Thursday, March 30, 2017

Class of 2021 -- Blog #8 -- Washington, DC 2017

One of the highlights of 8th grade is the annual trip to Washington, DC, and you guys are there right now!  It is a fun-filled, action-packed, non-stop four days in our nation's capital.  There is so much to see and experience, and students always make life-time memories on this trip.

From the 4:00 AM airport arrival . . .

to the historic Fort McHenry . . .

to the beautiful monuments and memorials and the White House . . .

your first day seems successful!   The teachers, family and friends back home certainly enjoy getting updates through emails, texts and social media posts.  The next few days are going to be amazing for you!  Soak it in, and realize what an honor it is to be part of so many historical things! 

Enjoy the rest of your trip, and then take a moment to reflect?  What was your favorite part of the trip?  What location held the most meaning for you?   Did you have enough time to experience it all? What memories of this trip will last a lifetime?  (These can be serious or funny, but should be appropriate, of course!)  For FIVE extra credit points, please respond with at least FIVE complete sentences.  

Responses should be posted by midnight on Friday, 4/7.  See you soon!  Write on!


  1. On this trip to Washington DC, my friends and I have visited many historic monuments and memorials. The Lincoln Memorial was among my favorites. This locale represented the influential president and abolisher of slavery powerfully. I also enjoyed how the Smithsonian buildings portrayed mankind's, and Earth's, history. Even if I never visit the District of Columbia again, I will remember this trip fiercely.

  2. Washington DC trip was very fun, I have visited a lot museums memorials. Holocaust museum was my favorite, And there's a lot fun in hotel, I've learned lot things in this trip, hope I can make a good grade on my Washington test.

  3. The Washington D.C. trip will always be a memory of mine. We visited a bunch of memorials, museums, and monuments this past week, but the Holocaust Museum was my overall favorite. I loved the view of all the beautiful cherry blossoms blooming this spring. The zoo was pretty great as well! My favorite part of the zoo was the panda exhibit. Overall this experience was great and a wonderful memory of mine that I will cherish forever!

  4. Washington was a great trip. My favorite part of Washington was probably the air and space museum. I especially like this museum because it had many interactive things to do and kept you interested. One thing that really touched me is the Vietnam memorial because that is a war that my grandfather fought in. These are many of the things I liked about Washington D.C.

  5. The Washington trip is a trip i will always remember. I had a great time getting to be with my friends and learning about Washington. My favorite place was the Holocaust Museum. That is really weird because it was the saddest place but i also enjoyed the Arlington Cemetary and getting to watch the changing of the guard. The wreath laying was one of my favorite things as well.

  6. My favorite part of the trip was going to the White House Museum & everything we did at the Capital Building. I really enjoyed getting to see all the cool aritechure. The most meaningful place was the Holocaust Museum. If I could, I would have stayed a little longer so I could read everything and grasp everything better. My favorite funny memory was definitely our room!! We had many halarious moments!!

  7. My favorite part of the trip to Washington was the mall and the Holocaust museum. I loved hanging out with my friends and even making some new ones. The most meaningful thing I thought was the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was an honor to be selected to the lay the wreath down. At first I was very nervous but after it was over, I was glad i had done it. Overall I really enjoyed Washington.

  8. My favorite part of the trip was Arlington. It was very interesting to see some of the "memorial graves". I feel it is of he highest honor to be able to be buried there. Another cool thing of Arlington, is that my dad is eligible to be buried there. I hope I can return to Washington another time to see more things.

  9. My favorite part of the trip was the Holocaust and the Capitol. I loved seeing all of the cherry blossoms in bloom as well! The architecture of all of the buildings was also super interesting. It was a very fun trip, and I would love to go back again. Washington was a really great trip over all.

  10. My favorite part of the trip was the mall. Hanging out with my friends and even making new ones was so much fun. The most meaningful thing would be The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Watching those guards watch over the tomb day in and day out is very moving to watch. I don't think we had enough time. It was rush, rush, rush, everywhere we went. But I will most definitely remember all the memories my friends and I made.

  11. Washington D.C. was a perfect trip for my new year at Goodpasture. My favorite highlights of the trip were definitely the Lincoln Memorial and the Holocaust Museum. The Holocaust Museum definitely hit the spot though. It was very touching and sad, and meant a lot to me. Overall, it was a great trip, and I had a great time!

  12. The trip to Washington DC was an amazing experience. The most memorial place was Arlington Cemetery. The changing of the guard was very intense. The Holocaust and the Changing of the guard was very powerful. I thought it was emotional because it effected people who had no choice in their fate. I did not have enough time to see everything I wanted to see. I can not wait to go back with my family. The best thing was spending time with my friends and learning together.

  13. Washington D.C was very fun, we got to experience a lot of new sights we haven't see before. We had barely enough time to see everything, I wish we spent more time on the memorials because I feel like we just rushed through them all. My favorite part was the Zoo and the one
    memorial with the waterfalls and the cool cherry trees. The hotel was a lot of fun too. Over all I had a great time with all my friends and miss the trip.

  14. Good job! It sounds like you had an amazing trip! This blog is now closed!
