Thursday, November 2, 2017

Class of 2022 -- Blog #3 What Can We Learn from the Story of Anne Frank?

As we begin our study of The Diary of Anne Frank, I want you to take a moment to think about some very important principles and standards that we will be discussing during our study.  Our history, and the history of the world has been filled with glorious, positive things, as well as dark and horrible things.  We cannot erase history, but we can certainly learn from it.

The Diary of Anne Frank and the stories of the Jewish Holocaust are prime examples of the evilness of prejudice, discrimination and judgment of others.  Prejudice is defined as an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. Discrimination is defined as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things.  There is no room in the world today for these things, and these are part of so many other problems, such as racism, bullying and harassment.

As we read this play, we will see firsthand the horror of prejudice and discrimination.  We should learn from this part of history how we should NOT be, and how we should NOT treat other people around us.

As you think about these things, please respond to these questions: Why do you think that prejudice exists in the world?  Why do you think that many people judge others so harshly?  What can we do to make sure that we are not guilty of prejudice and discrimination? 

Respond in FIVE (5) complete sentences for FIVE (5) extra credit points!  This blog will close on Friday, November 10th at midnight. 


  1. Prejudice exists in the world because that's how our society survives, by judging others and rating them compared to themselves. People judge so harshly because they feel they are better than them. They try to make themselves seem higher up by pointing out others' flaws. If we see the hearts in others, not their appearances, then we will be on the right track to staying humble and not judging. We need to see the good in others, and try to see their personalities first.

  2. Prejudice is in our world because that is how people treat each other’s in this time. People that have more money and the bigger house, or the better car and newer car are so called “better” than the others. The people that have a certain skin color. In reality, none of that matters. Thinking like that makes you lower than the others. Instead of assuming your already better than someone else lower than you, find better in them.

  3. You are both so correct in your assessments! Write on!

  4. Prejudice is in our world today because the world says do whatever makes you feel good, and putting others down shouldn’t feel good but in a sad way it sometimes does to certain people. Being mean to other people today is almost like a lifestyle, some examples of this are things like roasting people or necking people. Some people believe that making other people feel bad today is supposed to bring you popularity, but in reality it just makes other people not like you. Sadly enough forms of bullying and prejudice start at a very young age. I feel that if everyone was to realize the prejudice and discrimination that is going on today we could put an end to it and notice the good in others.

  5. The expression don’t judge a book by its cover was created due to the large amount of prejudice in our world. People are often judged on how they look, where they work or live, how much money they have, and by their religion. Prejudice people have a fixed idea of people’s personalities due to the way they look. Most of the time, people judge others before they get to know them. This is a sad but very real problem we have in the world today.

  6. Prejudice is in this world because without it the haters and bully’s wouldn’t be able to survive in the prejudice based economy . We bring others down because it makes us feel good about ourselves and just because someone is different than us we judge them and bring them down for it . We can treat all people the same no matter religion skin color or nationality .

  7. Prejudice exists in this world because people think it makes them powerful putting others down. I also think it’s because people are afraid of new things and new people. It’s kind of like that saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” like we shouldn’t judge other by their covers. Let’s not be bad examples to others and judge them by their covers.

  8. I think prejudices exist in the world because people think it’s right to torture and bring people down. It’s probably because the person who’s hurting people has probably has been hurt in their life too. It goes back to say people also love to judge others harshly because it makes them fell powerful. Now I know I have done this before in secret the best thing to do if you have done this is put yourself in that persons shoes and think to yourself wow I can’t believe how badly I have treated this person. Now how would you feel bad and that’s why it’s important for us to get better at trying to stop prejudice.

  9. Some very honest observations! Write on!

  10. I think discrimination and prejudice exist in this world because people think they are better than others. These people think too highly of themselves, and they believe that if someone is not like them, then they have the right to judge. Another reason I think people judge is that Satan is ruling their life, and they need to let God be in control. I know I judge a lot, but it isn’t right. We all need Jesus to help us not judge each other because we have things wrong with us that we don’t want others to see.

  11. I think prejudice and discrimination exist in this world because people think they are so ter than others, including God. People do this because it makes them feel better about themselves by putting people down below in feelings and they think it makes them better than everyone else. Everyone will do this sometime in their life, whether they are a kid or an adult. I guarantee you that I will do it sometimes and that you will do it sometimes too

  12. Prejudice excist in the world because people don't have enough confidence. What I mean by this is they have to tear someone down so they can get built up! We judge people so harshly because we can't accept the fact everyone is different, so when we find someone different we judge them! What we can do to never be prejudice is be nice to every one and look at it like we are all people under God. This we help us be less prejudice!

  13. Prejudice exist in the world because that is what people know to do. When we see our friends and parents judge we judge to.People judge so harshly because they want to get attention. They think that if they make others feel bad and judge them then it will make others give them more attention. We need to make sure that we are nice to eachother because if we try to be nice to them then they might wind up being your best friend.

  14. Prejudice exist because people think that is what you should do. When we see others judge we thinks its is cool to judge others just like they do. People judge others just to try to be cool. Judging is not cool because in the Bible it says not to judge others. We need to make sure that we don’t judge others so that God knows we are following the Bible. People think that they are better than others when they aren’t.

  15. I think prejudice exists in the world because of people's upbringing and because of human nature. For example, older people whose parents and grandparents owned slaves were taught that black people aren't as valuable. We also learn stereotypes from media that causes us to judge people based on their appearance. We judge people so harshly because we see so many examples of what the world wants us to be that it makes us begin to notice all of the flaws people have. In order to not be prejudiced, I think you should ask yourself what caused your thoughts on a person. If they aren't reasonable, maybe you should change them.

  16. Being prejudice may be completely normal but it’s not a good thing. People pre-judge others just by looking at what they’re wearing or by their shoes or hair style. We judge so harshly and people bully. People do this because they don't feel comfortable in their own shoes. We need to stop being so prejudice by remembering to talk to someone before we decide anything about them, you never know what they’re going through.

  17. I believe prejudice exists in the world because of past events in history and ego. In the past, white people believed African-Americans were inferior because most slaves were black and most slave owners were white. Some people may falsely try to accuse others of rascim or discrimination due to their ego or sensitivity. People may judge others harshly because of what happened to their ancestors. For example, a Jew may judge a German harshly because of what happened in the Holocaust. We can make sure we are not guilty of prejudice and discrimination by remembering that we are all children of God, but at the same time very unique and different individuals. We are all loved equally by God. Our personalities are not based off our blood or our looks, but rather our experiences, opnions, beliefs, and interests.

  18. Prejudice is in our everyday world. It exist becaus people aren’t happy with themselves. They take it out on on others. Sometimes we are prejudice. We judge books by their covers. It is completely normal to be prejudice but we don’t need to be.

  19. Prejudice exists in the world because that's how our society survives, by judging others and rating them compared to themselves. People judge so harshly because they feel they are better than them. They try to make themselves seem higher up by pointing out others' flaws. If we see the hearts in others, not their appearances, then we will be on the right track to staying humble and not judging. We need to see the good in others, and try to see their personalities first.

  20. Prejudice exist because people think that is what you should do. People judge others just to try to be cool. Judging is not cool because in the Bible it says not to judge others. We need to make sure that we don’t judge others so that God knows we are following the Bible. People think that they are better than others when they aren’t. People who judges others are the main one to be judged.

  21. People still discriminate against other people. People discriminate maybe because they are jealous. They are mean to others because something within them isn’t right. We judge others by what they look like and their actions. Its normal for us to discriminate but we shouldn’t.

  22. People judge people all the time. We got to stay postive and think of the best. Sometimes we judge others by what they look like or where they are from. We shouldn’t judge others.

  23. Thank you for your comments! This blog is now closed.

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