Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Welcome Class of 2020! Blog #1 -- YOUR First Day of School Pic

Welcome to our new 8th graders -- THE CLASS OF 2020!  I am so excited about beginning this year and getting to know you all better!  You will find 8th grade to be busy and quick-paced, and high school will be here before you know it!

As I scanned social media this week, I was amused at all of the "back to school" pics posted EVERYWHERE!  Some students looked all spiffy and ready for a great year!

Others seemed less than thrilled to say goodbye to summer and hello to homework!

Some moms seemed a little bit more excited than the children, actually!

Which picture best represents you?  Are you happy to be back into a set school routine and with your friends?  Are you more satisfied sleeping in late and gaming all day?  In a minimum of three sentences, explain YOUR back to school pic.  If none of the pics above fit you, explain what type of pic might fit!

Three sentence minimum for THREE extra bonus points!  All responses should be posted by midnight on August 25th!  Write on! 


  1. I love seeing all my friends and being reunited with the them everyday, however I don't like waking up early in the morning. I also do not enjoy homework. My picture would be my friends and I smiling to see each other but frowning at clock and books.

  2. I am excited to be in a new school, but not excited to wake up early. I also do not like homework. My picture would be with my friends some smiling and some frowning.

  3. One thing that I love about school is seeing all of my friends again and catching up about the summer with them. I have mixed feelings about returning to school. I dislike loads of homework, and I hate to leave the joyous, carefree days of summer behind. The second and fourth pictures describe me best.

  4. I am excited to see my friends again, but I'm not excited about the endless hours of homework. I also hate having to get up early and not having as much free time. The pictures that would describe me are the third and fourth ones.

  5. I am very excited to see all of my friends, but I hate getting up early and homework. I'm excited about having new teachers. The second and third probably describe me the best right now.

  6. I'm happy to see all my friends and be on a consistent schedule. I'm exited to get to know all the new teachers. I'm not exited pumped about long nights of homework. The second and third picture probably describe me right now.

  7. I would probably take a picture of me being happy and of me being sad, because I am torn between both! I Would take a picture of me being happy because I am excited to be back on a schedule and to see my friends! I would also take a picture of me being sad because I do not like waking up early and lots of homework.

  8. As much as I love summer, it must always come to an end. I like going back to school and seeing all of my friends again. I don't enjoy having homework, waking up early, and tests. The pictures that best describe me would be the second, fourth, and fifth. You may be wondering why the fifth picture. Well, my mom doesn't like us always being around her during the summer. Although, when school starts she doesn't like having to help with homework and projects!

  9. I am excited about this school year, although I'm not that much of a work fan. I do always love seeing my friends and meeting new people once the school year begins, but like I said I don't like work. I hate that summer is over but I'm also happy because I barely got to talk to anyone. I'm looking forward to getting to know my teachers and classmates this year. The third and second picture would probably describe me.

  10. So far, so good! Great writing! Write on!

  11. I am excited about this year. I want to make more friends and get better grades. I really missed my friends, so I'm glad to be back with them. I think this will be a really great school year.

  12. I am really happy for this school year because of friends. The one thing I would Chang is the waking up early

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Three sentence minimum and proper punctuation, please!

  13. I am excited about this year to see my friends. The only thing that I would change would be ixl. My picture would be of me and my friends smiling.

  14. I'm exited for this school year because I'm going to be able to see my friends everyday and the sports I'm playing. The reason I'm not ready for school to start is waking up at 5:45 every morning on a daily basis. I would choose two pictures one of the kid that's frustrated and the second one of the group of friends that are exited.

  15. I'm excited about this school year because this is my last year of middle school. I am also excited because eighth grade is closer to twelfth. I think a good picture that would represent me is someone crying because of all the homework and test.

  16. I was so excited to come back and see my friends again! I was really looking forward to this year because we are the oldest middle schoolers in the building! I was really happy and then I remembered that with school comes homework and tests and all of the things that I honestly can't stand. My back to school picture would be of me outside of a classroom talking with friends trying to put off going into the classroom!

  17. I'm excited about this year because it's my last year of middle school. I hope to make better grades, and to do well on my work. I don't like waking up and doing homework though. The best picture to describe is the one where the kid looks frustrated at his homework.

  18. Great responses! Keep on writing! Blog closes in FIVE DAYS! Three sentences for three extra credit points!

  19. I have mixed feelings about school starting back up again. I'm really excited to see my friends again and getting back into the ole school routine, even though waking up early is horrendous sometimes. I really don't like having a large amount of homework and the dreadful IXL doesn't make it better. Anyways, the picture(s) that describe me best would be the second and forth picture, probably.

  20. I am excited for this school year. I'm happy to be back with friends and getting to see my new teachers for 8th grade. I like sleeping in better than waking up early, and going to the pool instead of doing homework. I really don't want to do IXL this year because I get frustrated with it. The picture that describes me the best is the one with all of friends hanging together. I'm also excited for basketball and band season and hope they go really well. I think this is going to be a really great year.

  21. I have some mixed feelings about returning to school. Obviously I want to be back seeing all my friends everyday, but I also don't want to do all the homework. I'm also not an early person so the 7:50 thing is not that great either. Honestly I think my mom is more excited than my sister and me. So I think that the last picture describes me the best. Over all I think this will be a fabulous and exciting year.

  22. My ideal picture would be happy and sad. I'm excited to start back up to see my friends,but not really that excited for the homework. I'm really excited for the Washington D.C trip. I think this year will be a very good year for me.

  23. My picture would be sort of happy but bored. It would be happy because I would have something to do at home. It can get really boring with nothing to do. And I would be bored because the lectures would be boring. I wish it was more interactive.

  24. I am a little bit frustrated because I kind of don't like going to school. The picture that represents me is the picture of the mom being excited that her kids are going to school because our mom always we should be happy to go to school.

  25. I'm excited to go back to school to see all my friends,but I don't enjoy getting the homework.Summer was fun because I got to do a lot of stuff that I to do like race to carts.I also got to play basketball with my neighbors

  26. Good job! Remember this blog closes tomorrow, 8/25! Write on!

  27. I'm not exited to go back to school, I wish we could stay home for another week or 2

  28. I was not excited to go back to school. I am now because I got the feel for the new school year. School was good last year but I will be better this year!

  29. I was not that excited to come back to school. I still wish I was sleeping in late but school is not that bad. The picture that best represents me is the kid frustrated with homework. It fits me because I procrastinate and then get mad when I can't do it well.

  30. At first I was sad about going to school. After the first week I was excited about being back, because I get to see my friends. I have big goals for the 8th grade, and I plan to reach them

  31. I am excited to be back at school to see everyone, but I wish we didn't have to wake up so early. Summer was great and nobody wanted it to come to a end but everyone gets to see each other again.

  32. School isn't as hard as I expected. I do not like getting up in the morning though. I am glad I get to see my friends

  33. Blog closes later today! Just a few more hours to snag 3 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS for Blog #1! Respond in at least 3 COMPLETE SENTENCES! Write on!

  34. I'm happy to see my friend but not happy to have all the homework and school. So the picture with the kids with the sad faces represents me being sad to come back into the school routine. The kids jumping down the hall represents my friend and I exited to see each other. I'm more satisfied with staying up late and sleeping in late then getting up early.

  35. The picture of the kids being sad represent me being unhappy about returning to school. It also represents me unhappy to have to worry about waking up in the morning. The picture of the kid upset over homework also represents me in the fact that I am not looking forward to the amount of homework we will have.

  36. I am the last picture. My mom is thrilled for school to be back in. I am standing beside her like I just want to be in bed. This is the picture that describes me.

  37. I am the fourth picture. I am sad because I do not want to wake up early. I am also sad because I am not looking forward to all the homework. This is why I think this picture describes me.

  38. I am the fourth picture. I am that picture because I don't like having to wake up early. I also don't like the IXL and homework. This is why that picture describes me.

  39. Thanks for your great responses! Blog #1 is now closed!
