Sunday, May 9, 2021

Class of 2025 -- Blog #5 -- Greatest Lessons of 8th Grade

 Well, we are down to only a few days left for 8th grade!  This has been a great year, and it has really gone quickly!  We have lived through the challenges of a global pandemic, and thankfully, we seem to be coming out on the other side of it.  

In a ten short months, I have had the opportunity to watch you grow as students.  I’ve seen all you of grow physically and academically, and I’ve seen many of you grow emotionally and spiritually, as well.  I am so proud of you, as a class and as individuals.

I know that you’ve learned a lot this year.  You’ve learned things about American history and mathematics.  Some of you have learned Spanish or leadership skills.  As my students, you’ve learned some great themes in wonderful literature, IXL and vocabulary.

But, I would bet many of you have learned great “lessons” that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.  I still remember some valuable lessons that I learned from my 8th grade teachers like Mrs. Switzer, Mrs. Piper and Mr. Hagewood.  These people remain influences in my life even today.  My precious 8th grade Social Studies teacher, Mrs. Wanda Boyce passed away a week or so ago.  I had so enjoyed getting reacquainted with her on Facebook because she was such a special part of my middle school years.  

So, for your final blog responses for this year, what are your greatest lessons learned in 8th grade?  What have you learned from living through the era of Covid-19?  What teachers have been examples for you to follow in life?  How will you take these lessons and examples with you going forward into high school?  How will these lessons improve your life and your Christian walk with the Lord?

Answer in THREE (3) complete sentences for THREE (3) extra credit points.  This blog will close at midnight on Friday, 5/14/21. 

Finally, I love you all, and it has been my honor to be your English teacher this year.  Have a wonderful summer break.  Please, come back to see me next year, and WRITE ON!  

Mrs. S.


  1. This year has been really different between COVID and all of the things that we have had to do differently. I think the biggest thing that I learned is that not everyone and everything is dependable and you can’t always rely on certain people or the plans you had. I learned that life throws you unexpected curves and you just kind of have to roll with it. I think I have learned to be more patient and understanding through all of this. I think COVID has had some positivities now that I look back and think about my life before COVID. I found out who my real friends were and that even if you see someone 5 days a week they aren’t always going to be your best friend and you won’t always be close to them. I’ve learned that people change and things change and you just kind of have to tell yourself that everything will be ok , pick yourself up, and move on with life. Not everything is always going to be the same and that’s ok sometimes change is good. COVID and 8th grade as a whole has taught me a lot that you couldn’t learn in a textbook and I’m thankful for that, I think that I am better because of that. In conclusion, COVID has taught me a lot and I’m going to miss 8th grade

  2. This year as has been very different due to COVID - 19. My greatest lessons have been to learn to be flexible and change and adapt. Coach Winder teaches everyone fair and has a high standard for everyone and loves on everyone. I know high school will be fun and I have to surround myself with good people. I have had a great year in 8th grade at Goodpasture.

  3. There are so many important lessons that I have learned in this past year. With COVID on top of the typical hardships of life, this year has been a whirlwind of emotions. For me personally, this year was a year of growth. I have grown to be a very independent person, which in the past, I don't know if you could say that I was. I always tended to go along with what everyone else wanted just for the sake of keeping the peace and being well-liked by everyone, but I've realized that that wasn't being truly authentic to myself. I am immensely proud of the person that I have become. Through quarantine, I really had the chance to take a step back and look at my life-- the friends I had and the things I did-- ,and I realized that I had the chance to make the changes I wanted to, going into the new school year, so that is exactly what I did. Honestly, this year has just taught me to roll with the punches. I feel as though I realized who the true people I could count on were and who I may need to take a step away from. As well, I feel that I have learned a lot academically, and I am proud of my achievements this year. All in all I feel that this year was an extremely important stepping stone, maybe even a boulder, to take me towards the path I want to go on.

  4. I feel like I have learned a lot of lessons this year. One major lesson I learned is to be thankful for what you have. I have lost many close friends this year, but I gained a friendship that I am so thankful for. She is what for me through this year. I have,also, learned how to keep myself entertained. We all went through a time this year where it was absolutely boring because everything was shut down due to COVID. COVID definitely was a challenge, but at least I learned how to keep myself busy! I had Mrs. K last year, but she has always been a role model to me. These lessons will stay with me and remind me to expect the unexpected. To be honest, I didn’t expect this year to be so hard for me. I did in fact get through it though. I am going to take everything I learned about life and carry it with me to high school, so I won’t be surprised when things happen. God has helped me this year. He gives me someone to talk to. Through these tough lessons, He has showed me that He will ALWAYS be there for me and ready to listen.

  5. To say the least, this has been the most hectic year. When looking back at any mistakes I made, I was trying to figure out what lessons I got out of them. Soon realizing the lessons didn’t come from the things I did wrong, they came from the things I never got to do. I’ve realized to never take anything for granted. Anytime the sun is shiny, I go outside, because I don’t know when the sun is going to shine next. I make spontaneous plans, because I don’t know when I’m going to get out next. My greatest lessons came from not being able to make memories. From not being able to even leave my house. Mrs. Tucker was my bible teacher from last year. She treated everyone in her classroom as her own child. No matter what was going on in her life she always had a smile on her face and a joke up her sleeve. Mrs. Tucker taught me to be compassionate towards anyone, because you never know what people are going through. If we all had 30 second trailers of our whole life that played before you ever got to know anyone, everyone would feel compassion towards each other knowing we all have our own problems. Moving forward into my high school career, I strive to never miss out on a corny high school event, because I am never going to get this time back. I will strive to treat everyone with kindness, because you never know who needs it the most. These lessons have evolved me for the better and I plan to use gods works to spread kindness and compassion towards others.

  6. I have definitely learned to make the most out of every opportunity you get. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow, so we should capitalize on today. We can’t let great opportunities pass us by because we think that we can just do it tomorrow. Those chances could pass in the blink of an eye if we aren’t careful.

  7. Well COVID-19 has made everyone’s past ten months hard I’m sure, but we survived it. Coach Phillips has been very safe about this by up until a week ago doing everything on the IPad. We should all try to to stay strong through this until we get back to normal. (Whatever normal is now :) )

  8. This year has been crazy due to Covid. So I learned how to be patient with different and not complaining about stuff that doesn’t matter. Every teacher has shown a great example this year because everyone of them do their job great even though it is a rough time. I will take this whole experience to high school to remember even if something might be going on I can succeed and become better from it. Their has been some hard times but God still walks with us and will care about us and how we act from them. This 8th grade year was awesome, but I’m ready for high school.

  9. COVID has impacted most of my experience in the eighth grade. It wasn’t until everyone stopped caring about themselves and getting sick did I realize that their is a lot going on at Goodpasture. I have learned many things about myself and others. I may regret a few things that have happened this year, but for the most part I had fun.

  10. It is hard to sum up this year in three sentences. I have lost many things this year but in return I have gained so many better things. This year has been crazy due to COVID-19, but I think I have learned many lessons this year. Now that the year is ending I am sad to leave this place because of the people I have started to become friends with. This year has taught me to be patient, be kind no matter what, and just be myself. This year has had so many ups and downs and I’m thankful for all of it. Sometimes I wish I could have a redo on this year, and then I look back and think without this year I wouldn’t be who I am today. All in all this year has been pretty good, and I can’t wait to see what God has planned for the rest of my life.

  11. So many lessons coming from challenges and difficult times. Write on!

  12. I think we all can agree that this past year has been a challenge because of COVID. Everyone had many changes in their life, and some were really hard to get used to. Before COVID happened, I didn’t understand how blessed I was to be at this school. We were still able to have school and keep learning, while others didn’t have that. They didn’t get to have the education we got, so they all are really behind. I’ve also learned that I don’t have to keep all of my emotions bottled up. I had my friends that I could talk to, and relate with. I think Mrs. Sweet has been a really good example to me. She’s taught me to express myself through writing since some people don’t understand through speech. She’s helped me improve my writing, and I’m very thankful for her. Some of these lessons I won’t only take to high school, but take with me my whole life. God has helped me a whole lot this year. He’s always been there, and I know I’m never alone. He’s always been there to listen while I was in my darkest times. I feel I’ve gotten way closer with him last year and this year. I can’t believe this year has gone by so quickly. Soon enough we all will be throwing our caps on graduation day. This year has been an amazing journey, and I will miss being here will all of these amazing teachers.

  13. I’ve learned to not slack off and to stay on top of your work. Being in COVID sometimes makes you not take school as seriously especially in my opinion if your online. I’m hoping for a normal year at good pasture next year. I’ve learned a lot and am very happy for summer.

  14. The lesson I learned was that u have to Just try to get though anything no matter how hard it is because COVID was very hard because u had to wear a mask and u had to stay 6 feet away from your friends and it was scary at the start but I’m glad that we all could get through it

  15. This year has been a challenge to all of us because of Covid but we have found times to make it fun like after school with friends. Sports have been different cause we don’t have full capacity at games we have to wear mask and can’t do the normal stuff we do. I have learned so much about friends and family and how to act around them and have grown with them. I have had a challenging year and a fun year.

  16. I have learned how to seperste things that are possible but diffcult and impossible. I have learned from covid that things that you will never think will happen can happen and it can make a big change good and bad. I have learned from my teachers that you cant always depend on on thing or person and you have to get up on your own sometimes with no help. Jesus gives me more motivation when inhabe no more left and gives me hope that i can keep going.

  17. I think I’ve learned some of the most important lessons of my life this year. I learned perseverance, determination, and optimism this year. My greatest lessons I’ve learned this year are to keep believing in what you love, and keep going when it feels like what you’re doing is for nothing. I’ve learned that it doesn’t matter if the school has a team or club for what you love it’s just important that you keep doing what you love. I think through Covid I’ve learned to appreciate every minute of every day; good and bad. Before Covid I didn’t realize how wonderful it was to be in-person with people instead of just sitting in your room all day seeing them through a screen. Mrs. Sweet has been a great example and someone I really look up to because she always believes in everybody, and she’s very productive and optimistic. Along with my friends, she’s also been one of the most supportive people I’ve ever met. I think I’ll take these lessons into high school by the fact that I know now that despite everything that’s going on it always gets better. I think I’ll be very more determined in high school because now I know that no matter how many things break you down you always have the choice to see the brighter side of things, and people around you will help you back up. These lessons have already improved my life because I’m happier now, and they’ve helped me grow closer to God. Also, all of the teachers, classmates, and friends here are people I love very very much, and I’ve loved this year.

  18. The greatest lesson I have learned this year is that no matter how hard it may seem, always work to overcome your struggles. This year has been very hard for me personally, but at the end of it right now, I feel the most hopeful I have felt in a long time. Life isn’t just about unicorns and rainbows, there is always something that people have to overcome in life. You just might as well try hard to overcome it so that you aren’t spending a long time trying to.

  19. This 8th grade year has been like no other. From zoom, to getting quarantined, and getting tested it has been one hectic year. A lesson that I learned is that you can never take anything for granted. You can lose something so easily and so quickly. From friends, relatives, or your favorite thing. Honestly, my friends have helped me more than I could ever think they could. You have to keep the people that are true to you close too you, and if they talk behind your back or say mean things about you let them go. You can’t give someone your time that they don’t deserve. The affect of COVID made everyone have a lot more time alone, and a lot more time too think; in good or bad ways. You can’t give up because of one bump in the road, you just have to fight and keep going.

  20. This year has been very different than last year. We have had to have class on zoom and learn on there. I’m glad that we were able to come back to school instead of being on zoom for half of our day. One lesson I learned is to always have someone you can trust. Always have a great friend to be there for you at any time. This year has had its ups and downs but I’m glad I got to see my friends this year in person and I’m glad no one is sick anymore. I can’t wait for next year but now I’m just ready for summer and school to be over with. You cant stop somewhere and stay there you just gotta get through it a everything will hopefully work out.

  21. COVID has made my school year very difficult, I was online for the most part of eighth grade. I recently came back and I’m glad I did so I could have a little normal back into my life. One of the greatest lessons I have learned this year is be prepared for what happens next, the past year has been crazy so anything can happen. This school year was challenging but it also has been fun.

  22. The greatest lesson I have learned this year is to focus on yourself and don’t wait on anybody else to do it for you.That COVID is a serious and deadly thing if you are not careful and watch what you do .The main teacher I would think have been a example is Coach Sanders he has helped me through a lot this year in sports and school.I will take this and use it to get better at it and study it more and focus on it.I will grow as a Christian and develop more about God and what he does.Bit overall this school year has been fun.

  23. This year has been insanely different because of COVID but I have learned to make the best of it. A lesson I have learned is to stay positive, not COVID positive, but happy positive. I have learned not to take anything for granted, and try to have as much fun as I can. Maybe next year will be better, but it could be the same I am just going to have to stay positive no matter what. I know that what has happened in 2020-2021 is going to have an effect on us in the future that my generation is going to have to live with and future generations are going to have to live with for the rest of our lives, but we are going to have to push through. Being in this pandemic I have become more independent and have grown as a person. Ultimately what last year and this year has taught me is that there are good days and sometimes bad days and you need to learn how to get through them, whether if that is praying to God, spending time with yourself or a friend, or going outside you can get through it.

  24. I think i’ve learned quite a few things this year. I’ve definately learned more about myself the most. Maybe it wasn’t a leasson in class, but I learned about writing better, I’ve learned who to turn to, and how to cope with bad situations. COVID-19 is definately a challenge, though thankfully my family and I survived it. I also got to have so many great teachers and was able to pass the year with all A’s. I’m also thankful for the school year in general. Others, like the school I pass to get here every morning, was nearly always out because of COVID, so they’ve lost around two years of school by now. But again, I’m really thankful for being able to be here. I couldn’t imagine how awful it is to never get to step outside your house. Even as an introvert I wouldn’t survive that. I learned a lot of different skills throughout the year, like different writing styles, editing styles, and a lot of different jokes. I’m glad for this year because I also got learn a lot about myself, and where I want to be when i get older. This year really has been a blessing, even though some times were pretty hard to get through.

  25. I have learned so much this year. I have learned to be more independent. I learned to do this because of my wonderful teachers. They have prepared me for a great year of high school. I learned to study and do work on my own. Even though Covid has put a wrench in lots of things , it did not put a wrench in learning and growing as a person. Thank you so much teachers for preparing me to be a great high school student. I am so thankful to have a school like Goodpasture Christian school. This is what I have learned this year and can’t wait to learn more essential lessons for later life next school year.

  26. I’ve learned to be more independent with somethings, especially since we’re going to highschool next year and your grades will matter more. Though I’m still trying to get in the habit of studying more often. Another good lesson that I’ve learned is don’t let anyone get you down about following your dreams because you’re in-control of it.

  27. I’ve learned a lot about myself, but mainly, I feel like I’ve found my place at this school. This year’s been wild for all of us because of COVID, but band helped me through it. I’ve gained new friends, skills, and aspirations all through band. I guess the main two lessons I’ve learned are to not get as intimated as easily and to live in the now, because it’s over in the blink of an eye. Love you guys, see you lot next year :)

  28. This year I’ve really learned about myself. I have learned to be more independent and I’ve realized what hard work can do. I have had to adapt and change because of COVID but I think it has made me a better person. I have grown it God and he has worked through me through hard times.

  29. The is year I really learned about myself.I have learned more independent things about myself have do a lot you can’t slacks off at all we learned things about English and read.
    Books for English made me change a lot

  30. This year I learned a lot about myself. Who I should hang around my group of friends or whatever. I also learned that you need to study to to have a good outcome . More because we are going to be in high school next year and it matters a little bit more .

  31. Great job of reflection! Remember blog closes tomorrow!

  32. The greatest lesson I’ve learned is to be more responsible when it comes to my homework. In Covid-19, I’ve learned to be more open to new experiences because a lot of things changed. Mrs. Dickens and Coach Cross have been examples for me this past year. Next year I plan to be more mature. My examples this year have taught me so much about God, and I want to keep learning more.

  33. I have learned a lot from this year. The biggest lesson I learned was to not take anything for granted. This year has flown by and it was by far my favorite year. From quarantine to where I am now so many things have changed but it changed for the better. Covid had many ups and downs but we all pushed through it. I’m very thankful for everything God has done for me this year and that he has kept me healthy.

  34. I’ve learned throughout the school year how to be independent and not always have help. Also, living through the COVID era has taught me don’t take anything for granted. Almost all my teachers have been examples for me to follow in life. I’ll use everything I learned this year and use it to my advantage next year in high school. It’ll help me cause these lessons teaches me between right and wrong.

  35. The greatest lesson I have learned is to just go with the flow and not be so uptight. Covid has taken a lot, but also given me great life lessons. One teacher that is someone I can learn and follow is Mrs. Dickens she has changed my life in so many in many different ways. I will for sure just work harder. They will guide me through my life and God will always be with me.

  36. The first lesson I learned was to do work the first chance you get because it piles up really fast. The second is to make sure you have work done so you don’t have to do a worldly wise packet at 11:00 the night before the test after a basketball game. The final lesson I learned is make sure you know who your real friends are before you trust them.
