Thursday, August 25, 2016

Class of 2021 -- Blog #2 Labor Day

It's hard to believe that we have now been in school for three weeks!  Memories of summer are becoming more distant, as we become more and more engulfed in homework and the school routine.  But wait . . . there's one more big summer event coming up!

That's right!  In just a little over a week, we will be celebrating the Labor Day weekend.  How much do you know about the holiday?

Here's a little info:

Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in September, and it pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. Labor Day also symbolizes the end of summer for many Americans, and is celebrated with parties, parades and athletic events.

Labor Day celebrates the American worker, regardless of the type of work he or she does.  As students, your job right now is just that -- being a student.  As an adult, I think it is pretty neat that our country celebrates the hard work of its citizens in such a holiday.  To many, just being off from work and being able to spend time with family or friends is a celebration itself.

So, as we celebrate the ending of our first month of school, basically, how do you plan to spend your Labor Day?  A quick trip to the mountains or the beach?  Sleeping in or catching up on NetFlix?  Shopping til you drop or catching a movie?  Hamburgers and hotdogs at a cookout?

Please respond in at least THREE complete sentences for THREE extra credit points!  Responses must be posted by midnight on Labor Day, September 5th.

Happy blogging!  Happy Labor Day!  Write on!


  1. Knowing myself I will do all of the things listed above. I know for sure I get to go to the beach. I will watch Netflix and binge watch Switched at Birth. I will go shopping while I'm at the beach and I might decide to help my mom at work so I can get money.

  2. I love long weekends because it means I can stay up on Sunday night too. I will most likely be binge-watching on Netflix and playing video games with my friends. Like you said, it's getting harder to remember the details of summer, but I know that will make new memories with more details here at school, and on Labor Day!

  3. I will probably spend my weekend hanging out with friends, or enjoying sleeping in. I think labor day is perfect for the first month of school and i will definitely be enjoying it! Have a good Labor Day weekend!

  4. Knowing me, I'm probably going to be doing nothing. By nothing, I mean sleeping in and then playing video games all throughout the weekend. I hope that I actually do something productive though.

  5. I'm spending my weekend like I do every weekend, playing the sport I love, softball. This weekend's tournament is called play for Tay. It is a tournament that honors Taylor Filorimo, a softball player who died from cancer. The money made from the tournament all goes to help cancer research.

  6. I'm spending my weekend with my dad grilling and going on the lake. I also have two friends that live nextdoor to me so I'm going to hang out with them.

  7. On Labor Day weekend, I will definitely be watching a couple episodes of my favorite show with my family. I am also positive most of my time will be spent at my computer desk playing videogames. Lastly my dad and I might go and see a movie.

  8. Sounds like you guys plan on having some fun! Me, too! We are heading to Center Hill Lake for the weekend! Write on!

  9. This weekend I am going to my cousins. We are going to grill hotdogs and hamburgers. We are also going to go swimming and have family fun.

  10. This weekend my family and I are going to Mississippi to see my brother at Ole Miss. I might be able to go to a football game and see some friends. I'm just glad to have a detox from getting back into the swing of school. I will probably be sleeping a lot this weekend. Everyone have a great Labor Day.

  11. I hope to be at peace with my family and friends. Not to say, "at peace," like a conflict had occurred before, but just at ease with the world. To me, this holiday is a day off for all who work, which is all of us. Hopefully it is not a stressful time for anyone over this three-day weekend. Have a great Labor Day, everyone. Take it easy.

  12. I'll most likely stay at home and get our house in order. We recently moved and since my brothers have been playing baseball we haven't had time to get the house in order. Hopefully I'll use my time productively and get some things done.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'll most likely have my cousins from Knoxville come down to visit. Besides that I will probably just stay home and watch Netflix or read. My Labor Day will consist of me at home or my cousin being sarcastic all weekend.

  15. Well, I will probably watch YouTube first and catch up a little bit. Then I'll go have some lunch with my g and parents, my parents, and my aunt and uncle. Then finally after the day is done I'll relax and try to make the night last as long as I can.

  16. I will most likely play video games and watch some YouTube videos. I really love the long weekend, it's just so great getting to have an extra day off. I hope everyone of you has an excellent Labor Day.

  17. I will most likely play video games and watch some YouTube videos. I really love the long weekend, it's just so great getting to have an extra day off. I hope everyone of you has an excellent Labor Day.

  18. I will be spending my Labor Day weekend over my grandmother's house and celebrating my brother's 10 birthday. Also I'll be spending time with family, friends, and enjoying good food. Its always a fun time having an extra day off for Labor Day weekend. I hope everyone has a fantastic labor weekend!!

  19. I will be spending my Labor Day at my uncles house with all of my family. My brother is flying in from South Carolina because that's where he is stationed for the navy. My cousins will be flying in from New York, and I'm so excited to see everyone! This will be a great Labor Day for us! Hopefully everyone has a great Labor Day!!

  20. On Labor Day I hang out with my family, and we eat and we play games and talk.

  21. On Labor Day weekend I will probably watch Netflix for the weekend. Then on Sunday we are going to have a cookout on our friends farm. I'm super excited to hang out with all of our close family friends!

  22. My plans for over Labor Dat weekend is to spend time with my family and church family. On Saturday I will spend the morning volunteering my time to help the youth group orgazining and decorating the teen room. My family will go to our hunting camp this weekend. We will prepare everything for the hunting season. We will practice target shooting and share a campfire lunch together. My mom will make me look ahead and complete as much homework as I can so I can study for upcoming tests. That is the worst part of the weekend. I will spend time on my iPad chatting with friends and playing games.

  23. For my Labor Day weekend I will probably watch some Netflix and play some video games. I'm planning on hanging out with my friends and family too. I'm definitely going to make some DIY's.

  24. I am looking forward to laybor day this weekend! I am most likely going to be watching football when ever it is on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Rather than that I don't have much going on this weekend but it will certainly be a good one.

  25. I plan to spend my Labor Day weekend with my friends and family. On Saturday and Sunday I have a softball tournament, so I'll be with my friends. On Monday I plan on my friends coming over and us going to the lake. We are having a cookout with our family that afternoon.

  26. For my Labor Day weekend, my family from Michigan is coming down to hang out with us. I am also going to a pool party at my grandpa's house. Other than that, I will be finishing off season 1 of "Stanger Things" on Netflix.

  27. Sounds like a lot of fun, everybody! Only one day left before our LONG weekend! Write on!

  28. For my Labor Day weekend I am going to spend time with my family. We will probably go to the mall, movies, sleep in late, and just have a good time. I am very excited because I get a break from school!!!!!!!

  29. I am going to Kentucky Kingdom in Louisville this weekend. We are going to both parks. There are three other families going with us. We might go on the lake Monday or see a movie.

  30. For my Labor Day, I'm going to stay home and do a cookout. I might go see a movie and then maybe watch Netflix the rest of the day.

    1. Three sentences, please! Just add another sentence as a reply. Thanks!

  31. This Labor Day I planned on playing in a baseball tournament and camping at Montgomery Bell State Park. However, those plans were cut short when I was pitching in the first game and tore a ligament in my elbow. Thankfully I still can go to my grandparent's cook out. Unfortunately surgery and no sports may be in my future.

  32. This Labor Day, I'm going white water rafting. I'm going with my church to Chattanooga. For the rest of the weekend, I'm going to sleep and relax. A Labor Day weekend well spent.

  33. This Labor Day I will chill with my family. Probably grill out and have a good time. Then I will go to bed and get ready for school. Hope everyone has a great Labor Day weekend

  34. This Labor Day, I might go out with my mom to get some things. I did all the fun stuff on Saturday and Sunday though. On Saturday, I went to a car show at Moss Wright Park. On Sunday, we had friends over. I've also been kind of sick this weekend because of allergies. But tomorrow I will be ready for school.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. This Labor Day weekend I will spend some time with family because of my great uncle's birthday. I also plan to study and do homework. My allergies are bothering me so I will try to get some rest. Kimora W

  37. This Labor Day weekend I went to a Georgia football game. Georgia played North Carolina but, Georgia won and the family came back happy. Sunday my dad and I are driving back home and spinding time with my family. Then Monday its back to homework.

  38. The his Labor Day weekend I went to see my family. I grilled out with my grandparents. And today I'm just doing homework.

  39. For Labor Day I went to my grandparents and ate with my whole family. I went shopping. I went to the movies. And the last thing I did on Labor Day was hang with my friends.

  40. On Labor Day I stayed at my dads house and my sister got married.I hung out with my friends.My last thing I did was grilled out hamburgers with my dad and friends.

  41. For my Labor Day, I slept till 10:00. For lunch I went to my grandma's for barbecue. I spent the afternoon running errands with my mom and dad.

  42. For my Labor Day, I stayed at home and did some cleaning up. I also facetimed for a few hours. Then, I made some plans for my weekend.

  43. Thanks for all the responses! I hope everyone had a great holiday. This blog is now closed.
