Monday, September 29, 2014

Blog Post #4 -- Fall, Festivities and Fun

Students, it is hard to believe that the first quarter of 8th grade is almost over!  Our fall break is less than two weeks away! 

With the coming of October this week, we are entering into MY FAVORITE SEASON!  I love the colors of fall -- fully ablaze with oranges, yellows, reds and browns!  Fall brings on football too!  Go, Vols! Go, Titans!  Although both could be doing a bit better, in my opinion!  Sitting by a bonfire is one of my favorite activities of fall!  Roasting marshmallows and just enjoying the new cool, crispness in the air is my idea of relaxation! 

The aroma of fresh apples, spicy cloves and juicy pumpkins fill our home during the fall!  Scarecrows, jack-o-lanterns, twinkling lights, and fall leaves are scattered throughout, creating a autumn harvest of fun for the family!   Yummy cider and harvest cakes warm our tummies during the next few weeks!  Trick - or - treaters will squeal with delight at all the goodies they get at the SWEET home!  Not just one or two pieces, but a sugar feast awaits all the little ghosts and goblins who dare to come to our front door! 

Thanksgiving is on its way, and that means the Christmas holidays are also close, at hand!  So, can you tell I LOVE AUTUMN!!! 

What are some of your favorite fall activities?  Do you have family traditions that involve a trip to the mountains?  Do you like NFL?  What is YOUR team?  What's your favorite autumn food? 

Fill me in on your fall favorites!  Three to four sentences posted by October 11th will add a SWEET 3 points extra credit to your grade!

Happy fall, ya'll!


  1. I don't really watch NFL so I don't have a team. My favorite thing to do in fall is rake up the leaves and play in the leaves. In fall its a tradition to do a contest and my family gets to make pies and it's suppose to be pumpkin but we mix in sour cream with the pumpkin.

  2. Fall break is a fun time, I like to watch NFL sometimes and I like the vols. I also like to play in the leaves

  3. My favorite thing to do in fall is spend Halloween with Shelby Fleming. We have been doing this ever since we were in second grade and still do it to this day. I don't really watch the NFL and if I do it's the Titans with my dad.

  4. I do have a nfl team and it is then steelers. I watch football with my dad all the time. He is a Cowboys fan. We brag on our teams when we win on Sunday's. That's why I love the fall.

  5. My favorite thing to do in fall is to hang out with Olivia DeSirey. We have done this since the second grade and hopefully we can keep that tradition going till we are older. I don't really have a favorite NFL team. If I had to choice one though I would pick the Green Bay Packers.

  6. Great comments! Four days until FALL BREAK!! Keep posting for extra credit!

  7. My favorite thing to do in the fall is watch football. And I like to go to amusement park on fall break. Then I like to rake the leaves. Then I like to hide in them and scare my sister.
    And I like thanksgiving.

  8. I bet your sister thinks that is fun! Thanksgiving always begins with a capital letter! Just a reminder!

  9. My favorite season would be fall because it is cool and not to hot and not to cold and u dont really have to worry about the weather. My favorite part of fall is football, my favorite college team is Tennessee Vols and my favorite NFL team is the New Orleans Saints. I always look forward to Thanksgiving which my favorite food at Thanksgiving is the trukey my aunt makes.

  10. My favorite fall activities are eating food, playing football, and watching football. No we do not have a tradition of going to the mountains. My family loves NFL. I don't really have a favorite team, just teams I don't like. My favorite Autumn food is pecan pie.

  11. Go, Vols!! Keep on writing! These responses are great!

  12. I have many favorite fall activities. Some of my favorite fall activities are having a big bonfire with my friends and going outside and enjoying the weather. I enjoy watching football, but I don't have a favorite team. In the fall my family always makes chocolate pudding.

  13. My favorite fall activities are watching football and Thanksgiving with my family. Although our family does not have a tradition of gooing to the mountains, we do have several. One of our traditions is a extended family football game. My family loves football in general, so any time football is on we are watching it. NFL is not our favorite ,though. If there was a choice of NFL or college we would choose college. My favorite team in the NFL is the Texans, but not for any particular reason except JJ Watt is my favorite player.

  14. I like to do lots in things in fall, like dressing up for Halloween, stuffing myself up in Thanksgiving, and going to my uncle's house to watch football and make a bonfire. My family usually goes to Gatlinburg during Fall Break, but this year we are going to Chattanooga. My favorite NFL team are the Broncos, and my favorite college team are the Vols. My favorite autumn food is turkey and dressing, but my favorite autumn dessert
    is pumpkin pie.

  15. My favorite activities and watching the NFL and thanksgiving. We go on a trip every fall, this year we are going to New York. My favorite team in the NFL is the Seahawks. And I love to eat turkey and pumpkin pie.

  16. My favorite activity is going zip lining. I have a tradition where my family goes to a farm for pumpkin picking. The farm I goto has zip lining. I don't usually watch NFL but my favorite team are the Patriots. My favorite autumn food is pumpkin pie.

  17. My favorite activity would be riding my horse. The only tradition is inviting friends over to trick or treat.

  18. Remember blog closes tonight at midnight! Have a great FALL BREAK!!!!
