Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Class of 2022 -- Blog #2 Labor Day

It's hard to believe that we have now been in school for three weeks!  Memories of summer are becoming more distant, as we become more and more engulfed in homework and the school routine.  But wait . . . there's one more big summer event coming up!

That's right!  In just a little over a week, we will be celebrating the Labor Day weekend.  How much do you know about the holiday?

Here's a little info:

Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in September, and it pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. Labor Day also symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans, and is celebrated with parties, parades and athletic events.

Labor Day celebrates the American worker, regardless of the type of work he or she does.  As students, your job right now is just that -- being a student.  As an adult, I think it is pretty neat that our country celebrates the hard work of its citizens in such a holiday.  To many, just being off from work and being able to spend time with family or friends is a celebration itself.

So, as we celebrate the ending of our first month of school, basically, how do you plan to spend your Labor Day?  A quick trip to the mountains or the beach?  Sleeping in or catching up on NetFlix?  Shopping til you drop or catching a movie?  Hamburgers and hotdogs at a cookout?

Please respond in at least THREE complete sentences for THREE extra credit points!  Responses must be posted by midnight on Labor Day, September 4th.

Happy blogging!  Happy Labor Day!  Write on!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Class of 2022 -- Blog #1 WELCOME TO 8th GRADE!!

Welcome to the 8th grade!  This will be an exciting year as you prepare for high school!  We have a lot of work to do, but also a lot of fun along the way!

Blogging is a relatively new idea! We will use this blog as a means of communication between us as students, classmates and teacher!  This will give us a better chance to get to know one another too!  You will need to check the blog often because there  extra credit opportunities on here are very time sensitive!  
When responding to the blog, please let me know who you are.  You  must be logged on with your Goodpasture email credentials.  You will need to make a "limited blogger profile with you first name and first initial of last name.  You may also put your class period.    For example, if your name is Charlie Brown, and you have my class 3rd period, you would simply respond something like this:

Charlie B. (3) Mrs. Sweet -- I totally agree with your point of view!  I really enjoyed learning this information!  It was awesome!  


Charlie B. (3) Mrs. Sweet, I really don't agree with your opinion of the book.  I feel like the author is really trying to . . . 

Get it?  Each blog entry comment will give you  extra credit points that will be calculated into your total points for the 9 week grading period.  You may NOT comment more than once per extra credit opportunity for actual extra credit!  You are welcome to comment as much as you'd like though!   As well, comments should be positive, helpful and appropriate.

Okay -- here is your first extra credit assignment:

What is blogging?
Do you write or read blogs on a regular basis?  If so, which one(s)?
Why or why not?

For THREE extra credit points, please respond to the above questions in at least THREE complete sentences!  All responses should be posted by August 20th at midnight! (Hint:  This blog will close at that time, and you will no longer get credit for it!)  Write on!