Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Class of 2020 -- Blog #6 -- A Christmas Wish for the World

Today is the first day of December -- my favorite month of the year!  We are only twenty-four days away from Christmas!  Lists have been made, and shopping has begun.  Trees are being decorated, and stockings are being hung on mantles!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!  (Hey, that sounds like a song!!) 

All of us love the presents and frivolity of the season -- of course!  However, when we really think of the season, there is so much more.  If we really look at our "needs" vs. our "wants," I would guess that there are few things that many of us really need.  We have so much -- what more could we really need? 

In our world, there is so much turmoil.  There is so much stress.  There is so much hurt.   Wouldn't it be great, if we could just wrap up a present - a wish -- to make things go away.  To make things better.  To make things happier. 

That is your quest for this blog response.  If you could grant a Christmas wish for the world, what would it be?  Wishes are "big-picture" things.  Your wish must be realistic and wholesome, although maybe not truly possible.   Your wish must make the world a better place. 

So, what would your Christmas wish for the world be?  Please write a minimum of four sentences for four extra credit points.  This blog will close on Friday, 12/18.  Merry Christmas to you all!  Write on! 


  1. My Christmas wish to make the world a better place would have to be that everyone knows Jesus and has Him in their heart. My other Christmas wish to make the world a better place would have to be no more homeless people. My last Christmas wish to make the world a better place would have to be no more evil in the world. There are many more Christmas wishes that could make this world a better place but those are mine.

  2. My Christmas wish to make the world a better place is to stop the violence. People die every day just because one person believes something different than they do. There shouldn't be any violence or discrimination because that's not what Jesus would want.

  3. My wish for the world is no war. If there was no war then there would be a lot less death. So many people around the world would not lose their spouses, children, or parents in wars. This would make the world so much better and happier. That is my worldly Christmas gift.

  4. Wouldn't those things be amazing? Keep posting! Remember -- four sentences! Write on!

  5. My wish for the world is that everyone would get along no matter what they have going on. Everyone deserves to be treated equally. Treat other how God would treat us , if we did that the world would be a MUCH better place.

  6. My wish for the world is a couple of things. One of them is for world peace. Secondly, for no more wars in countries including ours. Third is for the freedom of religion. People around the world can't talk about God, especially in Asia.

  7. I wish that everyone that has never experienced Christmas gets a Christmas. For them to have a meal and a couple of presents. That is my most favored wish. That is my Christmas wish.

  8. This world needs a lot of Christmas wishes. This year especially, a lot of violence, all around the world has taken place and it isn't how I should be. For that reason one of my Christmas wishes is for world peace. This would benefit the world in so many ways including less war, and violence across it. The list goes on and on about what would help this earth be a better place because all things are possible through Christ who strengthens us.

  9. This world experiences and goes through a lot of problems. It would be amazing to make a wish for the world. There are so many wishes that could be wished. My Christmas wish for the world would be no more hungry or starving people. My hope is that with the can food drive we are doing, my Christmas wish can start to become true!

  10. My wish for the world, is for everyone to be happy and for there to be world peace. That there would be no more terrorism, no more poor people, and no more hate. Everyone would have enough food and no more evil acts. That is my Christmas wish for the world.

  11. You are all really thinking! I love it! Write on!

  12. I have many wishes for the world. One of them is world peace. Another is no more poverty. My last wish is for everyone to be able to have a Christmas.

  13. If i could grant a christmas wish for the world, it would be world peace. Terrorism and war is a big modern problem. Christians and other religions are getting persecuted daily. I hope one day this (world peace) will actually happen.

  14. Good job! Merry Christmas! Blog #6 is now closed!

  15. My Christmas Wish would be world peace. I feel like the world needs peace. With every thing that is going on the world needs it. I feel like this is the best for everyone. So this would definitely be on my Christmas Wish List.

  16. Woops! Blog is NOT closed until 12/18! My poor brain thought it was to close on 12/11! So WRITE ON for FOUR extra credit points!!

  17. If I could make one Christmas wish for the world I would make Pokemon real. Yes I know cheesy and nerdy but they can help us in so many ways. If you have that one star that you want to get on a really high tree you can use a Pokemon to try and get it up there (hopefully one that burn it down or dissolve it.) That would be my Christmas wish for the world.

  18. My Christmas wish would be for everyone to have peace.If people have peace then it is not as much stress they have to deal with.Christians are getting killed everyday and I think they need to stop killing them and have peace.I hope this would actually happen one day

  19. I would choose to give everyone the opportunity that we have here in America. This would include, education, medical care, housing, etc. and possibly end world hunger. There are millions of boys and girls in developing countries that could become famous singers, authors, athletic figures, or political leaders—if only they were given the chance. This would open up a whole new door of possibilities. Along with this oppurtunity, they would also get a chance to hear about the Gospel.
