Thursday, February 16, 2017

Class of 2021 -- Blog #6 -- Where's the SNOW??

We've been waiting and waiting; hoping and hoping; wishing and wishing!  We've watched for the SnowBird, but he's not flying; we've worn our pajamas inside out with no luck; we've done snow dances and looked just plain silly! So . . . where's the snow?

 Really?  Thousands of feet (well, not exactly!) up north, and that's just not fair!  Almost no snow for Tennessee this year! Temperatures have been mild -- even warm -- for much of our "so-called" winter!  We've been robbed of a full snow day!  (True, we got out early one day, but we've still been robbed!)

We've all got spring fever, and it's only the middle of February! It is quite disheartening!  We need a break from school!  (Yes, even the teachers!)

So, we ponder the meaning of life, and why we have not been blessed with any snow days!

Alas, there is hope!  Monday, February 20th is a HOLIDAY!  We get a long weekend!  Finally!
How will you spend your long weekend?  Shopping?  Sleeping?  Roadtrip?

For three extra credit points, write THREE complete sentences explaining how you will spend the approximate 89 hours of your long weekend!  This blog will close on Tuesday, 2/21/17 at midnight.

Enjoy your little break, even though we all still want SNOW!


  1. What I will be doing on my long weekend is attending my volleyball tournament at A-game. This tournament will go on from Saturday to Sunday. Then most likely on Monday i will finish up my homework that's due for the week.

  2. This weekend, I'll have to do my homework first off. After that, my friends and I may go out and have fun. It doesn't matter what we do, for it's usually a good time. Of course, I'll also probably have to cook at home as well. This is what I'll be doing this weekend.

  3. For my long weekend I am hanging out with friends and family. On Saturaday I have a birthday party to go to for my cousin. Monday I will probably just do homework and watch Netflix.

  4. For my long weekend, I will be catching up on homework. My cheer team also leaves for Dallas next weekend, so I have practice this Sunday. Most importantly, I am going to catch on my sleep!!

  5. For my long weekend, I will be trying to get ahead on homework. I have cheer practice on Saturday. On Sunday we have friends coming to our house to hang out. On Monday I will be trying to get ahead on homework, because next weekend we are going to West Virginia to go snow skiing!!

  6. For my long weekend i am going to watch Netflix, catch up on homework, and go shopping. Tonight i am going to eat and watch netflix. On Sunday i am going shopping for banquet shoes and to look around a little bit. Sunday i do not know what my plans are. On Monday i am just going to sleep and watch netflix.

  7. For my long weekend I'm going to get my Across Five Aprils book and finish homework. I'm also going to go shopping for my Washington outfit. Lastly, I'm going to hangout with my parents; we'll probably do something fun!!

  8. For my long weekend i will be spending it in bed. Im going to finish all my homework, and i will be hanging with some friends. I will be finishing up my English IXL's and with some bible I didnt finish.Going to be a fun weekend!

  9. For my long weekend, I will be spending it catching up and getting ahead on all my homework. On Sunday, I have High School Softball practice. On Monday, I am hopefully going banquet dress shopping. I'm so excited for this weekend!

  10. For my long weekend, I will be playing softball and catching up on homework. Saturday and Sunday I did homework in the morning and had softball both evenings. Monday I will be going shopping for my banquet dress and then going to softball practice for high school.

  11. So far during my long weekend I've had a volleyball tournament for the past two days. We got second in the gold bracket. Tomorrow ill most likely be chilling in bed or doing the essay for your class. 😬😂

  12. This weekend has been pretty fun. I hung out with some friends and ate pizza. I'm going to hang out with some more friends, but sadly I still have homework.

  13. Thhis weekend I had basketball on Saturday. Then, yesterday I went to church and hung out with some friends. Today I decided to finally do your essay test and watch a lot of netflix!

  14. This weekend, I went banquet dress shopping. However, I haven't found anything yet. I also caught up on homework.

  15. This weekend, I was only home for a couple of hours. On Saturday, Sunday, and Monday I was either at friends houses, or at baseball practice. I also had to catch up on some homework.

  16. For my long weekend I will be catching up on homework. Over the weekend I was at basketball practices. On my extra day I was sleeping in.

  17. I had a volleyball tournament on Saturday. On Sunday, I had practice. On Monday, I caught up on some homework.

  18. On Saturday Gracen Oseborne came over and we hung out all day. On Sunday I went to my friend's church and it was interesting then later Sunday afternoon I went camping. On Monday we came back from camping then i went to my sewing class and after I did some math IXL.

  19. Sounds like everyone had a great Presidents' Day weekend! This blog is now closed! Write on!
