Friday, August 11, 2017

Class of 2022 -- Blog #1 WELCOME TO 8th GRADE!!

Welcome to the 8th grade!  This will be an exciting year as you prepare for high school!  We have a lot of work to do, but also a lot of fun along the way!

Blogging is a relatively new idea! We will use this blog as a means of communication between us as students, classmates and teacher!  This will give us a better chance to get to know one another too!  You will need to check the blog often because there  extra credit opportunities on here are very time sensitive!  
When responding to the blog, please let me know who you are.  You  must be logged on with your Goodpasture email credentials.  You will need to make a "limited blogger profile with you first name and first initial of last name.  You may also put your class period.    For example, if your name is Charlie Brown, and you have my class 3rd period, you would simply respond something like this:

Charlie B. (3) Mrs. Sweet -- I totally agree with your point of view!  I really enjoyed learning this information!  It was awesome!  


Charlie B. (3) Mrs. Sweet, I really don't agree with your opinion of the book.  I feel like the author is really trying to . . . 

Get it?  Each blog entry comment will give you  extra credit points that will be calculated into your total points for the 9 week grading period.  You may NOT comment more than once per extra credit opportunity for actual extra credit!  You are welcome to comment as much as you'd like though!   As well, comments should be positive, helpful and appropriate.

Okay -- here is your first extra credit assignment:

What is blogging?
Do you write or read blogs on a regular basis?  If so, which one(s)?
Why or why not?

For THREE extra credit points, please respond to the above questions in at least THREE complete sentences!  All responses should be posted by August 20th at midnight! (Hint:  This blog will close at that time, and you will no longer get credit for it!)  Write on!


  1. Blogging is when someone post something online about a situation, event, or whatever happened to them that day. I don't follow any blogs. Mainly because I haven't had time or really got in to reading them.

  2. A blog is something that someone pu what happened in there life that day

  3. Blogging is where people can discuss problems, talk about upcoming events, and release articles they wrote. I don't read any blogs. Because I don't usually have access to them and I don't like to read.

  4. I have no idea what blogging is but I'm happy to learn !
    I don't follow any bloggers .
    I don't because I never have time .

  5. Blogging is talking about your daily life. I don't read blogs on a regular basis. I am always out doing my own things and spend time with my mom or dad.

  6. - Blogging is where you post something with certain info about a subject.
    - No I do not read or write blogs.
    - I don't because the info on blogs are not always true.

  7. Blogging is how you stay connected with us.
    No, I do not follow any blogs.
    I don't follow any because I haven't seen any that interest me.

  8. Blogging is a thing we're people can write there opinion on how they feel about something.
    No I do not write or read blogs ever.
    I just never looked up a blog and started reading it.

  9. I don't really know what a blog is. I also don't know any or follow any. I don't follow any because I didn't know what it was till today.

  10. A blog is a website where you post about your interests. I follow a blog that post about comics and new video games. I read these blogs because they interest me.

  11. Blogging is a site where people write about subjects and it's normally opinion based. I don't follow any blogs. The reason why I don't is because I use snapchat and don't have time to blog

  12. A blog is something that someone puts out online what happened to their life that day.
    I follow Jake Paul, Logan Paul, cartoonz, and H20 delirious.
    I usually watch their videos every day because I enjoy them.

  13. A blog is like a story that tells about something. I don't read or write blogs. I'm not interested in them.

  14. Reggie R (1) A blog is a page where group of people share things about their life.
    I don't read blogs or write blogs. I think it's boring.

  15. Blogging is stating your opinion online and daily life with others.I don't read or write blogI didn't know what it was until this morning.

  16. A blog is where you can post an opinion or tell people about your life. I do not read or write blogs. I don't read blogs because I am not interested in them.

  17. A blog is a daily post about someone's daily life. I have never read or written a blog. I have never had a reason to read them.

  18. Blogging is telling about your life or opinions online. I've never read or written a blog. I'm not very interested in blogs.

  19. Blogging is posting about your life. Maybe not everyday, but posting every one in a while. There are many people on social media who blog.

  20. Ryman (3) A blog is a written article about someone's day or current events in scocieties. Now days people sometimes have vlogs, or video blogs. I'm interested in learning about them.

  21. A blog is a website where someone talks about their day or things related to that. I don't read or write blogs. I'm not interested in them.

  22. I don't read or write blogs, because I've never been interested in them. Blogs are where you can post information to share with others. I think it'll be interesting to try out.

  23. Blogging is a page where you share ideas to the world. I didn't know about blogging until now. Blogging seems boring in my opinion.

  24. Blogging is a way of showing what we do on a regular basis. I do not watch blogs normally because I never have enough time. When I used to read blogs I never really got hooked onto one.

  25. Blogging is where someone talks about their life, and it's open to anyone who wants to read it. Kirstin Maldonado has a blog, but I don't really keep up with it. I would like to read a few chapters of her blog, because she's from Pentatonix and she's really good at motivating.

  26. I have heard of blogs before but I really didn't know what they were. Blogs are where your share your thoughts and ideas. I am not really interested in the.

  27. A blog is where you can put any of your ideas or thoughts online. I normally don't read or follow any blogs. I am not very interested in reading or writing blogs.

  28. A blog is a page or website where a group or person talks about their life or opinions. I don't read blogs. I don't have an interest in people who write these.

  29. Blogging is where someone writes something kind of like a journal entry onto a website. I do not read blogs on a regular basis, but i have heard of them before and I've read a couple of them before. I just don't have that much time to read blogs a lot of the time and also because most of them do not interest me.

  30. A blog is a place where people can go online and share what is going on in their life or they can talk about things that interest them. People can then respond to them. I do not follow blogs and i have never read one.

  31. A blog is a written kinda like story for other people to read and see. I have watched a couple of blogs on YouTube I'm pretty sure. I have never written a blog i really haven't heard of it.

  32. A blog is where people go on a website and share what happens to them or whatever they want to share about their life. I do not follow any blogs and i have heard of blogging and blogs before.

  33. A blog is something that a person talks about there life or something happening in the world. I have watched a few vlogs. I watch them to learn about baseball or basketball.

  34. A blog is another way to communicate to people.I have heard of of blogs before,but I never knew how to find them

  35. A blog is where someone reads and writes about themselves for other people to read. I have never read a blog, but I use to watch a show about a blog. I don't really like blogs because they're not as entertaining as a vlog.

  36. A blog is a communication site for people to talk and share thoughts. I haven't ever followed any blogs before, and I haven't made one. I don't find blogging very interesting either.

  37. A blog is a story on the internet for people to watch. I've heard of blogs and watch some on YouTube sometimes. I've never written a blog.

  38. Blogging is a form of writing about ones life and constantly updating it on a regular basis. I myself don't have a blog, though I came close to starting a blog once, I prefer writing short stories. I don't have a blog or want to have one because I don't want to constantly have to update other people on my life.

  39. Great! A day classes are on it! B day will get info on blog this week! Write on!

  40. A blog is a site for people share thoughts. I have never read a blog. I'm not very interested in blogs.

  41. A blog is something that people write to inform people on a topic. I have never read a blog simply because I've just never been interested in most of the topics I've seen.

  42. A blog is where people can share their thoughts and options on things. I don't follow any blogs because I've never really been interested in reading any of the blogs I've seen.

  43. Blogging is when someone writes about their life, and they update you almost everyday.
    I do not follow any blogs.
    I really don't have time, and I haven't found someone who writes what I am interested in.

  44. A blog is something where someone can share their thoughts or ideas. I don't follow or watch any blogs. I have never done a blog before.

  45. A blog is where someone writes about their daily life for others enjoyment. I like to read Zoella's blogs about her life. I don't read or follow others, and I don't think I would start one.

  46. Blogging is when someone writes or types a document of his/her life. Yes i do follow someone who blogs, her name is hannah neese, she graduated from goodpasture. I read blogs, mainly Hannah's because they all have a message towards god.

  47. Blogging is a way of informing people of current events. It could be about your life or things going on in the world. I do not follow blogs, because I don't have time to sit down and read one.

  48. A blog is something online where people share their opinions. I do not follow a blog or vlog because I would not want to accidentally read what's not for my eyes. I don't find blogs interesting.

  49. Blogging is when you normally post your life, like a journal entry. But, you can also write about other things like your hobbies. I have heard of 'blogging' or a blog before but no, I have never read any or seen any vlogs that I know of

  50. Blogs are a series of entries that are posted in chronological order. I watch blogs on a daily basis.i watch them because i think they're interesting.i watch jake Paul blogs.

  51. Brett crosse I don't agree with that

  52. Blogging is a series of pictures/ videos (vlogs) which depict what the poster does in their day-to-day life. No I do not watch watch blogs or vlogs, nor have I ever posted any.

  53. Blogging is something people use to tell you information. I do not follow any blogs. I really didn't know about blogging

  54. A blog is where you can post about your life. I don't follow or read blogs because i'm not interested in them.

  55. A blog is where people can share there thoughts. I do not follow any blogs or vlogs because the only one I know is Jake Paul and I do not like him!

  56. A blog is a place where you can post your life.I do not read or write blogs because i dont have the time to sit there and create on, or sit there and read one.

  57. Blogging is what you can post on a website for everyone to see what your doing or how your day was. I do not follow any blogs. I think they are kinda pointless because you could post something on instagram or something related to that.

  58. blogging is when someone writes or tells about their life. i have heard of blogging, but no i don't watch/read them because i don't have time.

  59. A blog is where someone writes about their life every day out to where the public can see it. They can also be hobbies to some people. I have never followed anybody's blog. I haven't made a blog before.

  60. Blogging is when someone posts about something on the internet. I do not follow any blogs. I do not follow any blogs because I just do not like them.

  61. Blogging is a video or a website that people use to share what is going on in there life. I do not have a blog. I do not follow any blogs because i do not think they are very interesting.

  62. Blogging is basically writing or posting things about your life. I follow 2 blogs on YouTube perfectlaugstv and Chris and Queen they basically blog about what they're doing on that particular day. I personally don't want to blog but I enjoy watching others blog.

  63. Blogging is putting your ideas online I watch gaming blogs where people play video games for fun.

  64. Blogging is when you share opinions and and currant activities . I do not watch or read any blogs . Between sports and academics I don't have time to watch or read blogs .

  65. Blogging is a way of letting people know what's going on in your life recently. I think blogging is a good thing because people can look at it and learn things about you.

  66. Blogging is like a journal that is online that people can see and reply to .
    Blogging is a online story teller that people can comment on.
    Blogging is good for people that want people to know some of their life.

  67. A blog is when a person writes or videotape their life.
    I have watched blogs on an app called YouTube.
    I love watching people live their lives.

  68. Blogging is a way to let people know what you are doing. I don't read blogs because I've never seen one before. But blogging is probably a good way to interact on a screen

  69. Grant R.

    Blogging is a way to share your thoughts & ideas w/ other people online. Before Mrs. Sweet showed us this blog page, I'd never seen a blog before (but if I had before then, I wouldn't have known it was a blog; so no-I don't do anything regarding blogs [as far as I know]). Honestly, if someone were to ask me what I knew about blogs (whether it was before Mrs. Sweet had us open this blog page, or now), I'm SURE that my answer would be "Well... all I know about blogging is that it's something that you can do that exists, and that it's done on an electronic device, involves typing, ... and... that's basically it." (Also, there's no reason for me not writing or reading blogs: to be fair, I'd actually LITERALLY COMPLETELY forgotten the fact that the word "blog" even EXISTED until it was mentioned in class!)

  70. A blog is a website on which someone writes about personal opinions or experiences.
    No, I've never read a blog, and I don't write any either. No, because they don't appeal to me. In the future I might read a blog related to travel, sports, or technology.

  71. This comment has been removed by the author.
