Friday, December 5, 2014

Blog # 7 -- How 'bout those RESEARCH PAPERS!!!

It is hard to believe, but your research papers are almost finished!  I am very proud of the hard work and effort that most students have put into this very time-consuming and important project!  From what I have seen, these papers are well researched and well written.  I look forward to reading all of them over the next several weeks!

I hope that you feel a sense of accomplishment with the completion of this major task.  If you worked hard and diligently on the paper, you have every reason to be proud of your work.  If you did not do your best work, you really need to stop and consider why.  You will have innumerable tasks before you in your future, and you need to truly create good habit in making sure you accomplish them!

For three extra credit points, please respond to these questions:

1.  Did you enjoy researching your paper topic?  Why or why not?

2.  Did you feel that our process was clear and easy to understand?

3.  What did you like about the project?

4.  What would you change about the project, if you were the teacher?  (Not having a research paper is NOT an option btw!)

Your response should be stated in 3 to 4 complete sentences!  Responses are due by Friday, 12/12.

Have a good day!

Mrs. S


  1. 1. yes, cause I knew a lot about my topic.
    2. yes, because I knew all of the signs and meanings.
    3. That it was easy and I got to learn more about my topic.
    4. To only write a half of a page and write 10 note cards.

  2. 1) Yes because I knew almost nothing about Paine.
    2) Yes, we've already written a paper. This year it seemed like we used almost the same process as we did last year. That made everything easy to understand.
    3) It wasn't just a "blah-blah" this "blah-blah" that project. We actually got into it this year, at least I did. It's not because I put more effort into this year's (although that might be the case). Last year I knew a lot about Bell and decided I didn't want to learn any more about him. This year, because I knew nothing about Paine, I really went for it.
    4) Aw man. If not that then I would not limit the pages to be written. Nor would I limit the amount of notecards. Actually, I might raise the note card requirement a little, but give them more time to work. It might be a little tedious to read the longer papers though.

  3. Good job, guys! Keep those responses coming!

  4. 1. Yes, because I got to learn about Alexander Graham Bell
    2. I understood it, because I've written a research paper before
    3. I got to learn things about my topic that I wouldve never known If I never did the project
    4. I would make the notecard requirement to 30, and make the minimum amount of pages one

  5. 1) I enjoyed researching my topic, because I thought I knew a lot about The Beatles, but I was actually surprised by how much I learned.
    2) I thought this year was a lot clearer than last year because it is the same process as last year, but now this isn't my first time doing a research paper.
    3) It was a interesting project that most people who hadn't done would say is boring.
    4) I agree with Phillip (cough, cough, Samuel) on the limit of pages and notecards, although you would have to read super long papers.

  6. A one page research paper? I don't think so . . .

  7. 1. Yes, because I got to learn about Thomas Jefferson.
    2. I did think that some of the steps were difficult to do.
    3. I liked that I got to find out things that I didn't know about Thomas Jefferson.
    4. If I were the teacher, I would change the amount of pages that we would have to write.

  8. 1. Yes. Because i really wanted to learn more about Oprah Winfrey
    2.Some parts were easy but at times it was frustrating.
    3.I liked getting to know more abouyt Oprah's childhood
    4.If i was the teacher i would change the amount of index cards and the number of pages

  9. 1) I enjoyed my research paper. Michael Jordan was really fun to learn about.
    2) Yes because I have written a research paper before so it wasnt that confusing.
    3) I liked learning about all the acomplishments Michael had made in his life.
    4) I would let the students choose who they wanted to do the paper about. I would decrease the amount of index cards.

  10. Conner Bennett
    1. I enjoyed learning more about Tom Brady.
    2. Yes.
    3. I liked learning the stats and background of Tom Brady.
    4. Decrease the index cards and increase time to complete paper.

  11. 1. Yes, learning about Ty Cobb was interesting since I love baseball
    2. It was similar to last year.
    3. I liked to it in sections instead of just telling us it was due in a few weeks.
    4. Using fewer note cards would be nice since I didn't put several in the paper.
