Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Blog Post #3 -- Purpose!

It's hard to believe that we are in the middle of the fifth week of school!  Time certainly flies when you are having fun!  The year is off to a great start, and I feel so blessed to be your English teacher! 

As we have discussed, our spiritual emphasis theme this year is PURPOSE!  We've talked about this in class, and we've written about it in our journals.  The Biblical text for this theme comes from Romans 8:28 -- And we know in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

We ALL have a purpose in life.  Sometimes we may have challenges in really understanding what that purpose may be.  At times, it seems that our purposes may change.  Sometimes we may really wonder WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?  DO I REALLY EVEN HAVE ONE? 

Please respond to this blog by summarizing your thoughts about the following:

  • Do you feel that YOU have a purpose in life.  If so, what is it?  If not, why?
  • What do YOU think that scripture means?  Can you apply it in your everyday life?  How?
  • Have your ever questioned God's purpose for you?  How did you handle that?  

Your response should be three to four sentences for 3 extra credit points!   All responses should be posted by Friday, 9/26!  (If there are any glitches with posting, please see me!  You should be able to post once site directs you to set up a temporary blogger profile.  Your blogger profile should be your first name with your last initial -- ie.  CharlieB.)  


  1. I think I do have purpose in life. I have 2 of them I think if I keep doing good in school and athletics . Going to college and trying to go pro in football and taking great care of family. And if I get hurt in football, I will have other degrees where I can find a good job to work at or try to own my own business.

  2. I think that I do have a purpose in life. I think that I have many purposes in life. I think that one of my purposes is to have a family. I am the last Benefield so if I don't have kids then the Benefield name will end with me. Another one of my purposes may be to major in athletics but I'm trying to do good in school before sports. That's what I think my purposes are.

  3. I feel like I have a purpose to make people happy when there down and help people feel better. Everything God does is for a purpose even if it means taking away lives, like it says in the bible The Lord gives and The Lord takes away.

  4. I think I have purpose because God would not have given me such great parents or family. I have purpose because I get to be someone or stand for something. People go through times in their life thinking they don't have a purpose but you do.

  5. I think I have a purpose or else God would not make my parents push me so hard. I hope my purpose is to teach people about God through playing football.

  6. I feel my purpose is to help people in life. This verse can be used in everyday life to help you feel like you have a purpose and to make it through the day. I have never questioned my purpose because I know God have a purpose for everyone.

  7. Great comments, guys! I know you all have TREMENDOUS futures ahead as you follow God's plan for your lives! Remember, in order to get 3 points extra credit, your responses must be three to four complete sentences! WRITE ON!!

  8. Yes,I feel that everybody has a purpose in life. It may not be big, nut there is one. My purpose is to be a kid and go to school. I think it is saying that we should do things how he intended them to be done. If God said then you can, and you can by, before doing something, " Would God do this?" At this age I don't think I have a big purpose yet, so why would I question it.

  9. I feel that everybody has a purpose in life and every ones is different. My purpose is to do well in school and excel in sports and get a academic or sports scholarship to college. I think the scripture means that God has a plan for every single person on this earth and how we react to His challenges helps us achieve our purpose. I have never really questioned God's purpose for me yet because I know that God would never make a mistake. Once I get older it could be a challenge to not question God.

  10. Love that you guys are really thinking and expressing yourselves so well in your responses! Keep it up!

  11. I think that everyone has a purpose. We may not find out what our purpose is for a while, but we need to accept that.The scripture is telling us to give credit for our futures and success to God. I haven't questioned my purpose, because I know I need to trust in God.

  12. I do believe I have a purpose in life, even though sometimes I have my doubts. I see myself writing stories for young adults, that express and/or relate to them so it touches them. I also hope to become a photographer, like my brother, who goes and photographs weddings and other incredible events. I wish to have the responsibility to capture that beautiful moment in one's lifetime.
    I think the scripture means to believe in yourself, to encourage us to keep going. God has a plan for us, even if somedays you might not think so. Every breath you take is a blessing, every inhale is a sign God has the intention to make you do something great.
    I have questioned my purpose on many, many occasions. All I had to do was pray about it, and soon enough I was back on my feet.

  13. I believe that I have a purpose because if I didn't have a purpose then I wouldn't have such a wonderful family. My purpose in life is to be an athlete and serve God. I plan to work and earn money to support myself and my family.

  14. Everyone has a purpose whether they realize it or not. I have not found anything that I truly love. Romans 8:28 says that if we love God He will reveal our purpose to us. I am searching and praying for Him to show me what I want to do in this world and who I want to be. I have to love, trust, and follow Him for God to reveal my purpose to me. I have questioned if God has shown me my purpose yet. I don't know when or if I will ever understand what it is, but I know God has given everyone a purpose.

  15. I think that I do have a purpose, but I don't know exactly what it is. I think that the verse from Romans means to live the purpose God wants you to live, not something else. We can do this by trying to do good and stay away from evil. I don't know my purpose yet, so I also can't question it.
