Thursday, March 30, 2017

Class of 2021 -- Blog #8 -- Washington, DC 2017

One of the highlights of 8th grade is the annual trip to Washington, DC, and you guys are there right now!  It is a fun-filled, action-packed, non-stop four days in our nation's capital.  There is so much to see and experience, and students always make life-time memories on this trip.

From the 4:00 AM airport arrival . . .

to the historic Fort McHenry . . .

to the beautiful monuments and memorials and the White House . . .

your first day seems successful!   The teachers, family and friends back home certainly enjoy getting updates through emails, texts and social media posts.  The next few days are going to be amazing for you!  Soak it in, and realize what an honor it is to be part of so many historical things! 

Enjoy the rest of your trip, and then take a moment to reflect?  What was your favorite part of the trip?  What location held the most meaning for you?   Did you have enough time to experience it all? What memories of this trip will last a lifetime?  (These can be serious or funny, but should be appropriate, of course!)  For FIVE extra credit points, please respond with at least FIVE complete sentences.  

Responses should be posted by midnight on Friday, 4/7.  See you soon!  Write on!