Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Class of 2020 -- Blog #9 -- Winding Down!

Students --

It is hard to believe that our year together is winding down quickly!  We have one full week left of classes!

This is a time of year for reflection.  We have had such an amazing year, and I am proud of you all!  It is hard to believe that you are almost ready to be FRESHMEN in high school!  It seems like only yesterday (well, maybe last week!) that it was August, and 8th grade was just beginning!   Wow! 

Remember the amazing pep rallies??

How about the Prodigious Pumpkin Project?


Washington D.C trip??

New friends?

Diagramming Sentences??  Definitely!

Writing to President Obama?

A Black Tie Affair?

Girls' Ministry??

Field Day? 

We have definitely had a year to remember!  For this blog, I would like for you to reflect back on your favorite memory of 8th grade.  Please write three to four sentences for three extra credit points!  This blog will close on Friday, May 6th, so you just have about four days to complete this!  Write on! 


  1. My favorite part about this year was getting to go to field day. There were so many fun activities, some wet, and all fun! Field day was a great experience for me this year and I hope to keep having great memories like it.

  2. I have had so many wonderful eighth grade memories. I think my favorite memory would have to be A Black Tie Affair! I loved banquet this year because I got to get dressed up, take a bunch of pictures with friends, and give a banquet speech. I'm looking forward to making more memories during my freshman year and throughout the rest of high school!

  3. There has been so many memories this year! I can't believe it's coming to an end. If I had to pick one memory it would have to be the pep rallies. It's not a particular one, but a pep rally in general makes me so happy and gets my spirits up. I love it when everyone is smiling and having a good time. Going into freshman year there will be many more. I loved every moment I had with everyone in 8th grade. I'm looking forward to many more memories in the coming school years. Although I love school with everyone, summer is much needed. No offense of course!

  4. There has been a lot of memories this year. One of my favorites would have to be basketball in general. Im gonna miss all the memories but im looking forward to the future.

  5. My favorite part of the year was field day. I liked the activities that we did and how we had a huge water fight (that we weren't supposed to have), but it was fun anyway. I also liked playing Drip Drip Soak and getting other people wet. I was sad at the end of the day though because it felt like the last day of school. But that was my favorite memory of the year.

  6. There were a ton of great memories this year especially it being my first year at Goodpasture but my favorite would of have to been banquet. Banquet was so fun much this year. I have never been to a banquet or dance so it was a great first. I can't wait to be a freshman next year!

  7. Wow! Some great memories here! Keep 'em coming! Write on!

  8. There have been plenty of good memories that I could write about, but this one stands out. My favorite memory was being out on the basketball floor with my boys. In all it was a vey fun year and I had a great time, and I can't wait to see what high school has to offer.

  9. I think my best memory in this year was Stratton. Sure, I had fun in D.C. and at Banquet, but nothing beats what happened at Stratton. Seeing those children so happy to have gloves and hats made me realize so many things I have taken for granted. Not to mention one kid pointing at my friend's shoes and exclaiming, "WHAT ARE THOSE!!"

  10. I really cannot believe how soon it is going to be till we are freshman, and that scares me. I feel like I say this every year, but 8th grade has by far been my favorite year. There has been very minimalistic drama and I have had a very successful year. This year had many highlights, I LOVED Washington, even though we didn't get much sleep. I loved being able to be Mrs. GMS. Most importantly this year has been a year of bonding. I have made so many new friends that I will remember for the rest of my life. I am not going to lie, last year I was afraid of all the 8th graders, they were the "big kids" but being able to be an 8th grader has really made me think. We don't realize how much we look up to the older kids. They are our role models, and I have taken advantage of that and become best friends with some of the 7th graders. I will always remember 8th grade and will always miss it.

  11. My favorite part of this year was banquet. I loved getting dressed up to take pictures! I had a lot of fun! It was a great evening to spend time with friends and talk to each other! Banquet was definitely my favorite part of my 8th grade year!

  12. OMG! I can't believe high school is only weeks away. It is going to be a whole new experience for me. New school, new friends, and new curriculum. I loved my last year at goodpasture. I feel like me and my friends got really close to each other. However, now I am leaving and may never see them again. Yes it is sad, but I will do my best to bring the guys together again over the summer and the next four years. If any of my friends see this I hope they know how much I will miss them and I wish them luck in their band career and I hope to see everybody across the field. I will miss this year and everything about it so much. Good luck everybody!! I will be thinking of you!!

  13. 8th grade year by far has been the best year for me. I feel like our grade has gotten closer. My favorite memory of the year was Washington, I also loved basketball. High school is going to be a big change for me next year. It is going to be scary but I will make the most of it. I will miss all of my friends, but I'll still see them!

  14. I have made so many memories this year! In the fall I remember cheering at all the football games. I also remember all the fun activity periods. I also made many memories on the Washington trip! I had a great eighth grade year and can't wait to be a freshman

  15. I had so many memories from first day or baseball practice to the last week of middle school baseball.Baseball made for a 8th grade year to go in to high school.High school might not be as fun but we will see what it offers.

  16. Picking a favorite memory is hard so I'm just going to pick a time. My favorite memories are probably during basketball season cheering (not really cheering more like talking with fellow cheerleaders). Coming up with nicknames for all of the boys on the other teams were fun too. I'm definitely going to miss cheering next year it was a big part of my life, but I think it's time to move on to a new chapter in life. So, for at reason I'm very excited to be a freshman next year. A bonus is only four more years of school!

  17. This year has been really fun. Everything from going to banquet and even being in student council. I have also made a lot of new friends. All of our field trips were fun. I really enjoyed the Washington trip and the Stratton trip. This year has been really fun, but I am looking forward to being in high school next year.

  18. There is no possible way for me to pick my favorite memory of this year. Even though I'm not a big fan of school I wouldn't trade this year for anything. The friends that I've made, the things I've gotten to experience is remarkable. It is sad to me that some of these people I will never see again. But I will always have the memories I made with them in my heart.

  19. This year was so fun! There were so many great memories made with friends. My favorite memory had to be banquet. Getting dressed up and having fun afterwards with friends always makes memories you'll keep forever. The Washington trip and being the student council secretary had to factor in to how great this year was. Next year will be so different. I will miss everybody but I'll still keep in touch. 8th grade has not let us down. ;)

  20. My favorite 8th grade memory is field day. My favorite part was when everyone started throwing water on each other. I also liked when they dumped ice water on Mr. Bixenman. Overall I loved 8th grade!

  21. This year I made so many memories that I can't choose one. I enjoyed that time when we were in D.C. and around ten of us decided to have a little girl party in one of the rooms. I also enjoyed banquet where everyone looked nice and was on their best behavior. I won't forget field day when everyone had a water war! There are so many memories I've made. Whether they're good or bad I'll cherish them and learn from my mistakes with them. I'll miss 8th grade and I'll miss everyone over the summer.

  22. I made so many amazing memories this year. Pep rallies and football games we're my favorite. I wouldn't trade these memories for anything, but I am very excited for highschool to make more memories.

  23. This year was my favorite year of middle school! I made so many memories with all of my friends! My favorite memory was field day, even though jk poured water in my hair, it was by far the most fun day of eighth grade. I'm not really sure what's going to happen next year but I know I'll make even more memories that will last forever!!!!

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. There are so many memories from this year, but here are a few of my favorites! Getting to be on Mr. and Miss GMS was such an honor. Knowing that people voted me to be on court was great. Another is being on 7th and 8th grade girls ministry. We did so many things to help others this year, and those things reminded me of how blessed we all are. My third memory is banquet. At banquet I got the best all around award and that was great. Also the after party was so fun with Grace Parks there. The last great memory I have is just being in 8th grade in general. It was our last year as middle schoolers, and it has been amazing. I'm so ready to go into high school but I will miss all of my teachers. I definitely hope the seventh graders have as much fun as we did when they get to be eighth graders!

  26. My favorite memory of this year would have to be Christmas vacation. I was ready for a break and then Christmas was coming up! This school year was pretty cool. That was my favorite memory of this school year.

  27. My favorite memories from 8th grade would be from Washington. Washington was so much fun! I feel like our grade grew closer together than it was before. There was lots of memories made while in D.C!

  28. I have many great memories of this year. My favorite is probably Washington DC. Even though I got sick one of the days, the rest was a lot of fun.

  29. Some of my favorite memories would have to be with the basketball team. Even though the sprints were not the best, I loved growing closer with some of my friends. From eating dinner and playing on the court this has to be the best memory of my 8th grade year!

  30. 8th Grade has definitely been on of my best years of school EVER!!!!! There are so many fun memories that I have, but almost all of them include friends. Some of my favorite memories would definitely be in Washington D.C. (Arlington, hanging out at Pentagon City Mall, and taking pictures under the cherry blossoms at Fort McHenry) and Banquet. The slideshow made me remember soooooo much, and I will miss the people who are leaving because they are part of this school and part of this wonderful year. :D

  31. Ya'll are making me sad! So many great memories! I'm really going to miss you all! Write on!

  32. My favorite memory is Washington, D.C. We had so much fun, aside from all the drama there was. Teddi, Ally, Taryn, and I had so much fun at Fort McHenry. I also got closer to people I usually don't talk to.

  33. It is difficult for me to choose a favorite. I have only been here for one semester. I have enjoyed working with Joel. I do not really have a favorite memory.

  34. 8th has been an amazing experience. Whit all the activity periods all the hard test and projects. T just can't believe I made it to this point. Mrs.Sweet you've really got us ready for high school. I'm going to miss all of you guys at Goodpasture.

  35. I don't think I have a favorite 8th grade memory. I've made so many memory throughout this year. I enjoyed seeing all of the cool monuments and learning so many things when I went to Washington, D.C. I also enjoyed going to the banquet. This year has gone by so fast and it's hard to believe that it's almost over.

  36. I think the whole 8th grade was a cool memory. I can not decide on one. This year was very fun. Especially the DC trip.

  37. I think that I loved Washington the most. I loved hanging out with my friends for a few days and having no school. I loved getting to see all the monuments as well. This is what I liked about the 8th grade year.

  38. My favorite day of the year was my first day. I loved the baseball team here, and I think it was a great add to my life. I I loved the teachers here also. This is what I liked about my 8th grade year.

  39. My favorite 8th grade memory was the trip to Washington, D.C. Going there and seeing all the monuments, documents, cemeteries, ect. was somewhat surreal to me because I had always seem history simply as a story instead of real life. I loved all the memories that I made there with my best friends. I'm going to miss 8th grade.

  40. Great job, folks! So many awesome memories! I'm going to miss you all! One more blog . . . and we are finished with 8th grade!
