Monday, November 28, 2016

Class of 2021 -- Blog #5 -- Your Christmas Wish for the World

It's almost December -- my favorite month of the year!  This semester is quickly drawing to a close, and we are only a few short weeks away from Christmas!  Lists have been made, and shopping has begun.  Trees are being decorated, and stockings are being hung on mantles!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!  (Hey, that sounds like a song!!) 
 All of us love the presents and frivolity of the season -- of course!  However, when we really think of the season, there is so much more.  If we really look at our "needs" vs. our "wants," I would guess that there are few things that many of us really need.  We have so much -- what more could we really need?

In our world, there is so much turmoil.  There is so much stress.  There is so much hurt.   Wouldn't it be great, if we could just wrap up a present - a wish?  What if we were able to make things go away; or we could make things better?  Don't you wish we could make things happier?

 That is your quest for this blog response.  If you could grant a Christmas wish for the world, what would it be?  Wishes are "big-picture" things.  Your wish must be realistic and wholesome, although maybe not truly possible.   Your wish must make the world a better place. 


So, what would your Christmas wish for the world be?  Please write a minimum of FIVE sentences for FIVE extra credit points.  This blog will close on Friday, 12/16.  

Merry Christmas to you all!  Write on! 


  1. My Christmas wish for the world would be everyone being able to be happy. I wish we didn't have to worry about politics or our problems. We all have our worries that we wish we could let go and just be happy. It is our choice to be happy. We have things that happen every day and it just pulls out down more and more and sometimes we want to give up but we still hold on.

  2. I would wish for world peace. I would want everyone on Earth to be happy and love each other. We would all treat each other the same. No one would be treated any different than anyone else. There would be no more wars, battles, fights, or even conflicts in general. All the countries would get along. If they did have a problem we could settle it without fighting. That would be my wish.

  3. My Christmas wish for the world is for everyone to have a family and be safe. Like some people don't even have a home and is cold outside. Christmas is to be spent with family and some people don't have a family. So my Christmas wish is for everyone to have a family to spend Christmas with.

  4. My wish would be for everyone to be less selfish. Help others in need! A lot of people don't get Christmas because of their circumstances. Reach out to the people who don't have anything. We can't help everyone , but everyone can help someone.

  5. My Christmas wish would be for peace and equality. John Lennon once said " It matters not who you love, where you love, why you love, when you love, or how you love, it matters only that you love." I think that is very important. I think there would be a lot more peace and happiness if people applied that to their lives and were not so judgmental. The world would be better off with less violence and more peace.

  6. If I were to wish one thing on the world, I would wish for everyone to be motivated. Many people who feel that they're in a bad place could probably get out(or have gotten out) with effort. Even if they couldn't, the effort of others could help them. Yet, we seem to lose sight of our ways and truly stop trying. I believe that we could all help each other in life as a whole if we were only impelled to do so.

  7. I really wish that everyone would be treated equally. I don't get why some people are " better" or more " popular " than others. We were all created to love God and everyone around us, and that's what we should do. Like Coach Joslin said in devotional, we should look at everyone the same. It doesn't matter what you look like. So, anyway that's my wish for the world.

  8. I would wish for world peace. I want this because there's a lot going on now and it's affecting people's lives in a negative way. I also want this because there would be less violence and murders. Racism and xenophobia would also be eliminated. This will be my one and only wish.

  9. My wish is for world peace and that everyone would be treated equally. After reading the book Anne Frank it made me sad to see how some people are treated differently just because of their race. My hope is people could treat everyone as they want to be treated. My wish is for peace for the whole world no matter their race or belief.

  10. If I had to make a Christmas wish for the world, I would wish for love. They are so many people that fight and are always mean. For some reason today fighting seems okay. The perspective should be to resolve, but instead we criticize. If we all loved, the worlds would be a million times better.

  11. My wish for the world is for all the countries to quit fighting. Another wish is for all the people to unite and help the hungry. My next wish is for the world to end all the stereotyping between race. We all need to treat each other with kindness. In all we should follow Christ and try to be like Him each and everyday.

  12. If I absolutely had to make a wish and, it would come true then I would want to make everyone Christians. If everyone believed Christ came and saved us from our sins then we would all want to follow the Bible. The world wouldn't make as much destruction or wars things that tear us apart. I just think that if we all have our heart set on heaven then no one would do something then keep doing it if they knew it was wrong. Finally I think that it would just make the world a happier place.

  13. My Christmas wish for the world is to without worry. We all worry about the little things in life. And to go without worry for one day is a treasure. But to go without worry for a month is a blessing. Wether it's he biggest or the smallest thing, we don't have to worry about it. God will take care of it for us.

  14. My ultimate wish would be for everyone's forgiveness. If we wouldn't hold grudges life would be easier. I wish that we could forgive God the way he forgives us. We don't need to stress the small things. Just live without worries and forgive everyone so the Lord will forgive you.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. My wish for the world would be for no stereotypes or racism. We live in a world today where all we see is fights and wars based on the color of our skin. God made us all different for a reason. We need to learn to respect that and love everyone equally. That would be my ultimate Christmas wish for the world today.

  17. My Christmas wish to make the world a better place is to have God as everyone's central focus. If we all believed in God and lived as he asked us to live then there would not be hatred among us. We would not have people killing one another for disagreeing with their religion or because they felt they had the right to deserve something that wasn't theirs to begin with. We would not be arguing over who would be a better president because we would all be looking for a leader that believed what the Bible says and lives the way God tells us to live. If we all had God as our central focus then we would all be trying to encourage one another to go to heaven instead of tempting others to follow Satan.

  18. Amazing wishes! Wouldn't it be great if we could make these come true! If we all try to just do a little bit better in our own individual lives, we may really make a difference. Write on!

  19. I want our country to join together. Right now our country is so divided after the election that nobody can move on and go on with there lives. Forget and forgive.

  20. Good job! Write on! Blog closes Friday at midnight!

  21. My Christmas wish for the world is for everyone to turn to God. There are many religions. Out of all of them, only one is true. A lot of people are waisting their lives practicing false religion. If everyone turned to God, everyone would like each other.

  22. I wish that everyone would worship God. Half of the world believes in God but doesn't worship Him. I wish that all 7,000,000,000 in this world would have good Christian morals. Most of the world out their is lost, and its sad since God created them. There is more to going to heaven than just believing, it's mainly worshipping. If only the world would have better Christian morals, then we also would be kind.

  23. Write on! Blog closes tonight at midnight!

  24. For my Christmas wish I'd haft to wish for peace. I wish that everyone was happy in one way or another. I wish that there was more Christians in this world. I wish people where moved by God's word and it motivated them in everyday life. I wish that people where in a good shelter and had plenty of food. I finally wish to have an amazing holiday for everyone. -Ethan Swanson

  25. I would want everyone in the world to get along. The world would be so much better if everybody respected each other. It wouldn't need to mean that everybody was nice lol of the time, but that they were not hateful to each other.
