Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Blog #10 - Happy Valentine's Day!!

February is here, and we STILL HAVE HAD NO SNOW DAYS!!  Oh, well!  Next week we will be celebrating Valentine's Day!  This is a day that originated back in the fifth century!  Wow!  That's a long time ago!  Its meanings and traditions have changed through the years, but it's always a fun day!  Or is it??

Valentine's Day is associated with love.  It's not just romantic love, but love, in general!  For some that is great.  For some -- not so much!  Some people are "blue" on Valentine's Day because they don't have a boyfriend or girlfriend.  They may feel left out or alone.  Everyone wants to feel love and accepted! My advice on that is -- don't stress!  In time, most of us find love.  Until then, just enjoy life!  Remember -- you are only in 8th grade! 

Some people REALLY get all into Valentine's Day with romance, expensive gifts, trips, etc.  That may be going a little bit overboard, but whatever! 

Valentine's Day is associated with hearts!  Hearts full of candy!  Hearts full of love!  Hearts full of joy!  Not this kind of heart!  Yuck!

For some it's all about the CHOCOLATE!!  Chocolate hearts!  Chocolate cupcakes!  Chocolate kisses!  You name it, and Valentine's Day has it!  (Personally, this is one of my favorite things about the holiday!) 

So . . . what do you think of Valentine's Day?  Do you have anything planned for this year?  Have you heard of something neat someone else did for Valentine's Day?  What is your favorite part of the day, or is just another winter, February day?  Do you get Valentine's Day candy or gifts from your mom and dad?  (That's always cool!) 

Please respond to this post in three sentences for THREE extra credit points!  Blog will close on Saturday, February 14th at midnight!  Happy Valentine's Day! 


  1. I think Valentines Day is a fun holiday. I enjoy getting chocolates and roses from my mom. My favorite part of Valentines Day is getting to eat all of my candy.

  2. During Valentine's Day, I usually don't do much. I get candy and sometimes funny stuffed toys from my parents, and maybe a few other things from my sibling and grandparents. I have nothing planned for this year, though. At least not yet, of course! I don't have a favorite part of the day, it's an average day for me. I've never heard of anything all that neat or different that someone has done. Valentine's Day just isn't my favorite holiday, I guess. At least this year I have someone to call my own to really enjoy it with!

  3. Valentine's Day has always been so exciting for me, to be honest. I find that most people look at it as a time to be with your significant other, but I find it as a day to show your love to your family and friends. I love seeing how happy people are with their loved ones, whether it be with their boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, sons/daughters, grandmother/grandfather, mom/dad, or best friend. I typically don't really do anything special on Valentine's Day. I get some chocolate and maybe a cheesy stuffed monkey holding a sign that says, "I'm bananas for you!" or something like that from my Mom and Dad.

  4. I am not a fan of Valentines Day. My parents usually get me a card and candy. I am not sure what I am doing for Valentines Day. Hopefully my friend and I can hang out.

  5. I guess I should say I think Valentine's Day is just another day. I like to get candy from my parents. I don't usually do anything for Valentine's Day but maybe this year I could do something. I like to sleep if it's on a Saturday or Sunday.

  6. I think that Valentine's Day is just yuppy and full of love. I like getting candy and things like that from other people it's just weird to me I guess. I hope that everyone who enjoys Valentine's Day has a good day then.

  7. This year i am going to hang out with friend while my parents go hang out with there friend ps. Every year i get candy balloons and a big bear and. I hope i get it this year

  8. I usually will get a whole bunch of candy and people in the family will send us cards but for the most part, Valentine's Day is just another normal day.

  9. I think Valentines Day is just another little holiday. I usually get candy from my mom on Valentines Day. Other than getting candy, I have nothing planned for Valentines Day.

  10. This year on Valentine's day I'm going to see a movie with my friends. My favorite thing about valentines day is eating all the candy that my parents get me. I also love seeing other people enjoy valentines day with another person.

  11. My Valentines day is just another ordinary day in my life. I don't have anything planned and I usually don't get anything. Really, to me, Valentine's day isn't that special.

  12. My parents and grandparents give me gifts and cards for Valentine Day. This year my grandmother and uncle from West Virginia came to visit. It has been a very good Valentine Day.

  13. Sounds like everyone had a great Valentine's Day with these posts! The best Valentine's gift was a week off due to snow! See blog # 11 for more extra credit! Write on!
