Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Blog #5 -- Take Me Out to the Ballgame!

Well, the baseball season is almost over!  It has quickly drawn to a close, but not before the top two teams struggle it out to be named as the top team of the year!  Tonight begins the 2014 MLB World Series between the San Francisco Giants and the Kansas City Royals! Will you be watching??

The Sweet family is a baseball family, and we LOVE the game!  Mr. Sweet is in California this week, which even adds to the excitement!  (Not that he is pulling for the Giants AT ALL!  He likes the Royals!)  

Will you be cheering on the Giants or the Royals?  Do you even like baseball, or could you care less?  What team do you WISH had made it to the series? 

For three extra credit points, please create a blog response.  In three to four sentences, answer the questions above!  Use creativity and proper English, spelling and punctuation in your answers.  Blog will close at midnight on 10/31/2014 (HALLOWEEN!) 


  1. I am not a fan of baseball, so I could really care less. I won't be cheering for a specific team. I don't really have a favorite team so if I chose a team to go to the World Series, I would pick Vandy.

  2. I do not watch baseball nor do I like it. I could care less about who wins. If I had to choose a team it would be the Red socks because im from Massachusetts.

  3. I don't watch baseball so I could care less. I don't really have a favorite team. I guess if I did watch it more I might like a certain team. I just don't have a great interest in it

  4. We are a baseball family and have always cheered for the Atlanta Braves. My grandpa took my dad to several games when he was young. I like baseball but my favorite will always be basketball and football.
