Friday, May 8, 2015


It's hard to believe, but we are two weeks away from summer break!  Our 8th grade year together is almost done!  I know you are all ready -- and believe it or not -- I AM READY TOO! 

For your final blog post and TEN (yes, 10!!) extra credit points (weighted as quiz points, btw!), please respond to the following question:

What ONE word best sums up your 8th grade year?  Use at least FIVE complete sentences to respond.   (Yes, I know you wrote about this in your journals, but I thought it would be fun to share!)

I hope you all have a great summer, and I know I'm going to hear GREAT things about you in high school!  (They better be only GREAT things, or I'll come find you!)

As always, write on!


Mrs. S


  1. One word to describe my eighth grade year is fun. I made friends that were not really my friends last year. This years football experience has been the best. I also had some great teachers. That is one word to describe my eighth grade year.

  2. FUN. It has been a fun year making memories with friends. The learning experience has been well this year. The banquet was nice this year even though the food was nasty we still had a good time. This has been the best year for me at goodpasture. I have been more involved in school activities and it has been fun.

  3. One word to sum up eighth grade would be fun and tiresome. Some moments were fun and some were not. This year experiences have been fun and hung out with people and got to know people that I usually dont talk to. I also had some good teachers. Thats one word i would use to describe my 8th grade year

  4. FUN. And what made it fun was my friends. And my teachers always doing their best to make sure I get a good education. And the sport where my favorite part of the year. We did really good in football. And we did pretty good in basketball. Baseball well we didn't get to play many games do to the bad weather but I had a lot of fun.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. One word to describe my eighth grade year would be fun. I have made so many great memories this year. This years banquet was amazing and I had a great time. Washington D.C was a fun trip. I have became closer to people this year. This year was an amazing and fun year, I hope nineth grade is even better.

  7. Different. This year was all so new, different, and exiting for me. It was way harder than my old school, but it was much more fun. I made new friends and lost some, but the whole social aspect was a huge change. The whole dynamic of school changed for me this year, but in a good way. So this school year was much different than any other I have ever experienced.

  8. My one word that sums up my school year is SOLID. I started to hang out with many more people that I didn't know well. It was solid going to Washington and having our banquet. I really liked the teachers this year. This year flew by and that's one thing I really like. I will miss this year from hanging out with friends and getting a good learning experience.

  9. The one word that sums up my 8th grade year is great. There is many reasons why it was great. The first reason is football, it was really fun and we did really good this year. The 2nd reason is, I made a lot of new friends. 8th grade was a really great year.

  10. To me I think the word that best describes my year would be fun. We did a lot of fun things this year. We watched movies sometimes and we are playing survivor in science. Another thing that was fun about this year was starting high school football. This year has been tough at some points but fun at others.

  11. The one word I choose is fun. I have had such an enjoyable 8th grade year. All the way from football to the teachers that help me. I will miss 8th grade but I'm excited about freshman year. I plan on having just as good of a freshman year as I did 8 th grade

  12. One word to describe this year would be fun. Because we went on a field trip. And I got to meet new friends. Also I made the best grades I have ever made. This has been the best year of my school life.

  13. One word that would describe this school year is fast. I thought it was going to go slow like it usually does, but it surprised me! Between fall break, Christmas break, and Spring break, it all just went right past me. It is now time for summer, and I can't wait! I'm hoping next year will go just as fast as this year did!

  14. One word to describe this year would be awesome. This year was one of my favorites. I enjoyed getting to make lots of new friends. I also did well academically. I'm ready for freshman year, but I'm going to miss eighth grade.

  15. One word that describes this year is fun! We got to go and do so many different fun things. The D.C. trip was definitely the most fun! Also, we got to do so many fun activity periods during school! The dodgeball tournament was vey fun! Eight grade has definitely been a great and fun year and I am sad that it is coming to an end.

  16. One word to describe this year would be amazing. This year was one of the best years I've had. I got to know more people. I also got to hang out with my friends a lot more. I did really well with my grades and I can take honors.

  17. One word to describe this year would be hard. I had a lot more homeowork and I took a 9th grade class that took a lot of effort. I hope next year will be easier but I doubt it will. I'm thankful for all the teachers that taught and helped me. I'm looking forward to summer and 9th grade.

  18. One word I'd use to represent this year would be chaotic. It was a great year, though. It was full of drama, excitement, and fun. There isn't a thing I'd change about it. Chaos is the word I'm using because my year was full of things. So, that is my word.

  19. Very descriptive words! Write on!

  20. My one word would be stressful. Almost every night I would have something to do involving school. Getting all the supplies for the next day. Getting up early everyday almost except first Thursday sometimes. Overall I think I would take stressful any day just so I can enjoy life.

  21. My one word would be crazy! This year was the most different and crazy year I have ever participated in. The year I have made very good grades and I think that is crazy! I have always made good grades, but this year I made straight A's! Also all of the homework was crazy. I actually didn't have that much homework throughout the year, but all the projects were stressful. Getting all of the supplies and figuring out where to print my work out was hard. That is how I would describe my year!

  22. My one word would be good. To me the word good is in the middle of amazing and terrible. This year you had some good times and some bad. It was my first year at Goodpasture and I liked playing soccer in the spring. I also like my teachers. The friends I have are great and I'm glad I met them.

  23. My one word would probably be fast. This year I came back to this school and it just went by so fast. Football season went by so fast I hardly remember when this was. This year was probably the most quick year of school that I have ever had. I hope that my years in high school don't go as fast. This year was very fun and I can't wait to get to high school.

  24. My one word would be awesome! It is awesome because I have had really fun year. I have made a lot of new friends this year. I have also made a lot of memories. I will never forget my 8th grade year!

  25. My word would be ok. This year was only ok because we had a good football season! We also had a good baseball season!! I also had ok grades this year! I made a lot of new friends this year!!! I didn't get in trouble with coach bix that much either!!

  26. Keep on writing! Blog open for one more day!

  27. If I had to describe this school year in one word it would have to be quick. This year went by really quick. Even when we were in classes it felt like we just started the class ten minutes ago. Many of the fun things we did this year like going to Washington we by fast also. I wish i could just go back. I feel like i just started school yesterday, and then the next day it's over. I have made many memories from this year that it's so unreal. I hope that we all accomplish things in high school that we haven't yet accomplished. I can't wait to be in high school with some of my most favorite people ever. I hope it also goes by as quick as this year did. I am so ready for the next step in my life and the people that will be. I wish everyone the best in high school but also I hope that everyone goes through High school the way God would want them to. I can't wait for high school!!😁

  28. Good job, guys! The blog is now closed!
