Thursday, November 10, 2016

Class of 2021 -- Blog #4 I Am Thankful . . . My "Top 5"!

November is here, and it is finally beginning to feel like autumn.  This is my favorite season of the year, and one of those reasons is because of Thanksgiving.

We truly have so much for which to be thankful, and I'm afraid that sometimes we possibly take so many of our blessings for granted.  We always need to be mindful of the MANY ways in which God blesses our lives.

What are the "Top 5" things for which you are thankful?

Here are mine:
  • My family is so very special to me,and I thank God for them every day.
  • I am so thankful to be healthy in a world full of people who are struggling with cancer and other diseases.
  • I sometimes forget that one of the greatest blessings for which to be thankful is that fact that God loved ME enough to send His Son, Jesus, to this world to die for my sins.  Wow!  What a blessing! 
  • I'm so very blessed to be part of Goodpasture Christian School.
  • I'm thankful for each one of my students -- past and present.  You are all very special, and I cannot wait to see what life holds for each of you.  
Your blog responses are worth FIVE (5) extra credit points, IF you follow these guidelines:

Post in at least FIVE complete sentences -- but you may use bulletpoints. (You may use mine as a template.)  Also, please use proper spelling, punctuation and grammar, along with good sentence structure.

This blog will close on Thursday, November 24th (Thanksgiving Day) at midnight!

Happy Turkey Day!  Write on!

Mrs. S.


  1. I am thankful for my family
    My friends
    Getting to go to this school
    I can worship God freely
    And my house

  2. My top 5 things are:
    -my friends and family
    -the ability to go to this school
    - that I live in the best country in the world
    - that I know God
    - my house and clothes

  3. I am thankful for....
    - My family, I appreciate and love them so much!
    - My school I am so thankful I get to have a great environment to learn.
    - My friends they are the best I couldn't live without them.
    - Life is good and I appreciate God giving me such a great opportunity.
    - Love I am thankful Love exsists my parents give me endless amounts!

  4. As we apporach the Thanksgiving holiday, here are five things that I am thankful for:
    -I appreciate my friends who have helped me along the way.
    -My family, who love me excessively, have my love in return.
    -I'm thankful to be under a high God like my Heavenly Father, who watches over me daily.
    -I am glad to be given opportunities to succeed by my teachers and coaches.
    -Lastly, I am happy to be alive to see this day that many have not reached.

  5. I am thankful for:
    -my family, who loves and cares for me
    -my friends, who are always there when i need them
    -my teachers, who are always here to help me
    -my life, that God blessed me with
    -the free country, that God also blessed me to be able to live in

  6. I'm thankful for many things, but my top 5 are:

    - I am most thankful for my wonderful family who support me in everything I do.

    - I'm thankful for my friends who give me laughter and happiness everyday.

    - I am glad to be given wonderful coaches who give me the critiques and positive influences to get me to the next level.

    - I'm thankful that I have a house to live in and food on the table.

    - I am so thankful to go to a wonderful school that has Christian influences all around me to keep me on the right path.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everybody:)))))))

  7. I am thankful for a bunch of things but here are my top 5:
    1)- My first one is that i am eternally greatful that Jesus died on the Christ to forgive our sins.
    2)-I am very thankful for my family, because they do everything for me, and they support me in everything.
    3) I am thankful for my friends who love and care about me.
    4) I'm thankful that I live in a free country and the time that I live, because if I lived any earlier I could have been alive for the nazis, world wars etc.
    5) my 5th thing I'm thankful for is my life, I'm so thankful that God let me live.

  8. Here are the top 5 things I am most thankful for:
    1) I am very thankful for my family and the support they give me.
    2) I am thankful for the friends I have here at Goodpasture.
    3) I am thankful for my church and the people that go there.
    4) I am thankful for Jesus and how he saved us from our sins.
    5) I am thankful for having food set on the table every night.

  9. The top 5 things I am thankful for:
    1.) I'm thankful for my family and friends.
    2.) I'm thankful I can go to this school.
    3.) I'm thankful that I will go to Heaven.
    4.) I'm thankful that I live in a nice house.
    5.) I'm thankful that I live in America.

  10. I'm thankful for...
    Friends who care about me
    Family who's always there when I need them
    Food because it's delicious
    God's love for me
    Freedom to believe what I want and be who I want

  11. I am thankful for:
    - My friends and family because they love and support me whenever I need them.
    - Being able to go a safe, christian school like Goodpasture.
    - To have the blessings of food and shelter.
    - To wake up every morning and have the ability to be free and have the soldiers fighting for us over seas
    - To be able to play sports.

  12. I am so very thankful for so many things but, here so my top five.
    - I am thankful to be able to be healthy.
    - I am very thankful to have a family who cares for me.
    - I am thankful to have friends that are always at my side and never let me done.
    - I am thankful to be able to be able to go to Goodpasture.
    - I am thankful to be a christian and learn about God.

  13. Great job! We ALL have a lot for which to be thankful! Write on!

  14. Here are my top 5 things I'm thankful for:
    - having a wonderful family
    -learning about God
    - having food to eat
    - having a great group of friends
    - being able to everyone around me

  15. The top five things i am thankful for are
    - for having a nice family
    - learning about god
    - having friends
    - my dogs :)
    - having food and water

  16. I am thankful for
    -My family and friend always being there for me
    -God giving me the talent to play a musical instrument
    -Jesus died for us to go to heaven
    -The ability to eat
    -Being able to go to a Christian school

  17. I am very thankful for a lot of things but here are my top things I am thankful for
    -I am thankful I get to go to Goodpasture and learn in a good environment
    -I am thankful for my loving and caring family
    -I am thankful to be able to play sports
    -I am thankful that im alive and healthy
    -I am thankfu

  18. I'm thankful for a lotta things but my top 5 are probably
    -music and most of all bass guitar
    -my friends
    -Goodpasture Christian school
    -my lord and savior Jesus Christ
    -last but not least my family not including Jasmine; my family will always be there for me no matter what

  19. This the top thanks I'm thankful for.
    - I'm thankful that my mom has a good paying job
    - I'm thankful that I was born into the United States and another country
    - I'm thankful for the school that I go for so I can have a good education.
    I'm thankful for my friends at goodpasture.
    - I'm thankful for my family and my dog chip.

  20. My top 5 things that I am thankful for are
    - Jesus Christ my lord and savior
    - my family, not my sister
    - this school
    - and last but not least my friends

  21. •im thankful for my amazing and supportive mother
    •I'm thankful for being able to worship God
    •im thankful for my great friends
    • I'm thankful for being able to go to a great school
    •im thankful for being healthy and live in a great environment

  22. -I'm thankful that I get to go to a school where I am able to worship and praise God all day.
    -I'm thankful I have my parents because I wouldn't be who I am today without them.
    -I'm thankful for my friends who are always having my back whenever I need them.
    -I'm thankful for my siblings, especially my sister because she always challenges me to grow in my faith and she is the biggest role model I have in my life.
    -And most of all, I'm thankful for my God who sent His one and only son to die for each and every one of us.

  23. Here is a list of the top five things I'm thankful for.
    1) I am soo thanks fuel for my amazing friends!
    2) my awesome family
    3) that I get to come to Goodpasture
    4) I am thankful for God and everything he does to help me
    5) and I am thankful that I am alive and healthy

  24. Here is a list of five things I am thankful for.

    1. I have a lot of friends.
    2. I have an awesome family.
    3. I go to an amazing school.
    4. I am thankful for God and everything he does.
    5. I am thankful for all of my blessings.

  25. I am thankful for....
    -My friends and family who care so much about me and who have been my side since day 1.
    -The school I go too.
    -All the days I get to wake up from our heavenly Father.
    -The teachers and coaches who have guided me through sports,and school work.
    -The extra curricular activities that I love and get to play.

  26. I'm am thankful for
    My caring family
    My funny friends
    My awesome school
    That I'm healthy
    That I serve a good god

  27. I am thankful for
    ~my family that support me through anything
    ~my friends who stick by me no matter what
    ~ the school I go to
    ~all the day I'm alive an well
    ~that I'm a Christian and that I believe in Him!

  28. I am thankful for:
    My family that is there for me.
    My friends that always got back back.
    The school that I go to so I can worship God.
    My country, where I can live with freedom.
    The food and a house my parents provide for me.

  29. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! This blog is now closed.

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  34. I am thankful for my family.
    God is the greatest.
    I love all my friends at school.
    I am grateful for my health..
    I love that Jesus saved us all.

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