Monday, May 9, 2016

Class of 2020 -- Blog #10 -- Summertime!

Well, eighth graders, our time together is just about over!  I have certainly enjoyed getting to know all of you better this year, and overall, I think we've had an awesome year!  I look forward to hearing great things about all of you, as you begin your high school careers!

Summer is my favorite time of year!  I love the long lazy days of summer.  Sleeping in is always a perk too!  For my family, summertime is SWEET -- literally!  We love spending time at the lake, or just hanging out together!  It is a time of year when the regular routine seems a little less crazy, and a little more relaxed.

June is always fun with CMA Fest, and we have a blast.  We enjoy country music,  especially when our son, Conner, is on the stage!

July means a family reunion with our extended family in North Carolina.  We share  a lot of laughs and hugs from family members we don't see too often.  (And we get a little competitive on the go-carts!)

We also usually go on a vacation, and this year, we are planning to head to the beach in late July!  That is my favorite place is the world, and I am looking forward to it.

What are your plans for summer?  In the final blog of the year, please respond to this question.  Please answer in three complete questions for three extra credit points.  This blog will close at midnight on Tuesday, 5/17.  Write on! 


  1. I don't have any big summer plans. I do want to get a tan. And sleep. I go camping a lot during the summer and I am looking forward to that. I can't wait to go on the lake and go to the pool. And ,most of all, get ready to be a freshman!

  2. I am really looking forward to this summer. I'm going to Destin, Florida, in June. I'm also going to a lot of church camps. I'm most looking forward to the mission trip I go on to Minnesota! I am so excited to hang out with all of the friends I made there. Before I know it, it will be time to go back to school as a freshman!

  3. This summer I'm going to a lot of camps in June and then nothing in July. I'm definitely going to sleep. I will also go to the pool and burn. I will also put off my summer reading till the last minute. That is what my summer looks like.

  4. This summer im looking forward to basketball. I am also looking forward to a cruise my family is going on. This is what im looking forward to this summer.

  5. I have multiple plans for this summer. I am just ready to go out on the lake all summer, and get really tan. One more week left, and I am done with school.

  6. I have a lot of plans this summer. I hope I get really tan this summer too. I can't wait till school's out!

  7. I have a few plans for the summer. I have family from Sweden coming to visit for a few weeks sometime in June, and my family and I are going back to Washington, D.C. for my Swedish passport. I'm ready for school to be out, I need a break from this place.

  8. I'm planning on going on a vacation to Florida in June. Go there, stay a few days, visit family, and head back home. Otherwise, I have nothing planned for this summer.

  9. This summer I'm going to a soccer game in Chicago. I get to see one of my heroes, Lionel Messi, play in person for the first time. I'm also going to Yellowstone to experience God's creation. This summer is going to be really fun.

  10. I have a lot of plans for this summer.This year we are going to Georgia to play baseball at Perfect game baseball field.I can't wait l until when school is out!

    1. Went to Perfect Game with Colton many times! He will be down there twice this summer with his team! Good luck!

  11. For Summer I am going to Florida with Emily. I am also going to do two camps and I can't wait! My Summer isn't busy but I can't wait to spend it with my friends!

  12. You are all REALLY ready for summer! Me too! Write on!

  13. I am going to Florida in July and I can't wait. Also I am going to my church camp. I will also be spending a lot of time at the pool and with my cousins. I can't wait for school to end!

  14. For summer I am going to Florida in July. I am also going to church camp that is also in July. I'm also going to spend a lot of time at the pool with my family/friends.

  15. For the summer my family and I are going to Disney for my little sister birthday (Izzy). The rest of the time we are going to stay home. Hope you have a great summer !

  16. I will be attending my grandfather's 100th birthday party. I will also visit my cousins. At the end of summer, I will go back to school.

  17. I can't wait for summer to come. It is coming fast. I have a job this summer (not by choice). My mom is forcing us to mow yards. I'm going to summer camp. We will also spend time with our grandparents.

  18. My summer plans are exquisite. First, my family and I are going to New York City. A couple of weeks after that we are going to camp meeting. Then, Miles and I are going to a summer camp called ICC. Finally, Mikes and I are going down to Alabama to help my grandparent's reprint their house after it was burned in the summer. That is my summer.

  19. This summer I plan to do a lot of things. This includes camping and going on a mission trip with my church. Other than these two things, I will mainly be focused on football.

  20. I can't wait for summer! This year I am going to train for 2 weeks at Orlando Ballet! I am going to the beach a lot too! I can't wait to get together with friends. I'm counting down the days!

  21. I have lots of summer plans but mostly I am excited for school to be out. I can't wait to hang out with my friends all summer. also I can't wait to be tan.

  22. I can't wait for it to be summer. I am going to cedar point again and I am very excited about that. I can't wait until I don't have to do homework every night.

  23. I can't wait for summer to start. I have a lot of plans for this summer. I'm going to Tampa Bay in Florida and I'm going to visit some of my cousins in Indiana.

  24. This summer I have a few plans. I really want to spend time with friends. Also we might go to Tarpon Springs and Disney World. This summer my family is going to Mexico I just have to make sure I can go. I am also going to go to summer camp. I am really excited for this summer. It's the last summer before highschool!!

  25. This summer I am looking forward to chilling with my friends and going to my dads house and meeting my family on the other side

  26. Hey, guys! Greetings from Phoenix! Lots of responses! They're great! Write on!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I am really excited for summer! I will have a lot of cheer practices and camps which I am really excited for. I am also going to the beach in June! I can't wait till summertime!

  29. This summer I'm doing a lot of activities. The whole month of June I'll will be doing basketball. The day after that I will be going to Mexico for a mission trip. Right after that I will be going on a fishing trip in Minnesota. Finally the last week of summer I'm going to Panama City beach, and then back to school.

  30. I don't really have any plans for the summer. I haven't really planned anything yet. I'm just going to sleep and do nothing. I hope I get to spend time with friends and maybe go somewhere but other than that, that's what I have planned. I can't wait for summer!

  31. This summer I only have two things planned so far. The first thing will be varsity cheer camp. This year we go too Auburn. This is my first year of being a varsity cheerleader so I'm really excited. My second thing planned is to go to Myrtle beach for 8 days. We go down there July 1st-8th, and July 3rd is my birthday. So while we are in myrtle beach I will be celebrating my birthday and I couldn't be more happy! This summer will be a great one and I can't wait to start school again and be a freshman in high school.

  32. This summer I will be going on a mission trip, which is a big deal for me! I'm going to go to church camp. I'll be going on a week cruise to Alsaska. I'll also be doing a lot of reading, yeah!!!

  33. Keep on writing! Those extra credit points are helping! Write on!

  34. I guess i really don't have much planned. I have marching band going on during the summer. I also plan on going to the beach in June. I also plan on sleeping every single day. I guess those are my plans for the summer.

  35. This summer I'm going to the Nashville symphony and the Belmont university winds camp where I will be taught by a Nashville symphony member. I know that's not a popular summer, but it is for me. I also have marching band at the end of the summer.

  36. This summer I am planning to sleep. Basically just enjoy my life before high school. I am also planning to go to basketball camps.

  37. The blog is now closed! Have a great summer! Write on!
