Friday, April 10, 2015

Blog #13 -- Spring Fever!!

Well, the verdict is in!  The doctor has spoken!  The truth is out!
Many of our 8th graders have come down with . . . SPRING FEVER!

What is it?  Is it contagious?  Is it curable?  Well, that depends.

First of all, what is it?  What are the symptoms?  Do you have any of these symptoms?
While some things associated with spring fever are harmless and fun, others may be detrimental to your health -- academic or otherwise.

"Spring fever" is defined as a feeling of restlessness and excitement felt at the beginning of spring.
Surges in energy, feelings of happiness and excitement and general restlessness are all symptoms.  Additional symptoms include: general distractibility, bad attitude, back-talking to teachers, an overall lack of interest in school, sudden loss of attention to homework, and a general urge to go have fun 24/7.   Sometimes a tendency to make poor decisions (in addition to those mentioned above) have been noted.  It has also been noted by several Goodpasture teachers and administrators that some of our students are exhibiting some of these symptoms.

Secondly, is spring fever contagious?  Definitely.  Persons should take careful consideration before following others' examples.  Don't let others lead you into things that you know are wrong.  A sure sign of a person with spring fever is becoming more of a follower than a leader.   It is fine to enjoy the fun activities of springs -- just don't overdo it!

Finally, is spring fever curable?  Yes!  Just hang on!  Continue to do your best.  Stay the course.  Just a few weeks of school left, and then your spring fever will give way to SUMMER BREAK!

Do you or someone you know have these symptoms?  If so, explain!  How can you combat this dreaded disorder for the final few weeks of school.  Be creative, (and nice!) and respond in at least five sentences for five extra credit points!

Blog will be open from Friday, April 10 - Friday, April 24th!  Write on! 


  1. I have "Spring Fever." In one of my classes recently, I found myself being distracted by dumb things like games on my IPad. One way I try to keep from getting distracted is deleting all of my games and music from my IPad, so I can stay focused and not play games. I saw two people getting distracted in one of my classes. I sometimes see one of them either watching videos or playing games in class. With the other one, I sometimes see them texting and playing games in class.

  2. Yes, I definitely have "Spring Fever." It is so hard not to! My friends and I have been talking about how ready we are for summer. When we start talking about it, it makes it even worse. We all want to sleep in and get away from pencils and paper! You can get rid of spring fever by just thinking about the fact that we are almost done. The more work you do, the closer you get to the last day of school!

  3. I think we ALL have spring fever! Write on!

  4. I think I have "Spring Fever." It is getting so close to summer and I am so excited! I have been very lazy with doing homework lately. If you do your homework and all the assingments that you are supposed to do, you will get all the stress relieved off of you. I think a way you can get rid of spring fever is thinking of summer and all of the fun you are going to have after school is over! Summer is almost here, I think we can all make it to the finish line!

  5. I definitely have "Spring Fever". I have been lazy on homework and messing around in class. I think it is because we are ready for school to be done with. I am very exited for summer that is right around the corner. I am also trying to be exempt from all classes. I think I need a cure for "spring fever"!

  6. Yes, I have Spring fever.I am trying to not to play games in class.Its so hard to not do any thing in class. I just can't wait for summer. I just close my eyes and listen to only the teacher talking so I can't do anything on my I pad. It's all most over.

  7. yes!! i have spring fever. im trying to stay string but im just so ready for the summer. i have a countdown till i will be leaving to go on my cruise and i think it would help easier if i did not have to go to school. i have recently got distracted alot in class cause i think of me in the beach swimmimg and having fun. but i try to think if wish i was at the beach already then next day it will be time for me to leave and i would wish i was still in school. so im just taking everyday slow so i can just prepare for the cruise. and my birthday for the summer.

  8. We have a busy couple weeks of English, so hang on! The end is in sight! At least now more IXL! Write on!

  9. Yes, I have spring fever. I have been lazy about doing my schoolwork. I am ready for summer. I can't wait until I go to the beach. I think about school being almost over so I won't have spring fever. I can't wait until school is over and summer arrives.

  10. Absolutely, I have spring fever! I get so jumpy and bored at school from sitting still all day. It's so pretty outside and all I want to do is go outside all da. I know all my friends have it too all we can talk about is summer plans and things to do on the weekends. I am so happy spring is here.

  11. Yes, I have spring fever. I try to forget about it by pretending the year isn't almost over and try as hard as I can. I know a few people who also have spring fever. I try helping them by reminding them we have a test tomorrow or some homework done. I do think spring fever is curable, I think the best solution is for summer to get here as hast as possible.

  12. Yep! I think you ALL have it! Write on!

  13. Yes, I have spring fever! I have been lazy on getting homework done and procrastinating until the last second. I can't wait for football next year and going to the beach with all my friends. I think about how close we are to being done, and that seems to help. I'm ready for summer!

  14. This is late but I hope it can get counted. Every spring fever that is available hit our electronics the past month. It has hit me. We are going on some trips this summer. I think my mind was focused on basketball. I am sorry.

  15. I definitely have spring fever! I can't wait for school to end so I can have along time to myself. I don't think you can cure spring fever. Atleast for me I can't cure it. I just can't wait for summer break and for going to the beach!
