Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Class of 2022 -- Blog #2 Labor Day

It's hard to believe that we have now been in school for three weeks!  Memories of summer are becoming more distant, as we become more and more engulfed in homework and the school routine.  But wait . . . there's one more big summer event coming up!

That's right!  In just a little over a week, we will be celebrating the Labor Day weekend.  How much do you know about the holiday?

Here's a little info:

Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in September, and it pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. Labor Day also symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans, and is celebrated with parties, parades and athletic events.

Labor Day celebrates the American worker, regardless of the type of work he or she does.  As students, your job right now is just that -- being a student.  As an adult, I think it is pretty neat that our country celebrates the hard work of its citizens in such a holiday.  To many, just being off from work and being able to spend time with family or friends is a celebration itself.

So, as we celebrate the ending of our first month of school, basically, how do you plan to spend your Labor Day?  A quick trip to the mountains or the beach?  Sleeping in or catching up on NetFlix?  Shopping til you drop or catching a movie?  Hamburgers and hotdogs at a cookout?

Please respond in at least THREE complete sentences for THREE extra credit points!  Responses must be posted by midnight on Labor Day, September 4th.

Happy blogging!  Happy Labor Day!  Write on!


  1. I think I will hang out with my family on Labor Day. We will probably grill out and maybe even do a slip and slide. I would just like to be outside with nothing on my schedule!

  2. This year for Labor Day I will got to the lake . I will ride my sea doo and wake surf . I will be so glad to spend Labor Day on the water .

  3. This year for Labor Day my family plans to go on our boat. We will nee board and inner tube. I will be so glad to be out of school.

  4. Me and my family just bought a condo in seaside destin. For Labor Day i think we are going to take a quick beach trip with my family. It's going to be so much fun I'm so excited.

  5. For Labor Day, I am going out on my boat at my grandparents house. I can't wait to inner tube and jump of the boat.

  6. I will probably go on the lake . I get to see some of my friends from my old school . I love to inner tube and wakeboard

  7. For Labor Day this year i am going to my uncle Brian's lake house because I never get to see him because he is a secret agent. We will on the lake and ski.

  8. For Labor Day this year, my family is coming to Nashville. We are planning on going hiking t some waterfall. I forget the name, but I'm excited!

  9. This year for Labor Day i will probably stay home and celebrate with family. My entire family normally meets at my grandparents house to eat burgers and barbecue. I am very excited!

  10. For Labor Day this year, I am most likely going to go see my horse. I also get to see my cousin too. I am ready and excited for Labor Day! Also there's no school!

  11. For Labor Day weekend,I will celebtating my 13th birthday on Sunday!I'm so happy we're out of school for my birthday!I also get to see my grandparents again who are always a blast!

  12. For Labor Day weekend, I will probably hangout and chill. I might catch up on Netflix because they released a new show called the defenders. I might play some video games too.

  13. For Labor Day weekend, I am going to be sleeping in and staying home for the entire day! I also hope to get in a small workout too. I am going to try to finish some homework Labor Day as well.

  14. For Labor Day weekend, my Dad and I are going on a quick trip to Florida. My mom is going to New York so she can't come. We will probably just chill on the beach. I'm very exited

  15. I plan to spend my Labor Day by the pool. My family will probably have a cookout. We will play games in the pool and swim.

  16. For Labor Day I might go out on my uncles boat. I will probably will be doing something to celebrate Elizabeth's birthday which was Tuesday. I will most definitely catch up on sleep and watch TV.

  17. On Labor Day my family will probably have a cookout. We will play games with my cousins. We will have a fun Labor Day.

  18. I don't know what I am doing for Labor Day. I think we might go to my grandmothers. I am super excited!!!

  19. I honestly never do anything special on Labor Day. I normally just hang out with my family. I may go to a friends house.

  20. On Labor Day weekend I'm staying with my nonnie to swim until the next day . Then Sunday I will do homework if needed or chill. The day of Labor Day we will go back over my nonnie's to hangout .

  21. I probably won't really celebrate. I'm sure I will need to catch up on practice and homework over that weekend. We might go out to eat or shopping later, though.

  22. I dont know what I'm going to do for Labor Day. I might have a friend over. Other than that I'm not gonna do much.

  23. Sounds like a lot of you just plan on relaxing and staying at home! Sounds good to me, too! Write on!

  24. This labor day weekend is going to be really fun. I'm not going anywhere, but my birthday is on Sunday. It's great because after my birthday, I get a day off.

  25. I have no idea what I am going to do for Labor Day. I might sleep in then go swimming or do nothing. What I really want to do is go to the lake with my cousin.

  26. I don't think I am doing anything for Labor Day. I'm probably going to sleep in and swim.

  27. I'm honestly not sure what I'm doing for Labor Day this year. I want to go out on the lake but I probably will not be able to. I always spend all my weekends doing homework but hopefully with having an extra day, I can have some fun with family.

  28. I am going camping for Labor Day. I am going to Cordell Hull lake to go boating and hiking. I am very excited for this weekend, but I can't wait!

  29. Very nice! Only one more day of school this week! Write on!

  30. For Labor Day I am going camping with my church. We are going to Valley View. While we are there we are going to do kickball, archery, and rifles.

  31. During Labor Day I am going to sleep in. I will probably get ahead on homework. On Monday it is my dads birthday so we will go celebrate.

  32. I have no idea what I'm going to do for Labor Day. I think I'm going swimming. I'll probably watch a lot of Netflix.

  33. I'm going camping for Labor Day. It gonna be fun. It just gonna be people hanging out have a good time.

  34. On Labor Day I'll probably just sleep, do homework, and watch a lot of YouTube. It's going to be a chill day

  35. I'm going to a cow show on Labor Day. After that I'm going to watch the Tennessee vols game. I hope they win our first game.

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. This Labor Day i am going to Murfreesboro for a soccer tournament. All I hope for is that we get to play because if the rain is bad we aren't allowed to play on the fields since there's going to be States there. Though if we don't get to play I'm going at my friends house.

  38. This Labor Day, I plan to spend time with friends. I'll also study for school and Bible Bowl. That night we will watch a movie with popcorn.

  39. This Labor Day, I am going to see relatives in Kentucky. I will stay there the whole weekend until Monday. When I get back I will have to study for quizzes and tests.

  40. This labor day I am going to sleep in. I might watch a movie also. I will catch up on homework too.

  41. This Labor Day i am going to sleep in and stay home. The only thing my family will do is have a bigger dinner than usual. I will also finish my homework for the next day.

  42. On Labor Day I plan to spend the day with family. We might go over to my grandmas house and swim. I just want to relax and have a great day off from school!

  43. This weekend I went shopping with friends. I also got caught up on homework. I got to sleep in and stay at home.
