really think of the season, there is so much more.  If we really look at our "needs" vs. our "wants," I would guess that there are few things that many of us really need.  We have so much -- what more could we really need? 

In our world, there is so much turmoil.  There is so much stress.  There is so much hurt.   Wouldn't it be great, if we could just wrap up a present - a wish -- to make things go away?   It would be so nice to just make things better or to make things happier. 

So, if you could have one wish for the world, what would it be?  Please write a minimum of four sentences for four extra credit points.  This blog will close on Friday, 12/14.  Merry Christmas to you all!  (If you experience difficulty in posting online, you may write out the blog, and turn it in by Friday, 12/14.  Write on! 


  1. One wish that I would want for the world is for everyone to always be happy and peaceful. For there not to be any stress. Where nobody would ever have to worry about anything. People could live joyfully and happily. Then everyone would get along and live life to the fullest with no worries or concerns.

  2. I want thre to be nothing to worry about. I want everyone to be happy. Ther to b anything and everything everyone wanted. I wish I could get a ranger 18’’ boat. So that me and my cousin could go fishing on the lake. I also wish there are no hard times.

  3. I want there to be a peaceful world. There is nothing to worry about. People don’t have to cry because some one did something bad. Everyone would be super happy. That is the wish I would make.

  4. If I had a wish for the world I guess it would be that everyone to stop being so mean to each other. But that’s not going to happen because everyone’s different. People don’t always see eye to eye. People have different likes and dislikes.

  5. If I had a wish to make it would be to have peace in the world. Having peace would be amazing. Imagine what our world would be without people stealing and being mean. It would be a wonderful world.

  6. These are wonderful ideas that would certainly make our world a better place! Write on!

  7. If I had a wish to make this world better it would be no stress. I think that everyone on this earth has dealer with stress. Stress is an awful thing to deal with because it can ruin lives. I wish that everyone would be peaceful with no stress.

  8. I wish for there to be no hungry people in the world. I feel everyone would be happier if they had all the food they needed. Our world would be great if everyone had the food they needed to stay healthy. That is my Christmas wish for the world.

  9. One wish I have for the world is to end world hunger. I hate to think how sometimes we have too much food and throw it away, but we could’ve given our leftovers to some one hungry. There are people starving all over the world in desperate need of vitamins and nutrients. A good way of doing this is through food drive.

  10. One wish I have for the world is to have peace. The world is full of so many bad things, and we need more good in the world. Having peace would solve a lot of our problems. It would improve our world very much if we had peace.

  11. Wonderful wishes! I love your thinking! Write on!

  12. One wish I have for the world is for everyone to be provided with food and shelter. We take the food we eat and the houses we live in for granted. Lots of families don’t have these privileges and it would make their lives a million times better with these necessities. That is my Christmas wish for the world.

  13. One wish I would have is for everything to be free. If everything was free we could all have what we wanted. That would be awesome to be able to walk in a store and say hey I want this and leave. We would have to find a way to prevent stealing but it would still be awesome.

  14. Great ideas! This blog is now closed! Merry Christmas!
