Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Blog #9 -- Winter Wacktivities!!

Well, students -- it is hard to believe that our second semester is upon us!  You are only one semester away from being in high school!  Woo! Hoo!  Way to go!

I know we are all hoping for a few snow days to get us through the next few weeks until spring break!

I love winter!

I love snow!

I love a variety of winter activities, some of which are a little wacky!

I love to build snowmen!  (Again, we need some snow!)

I love to make snow angels!

I love to make snow-cream!  (Note to self -- never use yellow snow!)

I love to snowmobile!  (Note to self -- "shift" when the driver says "shift" -- in order to avoid turning the snowmobile over!)

I love to ski!  (Note to self -- don't fall down and tear every ligament in your leg, plus break two bones!  Definitely, not a good day on the slopes!)

So . . . (those are ellipses!  Remember?)  What are some of the things that you like to do in winter?  Do you even like winter?  Why or why not?

Please respond in at least FIVE sentences for FIVE (yes, count 'em 1, 2, 3, 4,  5!)  extra credit points!
All responses should be posted by Friday, January 23rd!  Here's hoping for a snow day soon! 


  1. In the winter I love to drink hot or cold apple cider. I also like to play in the snow, or make snow balls and throw them. I Kinda like winter because we have some snow days, and I get to wear ugg boots. But I really like summer cause I love the beaches, and the cruising. But my other winter activity I do is go to the cabins in the winter.

  2. I love winter. It is my second favorite season, right next to Spring. Drinking hot chocolate and apple cider are the things I enjoy most. My family usually goes skiing at Paoli. This year we went to Perfect North becasue Paoli was closed. Snow days are also a few of my favorite things. I love getting out of school to go sledding and make snow cream.

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  5. Winter is my favorite season. I love the cold weather. My favorite thing to drink in the winter is french vanilla hot chocolate. I love spending time with my nephews while playing in the snow. I live on a hill, so it is a good place to sled. My favorite part part about winter is getting out of school on snow days.

  6. Winter is not my favorite season. The good thing about winter is Christmas. It is fun when we get some snow. We sleigh ride at my grandparents house with my friends. Snow days are nice too but that rarely happens in Tennessee. I like summer and the long days to enjoy.

  7. I like winter for a few reasons! I like the winter break that we get for Christmas. I love the snow days we get (which we haven't got this year). Some days after football workouts that cool air and low temperatures feels good. I always like being cold rather than hot too! To make this winter worth it we need a snow day!

  8. I love winter because we have no school. I love to build snowmen at my house. I love to sleigh I put a sleigh on the end of my dads truck a tie a rope to the sleigh and we just go until we fall off. I love to build snow forts and have a huge snow ball battle with my family. I love ,after a long cold day outside, to go inside and drink hot chocolate and watch movies with my family

  9. I don't enjoy winter outside but inside I love it. I love drinking hot coa coa and just lay in bed and be warm and watch TV. Sometimes I invite friends over and family and we all have fun. When family comes over we all go outside and we will have snowball fights and slide down this big hill. I don't enjoy the cold weather, that's mainly why I stay inside.

  10. I have mixed feelings about winter. I like having snow days so I can stay home from school. I like celebrating Christmas in the winter. What I don't like about winter is the days are too short. I also don't like the cold that much. I like the long, warm summer days a lot better. Those are my feelings about winter.

  11. I love winter a lot. It isn't my favorite season though. I love sledding in the winter time. I love sledding over the ice. I also like making snow cream.

  12. I love to play in the snow. It is so much fun. A couple years ago when we got several inches of snow. Me and my family went to Shelby park to sled down the big heal. And I like to drink hot chocolate.

  13. 1. If you are in snowy areas you can play in the snow and make snow angels.
    2. Also you can have snowball fights with your friends.
    3. Have spending race
    4. Strap your sled to a golf cart and ride.
    5. Last, your can just see how far you slide if the snow

  14. I love winter then again i dont because it dont like cold weather. It was fun because we got out for break so that is the positive side. I also like it because it we have a chance to get out for snow days. The worst part about it is that it is soo cold outside and usually i like being outside.. The most thing i like to do in the winter is sleep. I dont know why but i sleep a lot better in the winter months.

  15. I like winter time even though summer is my favorite. My favorite part is being out on Christmas break and having snow days. When we are out of school and it snows I go over to my cousins' house where there is a hug hill for use to sled on. Snow days are my favorite but we have not had any this year and I really want one! This winter has been very weird though, it was 3 degrees one day then on Christmas it was 50. Hopefully we will get some snow in February.

  16. I love the winter time only when it snows. I love going sledding with my friends and family. We have a really big hill that we like to sled on. I hope that we have some snow days in February. It's always good to be out of school.

  17. I love winter, for starters. It has to be my favorite season, besides fall. Some things I really enjoy doing in the winter time include drinking hot chocolate, sleeping a lot, and dressing warmly. Kind of lame, I know, but I genuinely enjoy those activities! Something about relaxing inside the comfort of my own home beats playing in the freezing snow.

  18. I like the winter. I miss the snow though. The last time there was any big snowfall I was probably ten. We only got out one day last year. Maybe it will snow again one year. For other kids winter probably means snow actives but for me it just means cold but never cold enough.

  19. I love the winter time. I love when to is Christmas break and get to spend time with my family. I like when I have snow days so I can sleep in and not have to worry about going to school. I like relaxing in the house and chilling on a very cold day. I am ready to have some so days so we can be out of school.

  20. I adore winter time. My favorite things to do always happen in the winter. Although I hate cold weather, there are many fun things to do inside. Christmas break is always a favorite. It is the best time of the year for several reasons. One of those is you get to spend more time with friends and family. It's not my favorite season, but I love the things I can do during it.

  21. Great posts! Keep 'em coming! You have about nine more hours until this blog closes! Have a good weekend!
