Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Class of 2021 -- Blog #3 What Is Your DREAM Vacation?

With fall break looming in the distance, it is hard to believe that we are now over halfway through the first nine weeks of 8th grade!  You will be freshman before you even know it!

For this blog response, I want you to think about where you might go on a "dream" vacation!  What if a budget was not an option?  You could go anywhere on earth that you wanted to go.  Where would that be?

Would it be to see something magnificent like the Grand Canyon?

What about somewhere tropical like the beaches of Hawaii or the Bahamas?

Perhaps, the Wild West??

Or, maybe somewhere cold and snowy that involved snowmobiles?

How about some true Mexican food south of the border?
Please respond with your choice of a dream vacation in at least two complete sentences.  Where would you go?  What would you do?  Why would that appeal to you.  This final blog of this nine weeks is worth TWO extra points!  Responses should be posted by midnight on Friday, September 23rd! 

Dream big!  Write on! 


  1. For my dream vacation, I'd like to go to somewhere warm and sunny, like the islands of Hawaii or Jamaica. If not for the Zeka virus, I would've chosen Brazil, for I've never been. I think that I could see me and my close friends/family having the most fun on the beach rather than anywhere else. I personally would definitely have to swim and sightsee on my trip(but nothing to flooded with tourists!). This is my dream vacation, or at least, the vacation that I could think to describe.

  2. For my dream vacation, I would love to go to Hawaii. It's sunny, warm, and the best of all, it has a beach. I'm pretty sure I'd be as red as a tomato when I got back but it's ok. I would first want to go surfing. I absolutely love being in the water. Next, I would probably go somewhere to swim with the Dolphins and scuba dive. Finally, I would go sit on the beach and relax. Most people don't want to go because of volcanoes, but not me.

  3. My dream vacation would be somewhere with a lot of beautiful sights and known areas. Such as Paris or London.

  4. For my dream vacation, I would like to go to an amusement park, like holiday world, Dollywood, or Disney world. The reason is simple- I love roller coasters!

  5. My dream vacation would be going to the moon. I just think that going to the moon would be fun. You could bounce around, find cool rocks, and pretend your Neil Armstrong.

  6. My dream vacation would be going to Bora Bora. I love tropical places, and the water there is very clear and blue.

  7. My dream vacation is definitely in a tropical location. I think that going to Hawaii would be super fun!

  8. My dream vacation would be going to a tropical place like the islands of Hawaii, Jamaica, or the Philippines. This is because I like warm places and I love the beach. .

  9. I would LOVE to go to Italy or maybe Australia! I would really like to go to Ireland and Scotland too. I would also like to go back to Disneyworld. It's my favorite place ever!! I've been to Epcot in Disney, so I guess in a way I have been to all of these places😂

  10. My dream vacation would be to go to Paris or Hawaii. I have always dreamed of getting to sit on the sidewalks of Paris and eat a crossant and drink tea. Even though i don't even like tea. I would also like to go to Hawaii because I would just love to sit out and tan and drink a pina colada. That's my dream vacation.

  11. My dream vacation would be to go to somewhere like the Bahamas or Atlantis . I love the warm weather and would love to get a tan. Also, I would love to go on the Atlantis see through shark slide and swim in the clear, blue water.

  12. My dream vacation would be to go to Tahiti. I love the ocean and just the whole environment! I would for sure never want to leave!!

  13. My dream vacation is to go to Bahamas, Las Vegas, or Orlando, Florida. I like the beach & the leisurely atmosphere for the Bahamas. Las Vegas seem like a lit place to stay. I heard Orlando has the club scene there & I'd love to visit that.

  14. My dream vacation would be to go to Hawaii. I think the water is beautiful and it's absolutely beautiful there. They have good weather. I think it would be cool to watch a volcano erupt. We talk about it in science classes but i think it would be cool to actually experience it.

  15. My dream vacation is to go to New York City! I love the city and I always have, which is why I love living in Nashville! New York is a huge place and there is so much to do that you can't do in any city. If I went there I would of course want to go to the famous Radio City Music Hall, or tour the Madison Square Garden! It would appeal to me because I love touring or going to concerts at famous music venues! I'm sure New York is a lot better than I think it is, which is why I can't wait to go there one day!

  16. my dream vacation would be to go to a black sand beach. i would want to go because i think they are just gorgeous! I absolutely love the beach also! i love the warm water and the beautiful views and th water! i could get a tan also! that my dream vacation!

  17. My dream vacation would be to return to Arizona and visit the Painted Desert and Grand Canyon. The last time I went I went with my aunt, uncle, and mom. This time I would love my whole family to go. I want to enjoy the condo that my aunt and uncle own and swim in the amazing pool and cook in the fire pit. I want to enjoy cactus and rattle snake. I loved the tour of the Grand Caonyon. I would hope I could see Elk again and maybe another squirrel would like to eat my lunch with me. The Mexican food I ate was awesome. It was a true Mexican restaurant. I want to go back because it was the farthest I have been from home. The first time I have flown on an airplane and it was lots of fun.

  18. My dream vacation is to go to Hawaii. I love the beach and swimming as much as anyone. I find Hawaii to be the perfect place to relax, swim, and have a great time!

  19. My dream vacation would be going to Japan. I love the culture, the history, and the food. I also like their traditional way of life, I would live there but I have little to no knowledge of their language. Their ancient people's past is magnificent. From samurais, ninjas, farming, tools, technology, and living off the land are a few ways that history has gone about in Japan

  20. My dream vacation would be going to Australia. It's super expensive to go there so if budget wasn't an option that's where I would want to go. The beaches look beautiful and I've met some Australians before and they have the coolest accents. The people seem super nice. I would want to try surfing down there because I've never done that before.

  21. What amazing places! I think we are ALL ready for fall break! Write on!

  22. My dream vacation is to go to California. I've bever been. I've always wanted to go to the beach and shop in cali. I want to go to Los Angles. My dad goes the a lot with work. I want to go so bad!

  23. My dream vacation would be Hawaii. It's warm everyday, it has beautiful sites, and I would love to drink their pineapples! That is my dream vacation that I hope to attend one day.

  24. My dream vacation would be the Caribbean islands. It's tropical, warm, and beautiful. I would love to go to Hawaii again as well because I love surfing! That is my dream vacation that I want to go on one day.

  25. My Dream Vacation- Part 1

    I'd love to take a summer vacation trip to my favorite places! For starters, I'd love to revisit London, England, and see everything for a second time. I also think it would be fantastic to see Paris, the city of love. I have a deep respect for Paris, and it's definitely where I'd put one of my seven dream mansions (I have an idea in my head that when I grow up I'd get rich and build seven mansions around the globe!) Next, I could tour my way from Scotland to Ireland, and see old Relic castles, and interesting people playing bagpipes in a kilt! Then, I'd want to take a cruise ship, with a VIP+ buffet, with cuisines from everywhere you can imagine! In just a few short weeks, we'd arrive in Australia! We'd tour the outback, get some delicious ribs and sit at the barbie (barbecue) and have a great time. I'd even get to see where some of my favorite shows, like H20, were filmed!

  26. My Dream Vacation-Part 2

    After the fun in Australia, we'd take a nice long flight to Japan. We'd eat lots of peanuts, and laugh at all the fun we've had. I would probably finish my summer reading during that long plane flight. When we landed, we would go tour Tokyo, and have lots of Japanese noodles and shrimp! I'd even hope to meet the CEOs of Nintendo and Game Freak, and The Pokemon Company! We'd have such a fun time there, and it's another place I'd put my dream mansion. I would would have a modern luxury condo on the top of a hill, overlooking Tokyo(besides the skyscrapers) We would then take another flight over the pacific to Alaska, and revisit where I was during the previous summer. We'd have some more crab, and we would have lots more fun. Then, we'd take a road trip to New York and visit my Aunt who lives there. We would spend a few days with her, and then take a flight back to Tennessee. I think that would be a great vacation and I'd have so much time spending it with my family!

    1. P.S.

      I am sorry it is in two parts. For some reason, it would not let me publish everything at once.

  27. My dream vacation is to go to Italy. I love the food, and the cars. If I go to Italy, I would spend so much time in a Farrari factory watching them be created.

  28. My dream vacation would be in Hawaii. I love the sandy beaches, warm sun, and it seems that there is no worry in the world. I also love the Hawaiian ice.

  29. For my dream vacation I'd pick somewhere sunny. But I wouldn't want the weather to be too hot. I'd pick somewhere with lots to do. I'd go with my friends and it would be a blast!

  30. My dream vacation would be to go to Hawaii. I would enjoy this because of it's amazing view and weather. I never been there and I love tropical places.

  31. Great responses! This blog post is now closed! I hope everyone had a fantastic fall break!
