Monday, February 15, 2016

Class of 2020 -- Blog #8 -- Pets Corner

So many of us have extensions of our family with special friends.  Whether four-legged fur balls, slimy reptiles, or whiskered kittens, for many, pets are important parts of our life.

Over the years, the Sweet household has been home to many pets.  Cats -- Sassy, Mango, Sunny and Stormy.  Dogs -- Beau, Princess, Elvis, Moose, Missy, Lizzy, Lucy, Duke, Scout, Ginger, Sadie, and Fergus.  Goats -- Butch, Sundance, Nannie, and too many to really remember!  We don't do slimy, creepy or scalie things though.

Currently, we have a cat and two dogs.  Stormy, our tabby cat, is almost 17 years old.  Yes, she wsa born in 1999, and has been part of our family for a long time.  She runs the house, by the way!

Our dog, Sadie, is a Labradane -- a mix of a Great Dane and a Labrador Retriever.  She's a pretty big baby, but is an absolute sweetheart.  She loves to ride in the car and go duck hunting.

Fergus, is a rescue Bagle -- a cross breed of a Beagle and Bassett Hound.  He is a hoot, and is spoiled rotten!  He loves table food, and is a little pudge!

For this blog response, I want you to tell me about your pets.    If you don't have a pet, tell me about the choice not to have one.  (That's fine!  Pets are not necessarily everyone's thing!)  If you don't have one, is there a type of pet that you would like to have?

Write five sentences in your response for FIVE bonus points!  This blog will close on Wednesday, 2/24!  We are heading toward the end of the grading period, so WRITE ON!! 


  1. I have three dogs. I have a golden retriever named Gracie, a chocolate lab named Hershey, and a griffin named Mystery. I used to have other dogs but one died and we had to give two dogs away. We have had Hershey and Gracie for eight years and we just got Mystery seven months ago. My family and I love dogs we are not really other animal people.

  2. I have two dogs, Ace and, Bella. I have had ace since i was just a youngen. Ace stands for Anna, Caleb and, Eli. I have had Bella for three years. These are my dogs.

  3. I have two dogs, and one cat. My dogs' names are Yeager and Spotty. My cat's name is Kiki. Up until recently, I had three dogs. In December, my dog, Hunter, died. He was 13 years old. That is all about my pets.

  4. I have three amazing dogs, Rummy, Stud, and Jack. Rummy is a 17 year old beagle that is very inactive. Stud is a 5 year old beagle that is a little chubby, but that's because he sometimes sneaks a couple f things from our trash can! Then there's Jack and we don't know what kind of dog he is. We think that he's a mix between a beagle, bloodhound, black lab, and pit bull. I did originally have 6 dogs but the others died. There names were Kodie Joe (I know awesome name right?), Molly, and Boo. Then I also had a pet cat named Kitty Soft Paws. I named it after the girl cat in the movie 'Puss in Boots', but then we found out it was a boy so it was kinda awkward when I named it after a girl.

  5. I have one really cute puppy. She is a mini Australian Shepard. Her name is Josie. My dog is very smart and fluffy. She knows how to sit, shake, lay, and stay. One day, my family and I hope to one day train her to be an agility dog. My little brother and I love to play with her. We play with her so much, she can easily become very hyper.

  6. I have two dogs. A boy and a girl. They're both goldendoodles. I got Lucy in 2009. She was only 6 weeks old. A few years later we decided that we wanted to let her have a litter of puppies. So we bred her in February 2015. She had 6 puppies on April 18, 2015. (The day after 7th and 8th grade banquet!) we kept the puppies for 8 weeks then sold them. We kept one of them. His name is Ryker. He is very big! He's bigger than his momma! (Lucy) :)

  7. I have one dog named Moe. He is a Chihuahua and Jack Russel mix. My grandmother adopted him for us in 2010. My mom doesn't like dogs so Moe has to live with my grandmother. I always ask her why Moe can't stay with us and she says because we have Brynnley. Maybe one day she will change her mind!

  8. I have a dog named Taffy. She's a 7 year old brown poodle. I also have a rescue cat named Merlin. He's less than one and blond. I love them both but want more dogs and cats.

  9. I have three cats. There names are Tiger, Bangsy, and Knuckles. There very cute and fluffy. Knuckles is very shy and tiger is very skiddish. Bangsy is very lazy.

  10. I have two dogs, boy and girl. The boy's name is Samson and the girl's name is Jingles because we got her during Christmas around six years ago. They are brother and sister and their birthdays are both in May like mine. They need a haircut because they look like sheepdogs right now but they're both cocker spaniels. I love them to death!

  11. I only have one dog. Her name is Isabella, and she's a Yorkshire terrier. She'll turn four years old in March. I was so excited when I got her. I got her for Christmas in 2013, and she was ten months old.

  12. As of now I have two dogs, named Pablo and Mia. I adopted Mia near the time of the flood in 2010 and she was deathly ill. We went to a shelter where I asked if they had any puppies and she was the only one. She was in a tiny cage in a room by herself. She was 4 weeks old and was about 2 pounds. I wanted to take her home that day but since she was so young I wasn't able to. They also said that she wasn't going to make it but being 6-7 years old I didn't really comprehend that. Fortunately she made it with an expensive vet bill and afterwards we attempted to train her. She was so little and when we took her to training they told us she was a Pomeranian. I was so excited I had always wanted a tiny dog I could carry around everywhere. Well as of today she is a 40 pound black lab. I also have a dog named Pablo he is quite annoying and only enjoys sleep. In the summer of 2014 I fostered some dogs and came across him. He is some type of dog not really sure. He looks like a chihuahua but is much bigger. My dad hates Pablo because he only barks at him. But both dogs do that.

  13. As of right now I only have a goldfish whose name is Goldie. I got her as a prize at a camp when I was about 6 or 7. We used to have a dog named Maggie, but she had epilepsy and we eventually had to put her down. I would like another dog, but currently we don't have any plans to get one. If I could have a dog, I would choose a female mixed breed and would name her Eleanor.

  14. I have 1 dog named slugger. He is a shih-tzu. He got him for n early Christmas present in late November. He is a boy and I'm very happy I got him

  15. I have a dog named gabby. She is a mutt (go mutts!) My theory is that she is a mixture of German shepherd and a hound. The only reason I don't think she's a German shepherd is because her ears are droopy. She sheds a lot because is a softie at heart.

  16. I have one dog named Honey. She is a Jack-Russel mix and she is wild and crazy! She loves to run around, chew on everything, especially paper, and she loves to play. Even though most of the time she is crazy, she can be really sweet and she'll just let you love on her and she will lay in your lap sometimes. She also loves outside. Whenever she hears that word she'll tilt her head, get really excited, and then run to the door. Honey is 1, and she just turned 1 on February 7th. Even though she can be a pain and get on your nerves sometimes, I still love her anyways.

  17. I have one dog. I used to have two, but my other dog died of a disease that beagles get. His name was buddy and he was a dog that I found in the woods when I was little. My dog that I have currently is three years old. His name is Jack and he is also a beagle. That is all about my pets.

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  19. I have one cat named Sammie. I used to have a dog but he died. Sammie is 7 years old. I love her so much

  20. I LOVED reading about your pets! The love and passion you have for them came shining through in your writing! The blog is now closed! Thanks for sharing! Write on!
