Monday, November 16, 2015

Class of 2020 -- Blog #5 Thankfulness

We are entering into my favorite time of year!  Sometimes I really think that I love Thanksgiving more than Christmas.  I love just being with my family and my friends and spending time in quiet reflection of God's many blessings.  We always have fun, and you never know what we may create in the kitchen! 

Just like we have discussed in our study of The Diary of Anne Frank, there are so many things in this life that we take for granted.  A simple talk with a friend.  A quick trip to Starbucks for an apple caramel spice.  The smell of baking cookies in the oven.  Just knowing that those that you love -- and those that love you -- are here.

Some of our class family has experienced the loss of a close loved one in the past year.  Others have experienced changes within the family unit itself.  This holiday season may be very different.  Sometimes life is difficult and sad.  Even in those times, we can find things for which to be thankful though.  As I get older, I am so very thankful for the precious memories of my family members who are no longer physically here with me.  I remember standing in the kitchen with my mother and trying to break the turkey's wishbone for good luck.  I remember tables filled with food at my Granny's house.  I remember playing (and yes, fighting) with my little cousins.  I remember the good times, and for that, I am truly thankful.  Today, I am blessed to be duck hunting in Missouri most Thanksgiving Days.  We enjoy being together with family and friends, and having some fun! 

For what are you thankful this year?  Do you have any special plans for your Thanksgiving break?  Does your family have any extraordinary traditions? 

Please answer these questions in three to four sentences.  Your response is worth three (3) extra credit points.  The blog will close at midnight on November 27th. 

I hope your and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Write on! 


  1. I'm thankful that I have food on the table, a roof over my head, and people who love me. Every thanksgiving we eat at the opry backstage grill. After that we look at the Christmas decorations at opryland.

  2. I am thankful for all the blessings God has given me and for the food I am blessed to have. This thanksgiving I am eating with my grandparents and my cousins in Ohio. Our family tradition is that every thanksgiving me and my cousins make Christmas cookies.

  3. I am so thankful for the people that I am surrounded with. Surrounding yourself with the right people with help you in the future learning from them and leaning on them when times get tough. This summer I lost my grandmother and wanted her to be there for many future events but I am thankful that she isn't suffering anymore. I am thankful to be adopted, I wouldn't have the friends that I have, the family, or the fun that I have with my family now.

  4. I'm thankful for my family and friends God blessed me with. I'm also thankful for God letting me be able to get to know my grandfather before he died. This will be the 6th year he hasn't been here for Thanksgiving. For thanksgiving break I'll probably go shopping and work on my American History project. For thanksgiving we usually have a huge family get together and eat a big meal and tell funny stories.

  5. I am thankful for having my wonderful friends and family with me, I lost my grandfather a few months ago, I'm thankful that I got to spend as much time with him as I could. I'm so glad that he isn't suffering anymore because you could tell he was hurting inside. One thing he said was that we would forget him, but I will never forget my grandfather. I'm thankful to have wonderful friends that like me for myself. We have had so many great times at school specifically at lunch, and of course getting to hang out together at our houses.

  6. I have learned to be thankful for what – and who – I have in my life. I thank God for everything I have despite what human nature is telling me to do. He made it like that for a reason, whether I like it or not doesn't really matter, I must deal with it. To be thankful means you are or can be joyous about what you have, to this definition I'd say I'm thankful for everything I have, as it probably won't be there for long.

    1. Life is full of changes, and sometimes those are very difficult. You are correct, so many things in life are temporary, and we have to appreciate those things, while we have them.

  7. I am thankful for what God has given me. For my family, my house, and for the food and drinks he gives me. I am thankful that he forgives me and never lets me down. There will always be at least one person who loves you and that is God.

  8. I am thankful for the family I have, and everything that I have gotten through my life. My whole family is going to my uncles house for thanksgiving because that is where we've always celebrated thanksgiving. The kids in the family have a tradition to sleepover in the treehouse in their backyard. My tradition is to take all the leftovers on the table home with me.

  9. I am thankful for all of my family and friends. On thanksgiving my family and I just sit and have a big meal and just talk. My family really doesn't have a thanksgiving tradition, but I'm still thankful for very thing God has given me.

  10. I am thankful for my family, friends, and everything that God has given me. I am most thankful for God sending Jeseus to die on the cross. This Thanksgiving I am going to Louisiana for a my cousin's wedding and to spend time with my mom's family.

  11. I am thankful for my family friends, family, and I am thankful for God letting me wake up once again and continue to love my life. I'm especially thankful that God sent his son to die on the cross to get rid of all our sin. This Thanksgiving I a, just planning on spending time with family and going to watch the Tennessee Vols.

  12. I am thankful for my family and friends. I am especially thankful for God and everything he has given me. This thanksgivings im going to gatlinburg for my churches fall retreat.

  13. I am thankful for everything that God has blessed me with. This Thanksgiving I will be spending with my dad. Our holiday tradition is to be together with all of our family.

  14. I am thankful for my family and everything else God has given me. I am especially thankful for the opportunity to go to a Christian school. Every Thanksgiving my family gets up early to run in the Boulevard Bolt. When we come home we have the Conn family vs. Dean family basketball game.

  15. I am thankful for my family, friends, and health that God has blessed we with. This thanksgiving break my family and I are going to Disney world! Some traditions that my family has is exchanging small gifts to each other because we don't get to see that side of the family for Christmas.

  16. I am thankful for all the blessings God has given me this year. I will be going to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with my uncle, aunt and cousin. As a tradition, we always have two Thanksgivings, one with my grandma and one with my grandad. We will not be able to do that this year though.

  17. I'm thankful for my friends and family. I dot have any plans for thanksgiving break. (Other than sleeping of course) My family and I always get together either at Mimi's or Grandmama's. We alternate every year. The only traditions we have are Mimi always makes boiled custard on thanksgiving and Christmas and Grandmama always makes dumplings. This is my thanksgiving.

  18. I am thankful for all the food that God will be able to give us next week.Sometime next week Kentucky basketball plays and I get to watch them.I also get to watch the Vols play next Saturday.

  19. I am thankful for all my friends and family. I not really doing anything besides going to Brentwood so that doesn't count. Apparently my family is pretty boring so we don't have any traditions.

  20. I have a lot to be thankful for. I am blessed to be in the situation that I am in. I have a loving family, and I get to go to a wonderful school. This Thanksgiving, I am especially thankful for my family being there when I needed them. I am extremely greatful for that. On Thanksgiving, my family usually cooks a lot of food. Now the ones who usually cook are getting older, and don't want to cook. That means that we aren't going to have Thanksgiving dinner at my house this year. Instead, we are going out to eat. I rather eat at home, but I still think that this will be a great Thanksgiving.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. I a thankful for my family. I am thankful for my new baby sister and that she is healthy. My brother and I get two thanksgiving dinners because our parents are divorced. On thanksgiving day we eat lunch with my mom's family and then we eat dinner with my dad's family. I am thankful that I have an awesome step family.

  23. I am thankful for my friends and family. Every Thanksgiving I alternate who's grandparents I go to. I do not have any plans besides sleeping, and my birthday I'd this week.

  24. I am thankful for being alive and having my family. For my Thanksgiving break, I plan to spend the week with my grandmother, and help her cook. On Thanksgiving day, I'm going shopping with my aunt after dinner. We don't have any traditions.

  25. I am thankful for my friends and family. We won't do anything for thanksgiving other than eat. We don't have any traditions other than Black Friday shopping, if you want to call that a tradition.

  26. I'm very thankful for my family, close friends, church family, the freedom to worship freely, a warm house, and other things that I tend to take for granted. Every year we have a potluck get-together at my grandmother's house in Clarksville. My mother always bring pumpkin pies and sometimes some type of casserole. This year we're also going to visit my dad's brother and his family.

  27. I'm thankful for me not having any health issues, family, and friends. I'm thankful for the freedom of religion. My family has Thanksgiving over my house and we watch TV afterwards.

  28. I am thankful for each of you! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! This blog is now closed

    Mrs. S.
