Friday, February 5, 2016

Class of 2020 -- Blog #7 -- Hmmmm . . . Valentine's Day Again!

Can you believe that February is already here?  We've enjoyed a few snow days, and spring is just around the corner!  Our year together is quickly passing by, and you are well on your way to becoming HIGH SCHOOL students!  Wow! 

Next week is Valentine's Day!  I remember when I was in 8th grade.  You either LOVED Valentine's week, or you HATED Valentine's week.  It all depended on who liked you, and who you liked.  From what I hear from you today, it's pretty much the same a hundred years later! 

First of all don't stress!  If you have a "love" in your life -- good for you.  If you don't, good for you!  (Even better, if you ask me!)  At any rate -- Valentine's Day is filled with stuffed animals, candy, hearts, candy, flowers, candy, Cupids, candy, cookies, candy, jewelry, candy -- did I mention the candy??

Let's talk about candy for just a minute!  Of course, I have the perfect name for it -- SWEET!
Valentine's candy comes in all forms -- chocolate, peppermint, bars, hearts, gum -- whatever your little heart desires, you can probably find it!

So, for this blog -- tell me a little bit about your feelings about February 14th.  Do you have anything special planned?  What is your favorite Valentine's candy?  Are you going to buy anything special for anyone?  (A news report this morning stated that Americans will spend about $18.9 BILLION dollars for Valentine's gifts next week!  Please don't spend that much!)

Respond to this blog post in three complete sentences for THREE extra credit points!  The blog will close at midnight on February 14th!  Write on!


  1. Valentines Day is so fun. (Even if you don't have a valentine) All the candy and activities always make it special. I always like getting those red heart balloons from my mom and grandparents. My favorite Valentine candy is of course chocolate and I don't think I'm getting a gift for anyone.

  2. You don't have to have a special someone on Valentine's Day because it is about love not a girlfriend or boyfriend. We all have tons of people that we love and they love us. After all family and friends will be there for you forever not your 8th grade crush. Valentine's Day is fun, it's a day where people seem to be nicer than average and all in all is just a pleasant day. I don't dislike valentines because there isn't any reason too.

  3. I think Valentines Day is fun because of all the candy. My mom gives me gifts like candy and a card or so,etching like that when I wake up. I often give my grandparents and my mom something special too. We have people like our family and our closest friends who love you and that makes the day even more special.

  4. I like Valentine's Day candy but other than that I'm not a fan. My favorite candy is chocolate. I'm not going to do or get anything special.

  5. I like Valentines's Day but it's not my favorite holiday. This Valentines's Day I'm not doing anything special. On Valentine's Day I usually get some candy from my parents and siblings and a card from my grandparents. I don't have a special someone so I'm not going to buy anything special.

  6. Valentine's Day has always been my favorite "holiday" because it's my birthday, but besides that I love Valentine's Day. Even if you don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend it really shouldn't matter. My favorite Valentine's Day candy is obviously chocolate.

  7. Valentine's Day is where you tell someone you love them. It could be your parents, other family, or someone else you love. It isn't always about boyfriend/girlfriend so that's ok if you don't have one.

  8. I love Valentine's Day! It's one of my favorite holidays even though I don't have a Valentine. I don't plan on doing anything special and by favorite candy is white chocolate.

  9. I have never thought too much about Valentines Day. I did think it was a little weird to give every single person in your class a valentine when we were little. The best part was the candy, but now that I have braces I can't eat it. That is my opinion on Valentines Day.

  10. This Valentine's Day I spent time with my parents. We had Panera bread as a valentine lunch. We had a fun time.

  11. Valintines Day is the holiday of love. It's the time were you express your love for the people around you. We usually take Valentine's Day for granted because we just think it's a time to give a girl or boy a cheesy gift.

  12. I sometimes wish that we still had Valentine's Day parties and received lots of candy. In my opinion, candy is one of the best things about Valentine's Day. I haven't really planned anything special or bought anything special for anyone.

  13. Valentine's Day is all about love. I believe than on Valentine's Day you should love your family and friends. You should also be nice to everyone. You should also treat everyone like you would want to be treated. Not only on Valentine's Day but everyday.

  14. Valentines day is not my favorite holiday but it's a caring,loving holiday.I like to eat chocolate on Valentines.I also really don't do anything special.

  15. Valentine's Day is all about love. To me, it doesn't matter if you spend your Valentine's Day with your crush or with your family. Just remember to tell someone you love them on this special day!

  16. Valentine's Day has always been a special day for me. It's the day before my birthday! I get to go to bed happy and wake up happy.

  17. I enjoy Valentine's Day mainly because of the candy. I think Valentine's Day is about letting your friends and family know how important they are to you. I don't think that it's strictly about having a Valentine.

  18. It sounds as if you all enjoyed Valentine's Day! I hope you enjoyed your holiday today, as well! This blog is now closed! Thanks!

  19. I enjoyed Valentin's day because of the walking dead. It was really good. Probably the best episode ever
