Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Class of 2020 -- Blog #2 Persuasion & Peer Pressure

The very first movie that I ever saw with Mr. Sweet was WAY back in 1983.  The movie was entitled A CHRISTMAS STORY, and I'm pretty sure all of you have seen it.  It usually plays 24/7 every holiday season.  It is the story of Ralphie Parker, a nerdy young boy, with the sole quest of owning a "Red Ryder" bb gun.  Throughout the film, Ralphie is shown as a lovable and likeable young tike, and everyone wants him to get the present, despite the fact that he might "shoot his eye out"!  My favorite scene from the movie involves one of Ralphie's buddies, Flick, and the dreaded "triple dog dare.Flick's "friends" to persuade him to stick his tongue to a frozen flagpole, just off the school playground.  As the suspense builds, Flick "flicks" out his tongue, and accepts the dare.  Of course, his tongue sticks tightly, and his "friends" scatter quickly, as he screams and squirms in pain.  His cries of "DON'T LEAVE ME," go unheard as the group of friends scurry back into the classroom.  Flick eventually is freed, although he requires the services of the fire department.  As the teacher asks if anyone in the class is responsible, all of the students try their best to appear innocent.  It wasn't their fault that Flick had a sudden lapse of judgment, and stuck his tongue to a flagpole!  Or was it?

We've all experienced peer pressure, or friends trying to get us to do something that maybe we should not do.  Perhaps, we've even been the friend trying to pressure or persuade someone to do something wrong.   They are our friends, and we want them to remain our friends; yet, we want to do the right thing too.  We are often so confused as to what we really SHOULD do!

Middle school and high school are times when so many students falter and fold under the weight of peer pressure.  From the temptations of cheating, gossiping or lying, doing the wrong things on social media or the internet, getting involved with drugs or alcohol to any number of other serious issues, we need to think before we act!

Young people -- and older people -- can sometimes do damage to their lives, their character, and their reputation.  This damage cannot be easily undone.  Why do we do things like this?  Why do we let others influence our word and our actions?  Why do we act one way at home, but in a totally different way with our friends?  We know our parents wouldn't approve of our actions, but we do it anyway.  Our friends are important to us, but is someone that REALLY tries to persuade us to do wrong, REALLY our friend? 

Why do we continue to hang around "friends" that seem to always encourage us to do the wrong things?  Do we REALLY need to "fit in" that badly?  How can we overcome the odds and stand up to those people who try to get us to do those things?  How can we steer clear of peer pressure that is going to eventually damage us?

Please respond to these questions in AT LEAST THREE COMPLETE SENTENCES for three (3) extra credit points.  This blog will close at midnight on Thursday, 9/10/2015.

Think about these questions and respond well!  As always -- write on! 


  1. Being pier pressured is really hard to deal with. We need to stand up and know what's right, even if that means losing a friend or two. In the long run, your better off without them. Don't hang around trouble makers! They want you to do bad things. When you get caught doing those bad things, your reputation will be ruined

  2. Cheating, stealing, lying, pier pressure, and bullying are all bad things, but people do them. We have to stand up for these things and report it when we see it. These things are bad and deceiving to God and you, if you do it, so don't. Report those who do it.

  3. We hang around friends that aren't good, because we want to fit in. We want to fit in because we want to be popular. And we act a different way at home, because we know our parents wouldn't approved.

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  5. At our age we think our #1 goal of the school year is to fit in with the 'cool kids' or the 'popular group'. I honestly don't know why everyone thinks that certain people are 'popular' and others are just not, because I think everyone is popular in their own way. Sometimes people think you have to do certain things to become popular or act and dress in different ways. We should avoid peer pressure and be with people who accept you for who you are.

  6. At our age peer pressure is one of the hardest things we face. We might be pressured into cheating if we dont know the information and dont want our parents to get upset with us. Often we don think it cheating to copy someone's answer on homework becauset isn't worth as much but it is all considered cheating any way, shape or form. Cheating isn't fair for the person who had to work there answers that someone could get it answered so fast.

  7. From an early age pier pressure evolves into bad choices that hurt us in the future. We do certain things such as cheating, lying, stealing, and gossiping because we hang out with the wrong people that make us choose these bad decisions. We do these things because of a threat or a fear of not having friends or a cool reputation. Eventually you will find friends that you will not fear you will make these choices around.

  8. These are all EXCELLENT responses! You guys are so smart! Write on!

  9. Pier pressure is something everyone experiences in a lifetime.
    At a certain age people start wanting to fit in because they think that being different is a bad thing, but it is not because everyone is unique. Pier pressure is a bad thing and can lead to trouble, so just try and stay away from it.

  10. Honestly, I've been peer pressured before, it's the worst, but when you don't give in it's the best feeling in the world. Many times I've tried to be someone I'm not, and it just gets to the point where I don't want to carry on. So by not giving in, your helping yourself, and maybe someone around you. Be a role model, and by not giving in your showing the so called 'friends' that your not dependent on that stuff. Being pressured by your friends isn't fun, neither is being pressured at all! So if your uncomfortable, simply don't do it!

  11. We are peer pressured to do things good or bad, especially at this age. If someone is pressuring you to do something you know is wrong, and you think you won't get caught, still don't do it. Doing bad things can lead to a habit. If someone is pressuring you to do something, don't do it.

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  13. Right now in the age we are in, we will be pressured by our peers. Those peers are most likely going to be your friends. If your friends ever try and pressure you just think, should I be doing this? Is this the right thing to do? What would the consequences be? Do not fall to peer pressure, because once it happens once you will fall to it over and over again.

  14. I think we are old enough to where when we are peer pressured we will be smart enough to say no. I fell like when people pressure us we have to do it because if we don't then we will get made fun of and that's why I feel like people who do get pressured make those decisions. People pressure other people all the time but, you have to remember to say no when someone does pressure you.

  15. Peer pressure is a really bad thing. Don't fall into the trap of it. I if someone jumps off a bridge will you to. I know you've heard that before but it is very true. Make sure and don't do something bad so people can consider you as being (cool)

  16. Peer pressure is a struggle that we will all face at some point in our lives. Things from cheating on homework to taking your first drink. Normally, when peer pressure comes we fall because it's easy to give into. We need to be able to stand up to peer pressure because that is the right Christian thing to do.

  17. Everyone wants to have fun. That's why it's so easy to give into peer pressure. Once we have a taste of fun we don't want it to stop. That's why we continue to do it over and over. Sometimes those people may tell us to do something wrong but we will still do it because we still want to have fun with that person. That's why peer pressure is so hard to go against.

  18. We do NOT need to continue to hang out with people who try to persuade us to do things that we KNOW are wrong and will bring harm to ourselves and others. These people are not true friends. True friends will encourage and lift you up, be honest with you if you're doing something wrong (even if the truth hurts), and will stand beside you. We are all created by God to be unique, and I don't think that we need to necessarily "fit in" with other people. We can overcome the odds and steer clear of peer pressure by asking ourselves if this is really what would glorify God, and being happy with who we are and who He created us to be.

  19. Dictionary.com describes peer pressure as"social pressure by members of one's peer group to take a certain action, adopt certain values, or otherwise conform in order to be accepted." Peer pressure is something people struggle with every day. It can be cheating on tests, lying to friends and family, or back- stabbing others. Most people who try to fit in usually do what's "popular." God wants us to be who we are, and not worry about what others think of us. Peer pressure can also result in being arrested or even death. Drugs and alcohol are a number one cause for peer pressure. Kids think if they drink or do drugs they will be considered "popular" because that's what the "cool" kids do. They don't realize that the only reason why those kids drink and or do drugs is because they don't feel secure about themselves. God made us all unique and special, we don't have to conform to the world around us in order to fit in.

  20. Peer pressure is one of the things we will face our whole lives. We think "fitting in" is the main focus. God wants us to be ourselves and not be tempted into doing bad things. Our so called "friends" who are making us do bad things, probably aren't our friends. We need to realize who is there for us, and who isn't. We only get one life, and we definitely don't want to live it the wrong way. Choices that we make now, could affect us in the future.

  21. Peer pressure is most of the time a bad thing. An example is when your friends call you a chicken because you won't ride a rollercoaster until you ride the roller coaster. Another example is when one of your friends is making fun of someone else and then they pressure you into making fun of someone else. It's little things like that that is peer pressure. I think we are old enough now to not give in to most of it.

  22. Most people are persuaded to do something bad to be "cool." This can lead to trouble in the classroom at school, as well as at home with behavior issues. Think for yourself and don't let other tempt you into doing the wrong thing.

  23. You are doing a fantastic job in your responses! Don't forget blog #2 closes tomorrow night at midnight! Write on!

  24. People these days just want to fit in. They think if they fit in all there problems will go away. Well thats not true you shouldn't give in to peer pressure. If your friends are peer pressuring you then maybe you shouldn't be friends with them. If you give into peer pressure there will be consequences.

  25. Peer pressure is a part of most people's lives every day. We feel like we have to do something to please someone to be "cool" or "popular". We shouldn't have to pretend or make up false statements about our personality to fit in. We are all different and if we weren't life would be boring.

  26. Peer pressure works on kids just as well as adults. I believe it's all psychological really, no one is forcing you to do something, yet you feel like you will be accepted if you do. Regardless of the consequences.

  27. Peer pressure and "dares" happen every day. It usually happens when people are trying to fit in. I believe that if you have to do that to fit in then they shouldn't be friends with them anyway. That is what I think about peer pressure.

  28. Many people this age and time are being peer pressured into things you know they wouldn't do if they were on their own. We know that because of who they're friends with. That's not the type of friends we should have. Our friends should be understanding in what we believe or what we want to do, not what is cool at this moment if they don't understand that's when you know that's not who you should be hanging out with.

  29. Ya'll are doing great! BTW -- make sure you are checking your spelling! PEER pressure is not spelled PIER! Write on!

  30. On our life we will feel peer pressure.If it's from public speaking or even going up and talking to someone.Our friends will peer pressure us to do something, or say something. If they are your true friends then they will understand that if you don't want to do something you don't have to do it.

  31. We all think that we have to fit in to your group to stay "cool". The truth is just be yourself and if they don't like you. There probably not good friends. That's what I thought about this subject.

  32. So honestly our number 1 goal right now is peer pressure.Its like if you don't fit then your one of them kids who doesn't fit in with the crowd.People these days are getting peer pressured by doing a repot in class,getting called on for answer,etc.

  33. The reason we want to hang out with people that want us to do bad things is we want to fit in. A way we can steer clear of these things is remember the consequences. To stand up to the people is just saying no that's wrong.

  34. Peer pressure is all around us! Not just our friends but commercials pressure us. We must stay strong and think about the consequences before doing anything rash. Always remember that God is in your heart.

  35. We face peer pressure all day. Like what to eat, what to wear. It's all around us. If your friends are pressuring you to do wrong things you don't need to be around them. Everything we do has consequences. Some are good and some are bad. Just make sure that you think before you act!

  36. Kids our age are these days are getting dared to do something wrong. They should tell a teacher or the principal. They should try to fend for themselves by making friend with good people.

  37. Bad friends can tell you to do wrong things. You can tell a teacher or the principal. You can also fend for yourself by making good friends.

  38. We face peer pressure everyday. It could be a good or bad. Like if we are pressured to cheat off of someone's homework cause you didn't do yours is doing the wrong thing, but if we are pressured to make a free throw to win the game is a good kind of pressure. No matter what pressure we are under, we need to make the right decision to do it.
