Thursday, August 11, 2016

Class of 2021 -- Blog #1-- WELCOME BACK!

Welcome, GCS Class of 2021.  I know that sounds strange to you, and you think that 2021 is a LONG time from now, but you will be shocked at how quickly that time will pass.

As we begin a new school year, I want to introduce you to blogging.  The word "blog" can be used as a noun or a verb.

It is defined as: 
noun: blog; plural noun: blogs
  1. 1.
    a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
verb: blog; 3rd person present: blogs; past tense: blogged; past participle: blogged; gerund or present participle: blogging

 add new material to or regularly update a blog.

Over the course of this year, you will have the opportunity to respond to a variety of blog posts for extra credit.  Each nine week, I will post an average of three blogs.  Your responses must follow the requirements posted, and you will be able to gain three to five extra credit points for your posts.  These points are weighted as "test points," so they are actually worth 9 - 15 points in your cumulative points.  There is also a deadline by which your responses must be posted!  This is a more relaxed, conversational writing, so no worries! 

My main objective is for you to WRITE ON!  This is easy for some of you, and for others, not so much.  But we will all grow and learn together.   So . . .  here goes! 

As we begin 8th grade, are you ready?  What excites you about this upcoming year?  What scares you?  Are you involved in extracurricular activities?  If so, what?  In five COMPLETE sentences, please tell me your vision for this year.  Tell me about you and your goals for the year.

You will receive FIVE extra credit points for your completed response.  This blog will close on Monday, August 29th at midnight.

I'm excited about this year and getting to know you better!  Write on! 


  1. I'm somewhat ready for this year. I feel like there is going to be a point where I get behind... but otherwise I'm pretty confident. I'm scared that I will do something in each class that will make me a "bad student". I am trying out for volleyball, so if I make it, that will be my sport. I'm really excited though for student council. This is my first year in student council, so I'm excited for what's ahead.

  2. I am very excited for this school year, especially Advanced English. Im so happy about being in this class because I love to read, write, and learn. I'm a bit scared about the homework because there was a lot last year! Also, my locker is probably going to give me trouble, but I know my friends will help when I need them. I'm also excited about Student Council, and this is my second year on it. I love getting to plan things and working together to make things better. In conclusion, I can't wait to start eighth grade!

    -Luke H.

  3. I think I'm gonna enjoy this year because all of the teachers are friendly and it just seems fun. My main goal this year is to really manage my time doing band, school, and all of the fun. I want to enjoy English because of the projects and things that we do. It's really great that we don't have to use hardback textbooks, and that we can use our iPads. I just hope I survive my mom in science.

  4. I am very excited about this upcoming year! The thing I am most excited for in Eight Grade is the trip to Washington D.C. I am involved in extracurricular activities. Some activities I am involved in are football, basketball, baseball, and the student council. One thing I am scared about in Eight Grade is being in Algebra 2 with Freshman, Sophomores, and Juniors.

  5. Going into this year, I was not prepared at all for 8th grade. Now that we've gotten a few days and we're beginning to get in the swing of things, I think I'll be okay. This year I am excited for banquet and our Washington trip. I'm not scared of anything for particular this year, but it's crazy to think that next year we'll be entering high school. I am not involved in extracurricular activities involving school. However, I do my own personal things (such as music,for example). My goals for this year are to maintain my straight A's and make more friends.

  6. Yes, I'm excited for this year. I'm excited about reading all the books this year. I'm a little nervous about the tests and making sure I'm prepared. Yes, I'm involved in volleyball and basketball. My goals for this year are to get better with my writing.

  7. I think this year will a great year. I also think it will be really fun because of all the projects we'll do. I think going to Washington DC will be a great experience because it's the first time I've been there. It will also be the first time I will be on a plane. I'm really looking forward to this year.

  8. I am very exited for 8th grade because it is going to be a new experience for all of us. I am very ready for 8 grade because there are new people and new class, as well as new teachers. What scares me the most is the advanced classes, I am scared about not doing as well as I did last year. I am in several sports for Goodpasture including volleyball, softball, and basketball. My goals for this year are to good in all my classes, and to make many new friends, as well as experiencing new and exciting things.

  9. I'm somewhat ready for 8th grade. I am excited about my classes. I'm also worried about my classes and how I'll do. I play jv volleyball this year. My goal is to make all A's every quarter and do well in all of my classes this school year.

  10. I hope to become better at my patience with IXL. I hope my comprehension can improve. I wish to become a better reader/writer during this school year. I hope I can be friends with everyone in the class, and become better friends with my current ones. I'm nervous but excited at the same time!

  11. For this year I will try and achieve my goal of getting all A's. I also think that Washington, D.C. Trip will be very fun. I think that this trip will be fun because I'm with all my friends and we are learning about a new place. I will work hard to get all A's this year and I hope you do too! Thanks for reading my reasons why this is going to be a good year!

  12. I am somewhat ready. What excites me is a new and different year. What scares me is trying to socialize and meet new people. I'm in band and chorus. My vision for the year is that I will get good grades. I will also attempt to socialize and make friends. Another thing is that I will learn a new instrument. Second to last thing is I will get my comprehension skill more advanced. Then last is that I will go into every problem with a smile. My goals are to socialize and make good grades.

  13. Yes I am very excited for this year. I am excited to go to Washington D.C. That I might get stuck in my locker if I climb in it. Yes I am involved in two sports. They are soccer for Goodpasture and gymnastics. My goals are to improve at soccer, get A's in my classes, and get exempt from all my exams.

  14. I am not at all ready for the 8th grade, but I am excited for a few things. I can't wait for Washington. I am also really excited for my new classes. Having new teachers that I don't know very well is what scares me. This year, I want to make better grades and be exempt from all of my final exams. I also want to become closer to my friends and make some new ones.

  15. I would like to make all A's. I want to make a lot of new friends. I am kind of nervous because some previous 8th graders said that there would be a lot more homework than 7th grade. I am also doing band and soccer this year. I would like to try better than I did in 7th.

  16. This year I'm going to try to get all A's, and get into honors classes in high school. Also trying to get exempt from all of my exams. I'm a guard in marching band and I'm kind of nervous about this year. I know this is going to be a great year and I'm excited.

  17. This year I'm excited and kinda nervous. I'm excited to my friends and soccer plus new things In a new grade. But I'm also nervous because what if you mess up a lot and hurt all your grades and by accident you forget your home work and you get points taken away. But I have a feeling that this is gonna be a great year with friends. My goal is to keep at least a-b on a roll.

  18. Going into 8th grade was scary because I don't know anyone . But now that it's the third day I've talked to some people . I also ran into my friend from second grade and we started talking . And I think I'm gonna be fine my mom said eighth grade isn't that hard. So i think I'm gonna have fun and learn new things .

  19. No not really, I am exited about 8th because of all my classes with friends. I am ready for the Washington DC. trip this year. In band we are going to Disney World and that's what I am most exited for. Im scared about English because that is my worst subject. I'm mainly ready for math and science.

  20. I think I am ready for the 8th grade. The projects and assignments seem ver exciting to me. Although, all the assignments seem pretty cool, it seems like it would be hard to finish my homework when I don't get home until 7:00 at night. I am involved in extracurricular activities. I'm in Marching Band and it is really cool !

  21. I'm excited for 8th grade! I think it will be fun with all of the activities. My goal for this year is to make all A's and make new friendships with other people. I'm involved with many school activities such as student council, cheer, girls' ministry, etc. I like to swim outside of school. This school year is going to be great!

  22. This year my goals are to make principles list. The reason I would like to make principles list is because I've not made it since 2nd grade, and all my best friends make it. I am involved in marching band, and I love playing the trumpet. I am going to try not to get any demarits. I hope that this is the best school year ever

  23. I am very excited to begin a new year it's always great meeting new teachers and reuniting with old buddies. I am very ready to go to banquet I had a blast last year. I am also excited for all of my classes especially p.e and outdoors. I am nervous about the locker situation a little bit belays I never used my locker last year my bag was too big. I also am nervous about these new teachers but I'm sure I'll be fine. I don't have any extracurricular yet I don't know if I will.

  24. Yes I am ready for the school year. The reason why I am excited for the new school year is because I like to meet new people and make friends. But there is one thing I am scared of which is the homework. There were volleyball tryouts and it was my first year here and I tried out and made the team so I'm on the good pasture volleyball team. My vision for the school year is to make good grades and make a lot of friends and play really good in volleyball.

  25. I am ready for 8th grade! Before school started one of my best friends who does cheer with me, Jordan, invited to the 8th grade scavenger hunt where I met a lot of new people. Thanks to her I wasn't nervous at all about coming to school the next day. This school should be fun.

  26. I am excited about this year.actually I'm excited about the Washington D.C trip.i think this year won't be hard for me.but i still have language problem.anyway

  27. I think I'm definitely ready for eighth grade! I'm excited for eighth grade because it is my last year of middle school. I'm scared because I'm not that good at school. I'm not involved in anything major. I'm am involved in band.

  28. I am excited to be in the 8th grade this year. One of my goals this year is to make all A's.
    Another goal I have is to make some new friends. I am also ready for all the new classes I have to take this year. I also want to improve my grade in English.

  29. I am super excited about 8th grade. For my goal this year I want to push myself to do my hardest and make great grades and that means A's. I am also very happy that I get to meet new people and get more friends and make them feel comfortable. I am not in any other activities. I am very excited for middle school because this will be my last year before high school.

  30. I'm so excited about this school year, because it's a new year. I want to make new friends this year. One goal is to make straight A's this year. I want to do better in English than I did last year.

  31. I guess I am as ready as I'll ever be for this year. What makes me excited for this year is that I'm closer to highschool and closer to graduation. What scares me is the difficulty that comes with being an eighth grader. I play football for extracurricular activities. My goals for this year are to get A's and B's and to be exempt from exams.

  32. This year I am excited to start the 8th grade school year. I'm a little nervous cause my goal is to make all a's this year but, I know it can be done. I also play football which adds a little bit to the nervous part cause I don't wanna mess up or lose. I like football and it will still be fun to learn more and hang out with my friends on the field. This is my five sentences about my 8th grade year expectations and activities.

  33. I am very excited about this school year! I can't wait for us to go to Washington. Hopefully we'll be able to see president Clinton. I'm also excited for advance math , because math has always be my favorite subject and I'll learn a lot more. I

  34. I'm exited for 8th grade! I feel like I will meet and make a lot of new friends!
    I don't think it will be to hard for me. I wouldn't wanna do 8th grade anywhere else but Goodpasture! I can't wait to see what comes in the future!

  35. I'm really exited for 8th grade! This is our last year of middle school, so I'm definitely gonna make this year count! One of my goals this year is to make some new friends, and to be more Christlike. Last year I had a real good year grade wise, and I'm gonna try to make food grades again this year! I will strive to make this my best year at Goodpasture yet!

  36. No I'm ready for 8th grade. What excites me most about this year is sports. What scares me the most is exams. Yes I'm involved in one basketball. My goals for this year are to get straight A's all this year.

  37. I'm not really ready for school to start. I wish summer lasted a little longer,I'm exited for the Washington trip the most. I'm not in any extracurriculars . I want to get better grades this year . And I want to get better at things that I do in and out of school.

  38. This year I pledged quite a bit, from three sports which are tennis, bowling, and softball to telling some one I will run a half marathon with them. I am very excited for this school year although I always have the fear that I will fall behind again. College is very important to me that is why my goal is to be in honors English freshmen year and all through high school too. So far I love all my teachers and can't wait for Monday mornings. I can already tell that this is going to be a good year

  39. I am very excited for 8th grade. I'm even more excited about the Washington DC trip. My goal for this school year is to make all A's and do the best I can in ever class. I also want to grow closer with all of my friends. Even though I'm excited for 8th grade I can't wait till summer.

  40. I am ready for this school year, and I am exited about all the fun we will have. I am scared of the abundance of homework we will have, because I don't work very quickly. I am involved in extra-curricular activities which include soccer, and chorus. A goal for this school year is to do the best I can. Another would be to stay ahead, and not to fall behind.

  41. Yes I am ready for the 8th school year. The fact that this is the last year until high school.failing the school year is what scares me. No I'm not involved in any extra activities. Straight a's is my vision this year. I don't have any main goals yet.

  42. I am very excited about this school! I can't believe it's the last year of middle school. I am a little afraid all the projects we will have to do. My extra activities are soccer and chorus! I'm excited about going to Washington and all the other fun events!! My goals are to stay on top of my work and to get to know some of my friends better.

  43. I think I'm ready for this school year. My only goal for this school year is to have a 93 average throughout the school year & be in advanced classes next year. I feel like this year is going to be a wild ride, maybe with ups & downs dealing with grades, friends, & maybe even teaches. With chorus, character counts, outdoors, spanish, & science lab, I feel like I'm getting ready for high school already. I love a memorable story & this school year may be a story I will remember.

  44. I am excited for 8th grade. It is a little scary coming into a big grade until high school. I am excited for the Washington trip. I am also excited for going to Stratford and helping the kids and bringing them things. My main goal for this year is to have better grades than I did last year try to get exempt from some of my exams.

  45. I'm excited about this years trip to DC I feel as if I will continue to make new friends through the year and DC is the perfect way to do so. I am still human so I still have some fear I fear my grades in the near future and I know the only way to prevent doing bad is to persevere through the year. My excitement is because of the odd change as soon as I started to get used to the 7th grade schedule we move to different classes.

  46. I'm am excited to come to Goodpasture because,I would be meeting new people and new teachers.As I was excited I was nervous too because all my friends would be in other schools,and I would have to make new ones.Then about two weeks before school started I had to go to football practice.I think by joining the football team it made it a lot easier because we became friends they helped me around and told me things I need to know.For my first three days here I like it so far though.

  47. Yes, I am definitely ready for this new school year!! I'm excited about the chance to get to tryout for the high school softball team! I'm kinda worried about how much homework we will have. My goal this year is to get all a's this year. I may be involved in an extra-curricular activity such as softball if I make the team!

  48. Yes, I'm very excited for this year. I'm most excited for this being my last year of school. Although, I'm very scared of high school. I do ballet and I just started filming the football games. My goals are to get great grades, do greatly on my ballet solo, and get exempt from all my exams.

  49. I am very excited for the 8th grade. I'm excited to go to Washington DC because I have never went there before and it will be a great experience for me. I am involved in two extra- curricular activities and that is volleyball and basketball. I am kinda worried about the 8th grade especially for American History because of how much you have to study to get a very good grade. My goal for the 8th grade is to get all A's for the whole entire year, and have an awesome school year.

  50. I'm very excited for this school year because of the people and because of being able to have more than just one friend group. I'm very also excited for having classes that includes bible.
    I'm very nervous about getting a detention and having my skirt up to high or something like that.
    I predict that I will hopefully not get a detention and I predict that I will learn more and get closer to God!

  51. I think this year will be a great year, one to remember! I am expecting when I settle in to 8th grade it will already be time for 9th grade because life happens instantly.

  52. This is my first year at Goodpasture and I am excited, but nervous at the same time. I am not involved in any extracurricular activities. I am kind of scared to get lost this year, it's a really big school, and I'm the new girl. Aside from being nervous, I am excited about all the opportunities that I would not have had at my old school. For example, I get to have a better quality education, which is extremely important to me. My goals for this year are to have 95s and above in all claseses, which I know is a little difficult but I feel confident in the education I'm receiving, so overall I am excited about the new year.

  53. This year seems very promising, and I believe it will prepare me for the future. I hope to achieve more in eight grade than in seventh. Hopefully, this is a given, as the teachers appear ready to help us. Ideally, we can have a little fun as well as learning. These are my visions for the 2016-17 school year.

  54. I am very excited for 8th grade. I am really excited to find out what happens at Washington D.C. I am currently involved in two extracurricular activities that include both volleyball and basketball. As i am excited for this year I am also nervous for the study habits, because Right now I don't really know how this year is going to go so far as homework. Besides that my goal for this year is to get straight A's and NO drama!

  55. This is my second year here at Goodpasture. I've made some great friends. This is 8th grade now and I'm pretty sure it will be a little bit harder. I'm not playing any sports at the moment, but I plan on trying out for the baseball team. Im a little excited about next year because of high school, but a little sad because, well, it's high school. Overall, I'm enjoying my time here while I can.

  56. I'm excited for Washington, D.C. this year because it sounds like a lot of fun! One of my goals for this year is to keep straight A's all year in each class. I'm a little nervous about English this year because it's probably my worst subject. I've heard this year is going to be the best one of my life so I'm looked forward to that! I think this is going to be my favorite year because I love all the teachers and it's my last year before high school!

  57. i am really excited for this school year! i am excited for the cheer team and meeting all the new students. so far i'm not really nervous for anything. i am a cheerleader. this year our team is pretty good, so it should be a good year. one of my goals for this year is to do good in all my classes, and to make straight a's. i am hoping my goals will be pretty easy to accomplish. i think this year is going to be awesome!

  58. This is my eleventh year at Goodpasture, so I feel like I've kind of got the hang of it, even though I'm still a little nervous. I play basketball and I really hope that our team will have a good season this year. I'm really excited to go to Washington this year, because I hear that it's a lot of fun. I'm a little worried about the amount of homework, but I've been told it's not that bad. My goals for this year are to make straight A's and to get exempt from all of my exams.

  59. I am kinda ready for 8th grade because I feel that it will be harder than 7th grade. I'm excited for Spanish and chorus . But I'm very nervous about History. For extracurricular activities I play golf, I'm on student council, and I do chorus. This is my 3rd year at Goodpasture. My goal this year is to make all A's.I hope it will be a good year.

  60. Yes, I am so excited about this school year. I am looking forward to student council and girls ministry activities. I'm a little worried about getting all of my homework done with my busy schedule. The reason I am so busy is that I play two high school sports, volleyball and softball, and I also play travel softball. One of my goals is to learn more about English and vocabulary.

  61. I am not nervous for 8th grade because it's just another grade. I'm playing football and basketball. I'm excited to go to Washington. I hope this will be a good year. Wish me luck.

  62. I'm ready for this year and I'm very excited about it. I'm really looking forward to going to Washington D.C. and bonding with new people. I play volleyball with a few other people in eighth grade. I feel like playing volleyball with the high school has introduced me to different types of people. I'm scared about forgetting to do something or getting a detention.

  63. I am very excited for 8th grade because it is something new. I was never really nervous or scared about the 8th grade. My goals for this year are too learn as much as possible and get all A's in every class the whole year. This is my 3rd year at Goodpasture. I've played basketball here ever since the 6th grade and I am excited to play this year. My goal for basketball is to win the championship this year. My overall goal for this year is to just have a great school year.

  64. I am excited for this year because, the 8th grade is the head of the middle school. My goals for this year are to get straight A's every nine weeks in each class. Another goal is to not get any lunch detentions the whole year. I'm also excited because, I play football, baseball, and basketball. I am hoping for the middle school football and basketball team to go undefeated the whole year. I haven't been scared about 8th grade because I know I have good friends that will help me through anything. I'm am also excited for the Washington D.C trip we will be going on this year! This year will be great!!

  65. I am excited about leading all the new things this year. I'm kinda scared about English, because I haven't really ever liked English that much. I am in football season right now, but later this school year I will try out for the baseball team. I am looking forward to see what this year holds in store for me. I am hoping it will be a great year.

  66. I feel ready for eight grade, originally, I didn't feel ready, I felt like I needed a few extra weeks of summer, but now i feel like I can do it. I play trumpet in the band, and I'm excited to play this year. My goals for this year are to get really high grades in all my classes, and to do my best in band. Im also excited for the Washington trip, I've been there before, so I know about the stuff we are gonna do, but it will be fun to go there with my friends. Finally I'm really excited to play the new music in band, we have been told that we are gonna be playing a piece from Harry Potter and from Star Wars the Force Awakens.

  67. I am really excited about this year. I am involved in cheer , here at Goodpasture. I actually am not nervous at all. I am really excited about the Washington trip this year. My goal for this year is to make all A's and do my best!

  68. I am really nervous about this year because I am not really organized. I think I will fall behind and mess up and I will be that student who doesn't turn in her work. I am overall ready for this school year. I am playing soccer for middle school and I am going to tryout for volleyball with my BFF, Harper. I plan on making straight A's this year, not fall behind, and always being on top of my homework and class work. I struggled with this last year but I know and believe I will do my best this year. I sometimes get distracted but I will do better. My goal are to fix the mistakes and do them better this year than last year.

  69. I'm really excited for this year! I'm excited to make new friends. So far I'm not really scared about anything, except for high school next year. I play basketball. His is my second year at Goodpasture. My goals for this year is to get prepared for high school and do good in all of my classes.

  70. I forgot to add that I am looking forward for the D.C. trip

  71. This year for eighth grade, I am more than excited for all of the exciting events coming up! I especially am happy for the end of the year Washington D.C. trip. I have to say I am a little nervous, mainly for just the fact that its a new school year, new teachers, and some new people. Also, I am involved with cheerleading and girls ministry. For this year, I would love to achieve the goals of being a better leader, make better grades, and most importantly be more like Christ!

  72. I'm excited for eighth grade! I'm really excited for Washington and banquet. I'm also nervous. I'm in the band. I also do marching band. I play bass drum. I play soccer just not for the school.

  73. Great job! 100% of you got the five extra points! Stay tuned for the next blog coming soon! Write on!
