Thursday, December 11, 2014

Blog # 8 -- Merry Christmas!!!

Well, students --

The first semester is almost history!  It's been an interesting year so far, and I've really enjoyed getting to know you all!  I look forward to second semester, but not until after a nice Christmas break!

I wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season!  I hope you enjoy your time off, and have a great Christmas!

I have it on good authority that Santa just may read this blog!  So here's your chance! 

What is on your Christmas list?  What is the thing you want most for Christmas?  What are you most looking forward to during the holidays?  Do you have a special trip planned, or are friends and family coming to visit? What are your favorite family traditions of Christmas? 

Please respond in three to four sentences for 3 bonus points!  Responses will be due by Friday, 12/19!  Merry Christmas! 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Blog # 7 -- How 'bout those RESEARCH PAPERS!!!

It is hard to believe, but your research papers are almost finished!  I am very proud of the hard work and effort that most students have put into this very time-consuming and important project!  From what I have seen, these papers are well researched and well written.  I look forward to reading all of them over the next several weeks!

I hope that you feel a sense of accomplishment with the completion of this major task.  If you worked hard and diligently on the paper, you have every reason to be proud of your work.  If you did not do your best work, you really need to stop and consider why.  You will have innumerable tasks before you in your future, and you need to truly create good habit in making sure you accomplish them!

For three extra credit points, please respond to these questions:

1.  Did you enjoy researching your paper topic?  Why or why not?

2.  Did you feel that our process was clear and easy to understand?

3.  What did you like about the project?

4.  What would you change about the project, if you were the teacher?  (Not having a research paper is NOT an option btw!)

Your response should be stated in 3 to 4 complete sentences!  Responses are due by Friday, 12/12.

Have a good day!

Mrs. S