Monday, September 29, 2014

Blog Post #4 -- Fall, Festivities and Fun

Students, it is hard to believe that the first quarter of 8th grade is almost over!  Our fall break is less than two weeks away! 

With the coming of October this week, we are entering into MY FAVORITE SEASON!  I love the colors of fall -- fully ablaze with oranges, yellows, reds and browns!  Fall brings on football too!  Go, Vols! Go, Titans!  Although both could be doing a bit better, in my opinion!  Sitting by a bonfire is one of my favorite activities of fall!  Roasting marshmallows and just enjoying the new cool, crispness in the air is my idea of relaxation! 

The aroma of fresh apples, spicy cloves and juicy pumpkins fill our home during the fall!  Scarecrows, jack-o-lanterns, twinkling lights, and fall leaves are scattered throughout, creating a autumn harvest of fun for the family!   Yummy cider and harvest cakes warm our tummies during the next few weeks!  Trick - or - treaters will squeal with delight at all the goodies they get at the SWEET home!  Not just one or two pieces, but a sugar feast awaits all the little ghosts and goblins who dare to come to our front door! 

Thanksgiving is on its way, and that means the Christmas holidays are also close, at hand!  So, can you tell I LOVE AUTUMN!!! 

What are some of your favorite fall activities?  Do you have family traditions that involve a trip to the mountains?  Do you like NFL?  What is YOUR team?  What's your favorite autumn food? 

Fill me in on your fall favorites!  Three to four sentences posted by October 11th will add a SWEET 3 points extra credit to your grade!

Happy fall, ya'll!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blog Post #3 -- Purpose!

It's hard to believe that we are in the middle of the fifth week of school!  Time certainly flies when you are having fun!  The year is off to a great start, and I feel so blessed to be your English teacher! 

As we have discussed, our spiritual emphasis theme this year is PURPOSE!  We've talked about this in class, and we've written about it in our journals.  The Biblical text for this theme comes from Romans 8:28 -- And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

We ALL have a purpose in life.  Sometimes we may have challenges in really understanding what that purpose may be.  At times, it seems that our purposes may change.  Sometimes we may really wonder WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?  DO I REALLY EVEN HAVE ONE? 

Please respond to this blog by summarizing your thoughts about the following:

  • Do you feel that YOU have a purpose in life.  If so, what is it?  If not, why?
  • What do YOU think that scripture means?  Can you apply it in your everyday life?  How?
  • Have your ever questioned God's purpose for you?  How did you handle that?  

Your response should be three to four sentences for 3 extra credit points!   All responses should be posted by Friday, 9/26!  (If there are any glitches with posting, please see me!  You should be able to post once site directs you to set up a temporary blogger profile.  Your blogger profile should be your first name with your last initial -- ie.  CharlieB.)