Thursday, December 11, 2014

Blog # 8 -- Merry Christmas!!!

Well, students --

The first semester is almost history!  It's been an interesting year so far, and I've really enjoyed getting to know you all!  I look forward to second semester, but not until after a nice Christmas break!

I wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season!  I hope you enjoy your time off, and have a great Christmas!

I have it on good authority that Santa just may read this blog!  So here's your chance! 

What is on your Christmas list?  What is the thing you want most for Christmas?  What are you most looking forward to during the holidays?  Do you have a special trip planned, or are friends and family coming to visit? What are your favorite family traditions of Christmas? 

Please respond in three to four sentences for 3 bonus points!  Responses will be due by Friday, 12/19!  Merry Christmas! 


  1. I really want concert tickets for christmas. I am excited to see my uncle on christmas. No I do not have a special trip planned. I love how my mom cooks food that she never really cooks on a daily basis. She does that on christmas eve and christmas day.

  2. I wanted a blue heeler puppy and got it early. I look forward to playing basketball and spending time with my family. My favorite traditions are Christmas dinner and our family prayers.

  3. For Christmas I would like six hundred and fifty dollars and other gifts. I am looking foreword to spending time with my friends at the mall but mostly spending time catching up on glee.

  4. I don't have much on my list this year. I like decorating the tree with my family and watching a movie before Christmas. We travel to West Tennessee to see my cousins and grandparents. My favorite time is duck hunting with my cousins!

  5. Wow! Sounds like you are all excited for Christmas! Keep those responses coming!

  6. I want the iphone 6 for christmas.and money. I really look foward to sleeping end and spending time with family and friends during break My family stays here on Chritsmas and we all go to my granny house amd eat and play games. My favorite traditions we do in my family is we play secret santa or dirty santa. It is so much fun!

  7. For Christmas I just want money so I can buy things myself. I'm looking forward to playing football with my friends and sleeping late. My friends and family are coming to visit. My favorite family tradition for Christmas is everybody coming to my house.

  8. I asked for so much stuff for chrisymas. I asked for mostly shoes and clothes. We have a lot of Christmas parties we have to go to and they are all so much fun to go to. Especially going to my aunts house because so many people come and they make the best food ever. What I want most for Christmas is a freebord. It is basically a longboard with 2 360 degree turning wheels.

  9. I love spending time with my family. Our traditions is watching football. I really look forward to no school work and sleeping. We go to my grandmas to eat and watch football. I can't wait to see my aunt this Christmas!

  10. I want an 1555 sentry it is a sute case with a 15 inch screen inside and you can watch movies in the car and etc. Also I want to spend time with my family more this year. I also want NCAA football 15 and madden. I want to go to my friends house and use are new gifts. That is mostly what I want for Christmas.

  11. I would just like some money and clothes mostly. I can buy things in the future that i want even though that isnt what Christmas is about. Im looking forward to seeing my family and going to Kentucky and Mississippi to see family on the Holidays.

  12. Wow! I think Santa's going to be busy!!

  13. Ignore who this thing says it is from, it is from Samuel CdeBaca. For Christmas I want a laptop and some nice headphones. Gift cards would be welcome and candy is always good. I really like sleeping in without having to worry about homework. I enjoy spending time with my cousins at Christmas we always do fun stuff.

  14. I want books and I went to scholastic yesterday so ya I got what I wanted. I am looking forward to seeing Christmas lights, and my family from Murfreesboro is hosting Christmas. My favorite family traditions are going to see the dancing lights that are in greenbrier we have done that since I was little.

  15. I want some new shoes and money for Christmas. I am looking forward to spending time with my family and have fun. I like not having to worry about school and homework. My favorite traditions are watching basketball. I love spending time with my family when it is Christmas.

  16. I want some parrot zik headphone as well as the apple watch. I am going on a cruise with my family, aunt, uncle, and cousin. That will be fun! My favorite tradition is we all go to my Iny's house and open presents. I really enjoy Christmas.

  17. Sounds great! I wish I was going on a cruise!

  18. I want an Acer Aspire laptop and a turtle beach headset. I'm looking forward to spending time with my family and volunteering by helping homeless people in Nashville. Every year on Christmas Eve my family always opens up one present. My mom is the one that always makes Christmas dinner, so I guess that could be a tradition.

  19. Merry Christmas to all! The blog is now closed.
