Monday, May 8, 2017

Class of 2021 -- Blog #9 Looking Back . . .

It has often been said that "hindsight is 20/20," and this means that we often see things more clearly when we look back on them.  We seem to understand what we should have done or should have said, in contrast to what we really did. 

Our lives are often like that in many ways.  We go through a season or period of time, doing the best we can; however, once that period of time is history, we look back on it a bit differently.  We look back on knowing all of the big picture, and many times, we realize that we wish we had that time back again.

In a very few days, you will all be ending out a season of your life.  Your days as a middle school student will be complete.  (Yay!)  For some of you, your time at Goodpasture is ending, as well.  You will be going to a new school; you will be moving to a new state; you will be moving on to a new place in your lives.  For all of you, you will be starting a new chapter in your lives, as high school students. 

For our final blog of this year, I want you to look back and reflect on the last ten months.  It doesn't really seem that long since I was going over the year's syllabus with you and collecting green, blue, yellow and red folders.  You now have 20/20 hindsight of your 8th grade year. 

If back in August, you would have known all that you know now, would you have changed anything?  Would you have tried some things differently?  Would you have studied harder and tried to do better academically?  Would you have tried to have been a better friend or a better example to those around you? 

Please respond to these questions in five complete sentences for FIVE (5) extra credit points.  This blog will close at midnight on Friday, 5/12. 

We don't need to get caught up in living in our pasts, but we can all learn from our past experiences.  I hope all of you have a great summer!  Don't forget to come back and see me next year! 

Love always --

Mrs. Sweet

P.S.  Don't forget to -- WRITE ON! 


  1. I have a great time in my middle school years. I am not sure what i would change. I started out amazing this year in all my classes and still never let myself down. I would have definitly kept on studying and made sure to have all 100's. I always try to be spiritual and be more like God. I also make sure to do what God would want me to do and also help my friends get closer to God.

  2. My eighth grade year has been excellent! There really isn't anything I would change. The high points are when we won state championships in band and our trip to Washington D.C. I have worked hard in my classes and made decent grades. I have enjoyed the projects that I have gotten to make and create. I believe that we can always be better friends and a better example to those around us. This is something I feel God ask us to do daily. I am thankful I have spiritual friends that help me grow and forgive each other when we make mistakes.

  3. Eighth grade has been awesome I wouldn't want to go back and change anything about it. I might have tried maybe one or two things differently. I would have tried to study harder. I would have tried other friend options. Overall it has been a great year.

  4. My eighth grade year was amazing! The only thing I would change, is not doing band earlier and doing marching band earlier too; I wish I'd done it sooner! The I definitely wish I'd studied more and played less, yes playing is good too but too much isn't good. I definitely could've been a better friend, we all could've. I also wish I was a better example too, not acting a fool all the time! This year has been "lit"!

  5. I enjoyed my eight grade year a lot! I would say it's been my favorite year at goodpasture. I loved the Washington trip! It was the best and a great experience! I am also really proud of how hard I worked. I will try even harder in ninth grade!

  6. This year has been one of my favorite years definitely! But I would want to change the way I did my work. If I could go back I would change turning in my work late and going back over my work to see if I missed anything. Overall, it has been a great year! I'm going to miss everyone and the projects.

  7. This year has been the best school year so far of my life! I've had a lot of fun the past couple of years in upper middle school! I'm not sure if there's anything I would've changed since this year had been so exciting. If there's one thing I would've changed it would've been to work harder, which is something I'm striving to do next years! I'm really going to miss middle school but I'm ready to start the next chapter and to make my freshman year excellent!

  8. I enjoyed my eight grade year, and it is easily my favorite year here yet. There aren't too many things I would change about this school year, and I can't change it anyways. I feel like I did pretty good this school year with my grades, but I could have done way better. I definitely enjoyed being on the soccer team, but my favorite part of this school year would have to be the Washington trip. Overall, this year was awesome, and I'm going to miss it.

  9. Wow! Sounds like most of you have really enjoyed this year! Write on!

  10. I thoroughly enjoyed my eighth grade year! The Washington trip was definitely a highlight for me! Looking back, I just wish that I could relive this year. It's turned out better than I could've hoped. I look forward to ninth grade!

  11. My eighth grade year was very fun. I enjoyed the Washington trip the most. I mad a lot of fun this year but, the one thing I could have redone to make things better is being more focused and worked harder. I hope i can work harder to make better grades next year. In all I had a fun year.

  12. My eighth grade year was mainly enjoyable. I had a lot of ups and downs but i made it through perfectly fine. I probably would have changed the way i treated my friends towards the beginning of the year. i wasn't thinking and i acted without knowing what i was doing. I would have tried studying harder and tried more on getting good grades. I would not change anything else but I would not be here today in the situation i am in now without what i did this year. i think it doesn't matter the mistakes i made in the beginning because in the end i found to best friends i could ever have and my grades weren't as terrible as i thought they would be!

  13. My 8th grade year was fantastic. It was probably my favorite year of school by far. There's not much that I would change. I feel like I did good on my grades and maintaining my friendships. I loved the Washington trip. That was probably my favorite thing this year. Even though I'm going to see my friends this summer, it won't be the same not seeing them everyday. I thought this year was great and I'm proud of all the memories I've made. I will definitely miss it and the teachers and students that leaving next year.

  14. Looking back on my 8th grade year, I would have told myself to be nicer to people. I would have also told myself that everything will be okay, even if you mess up. 8th grade is also a year where people don't necessarily change, but your start being able to realize the real character of people. It is definitely a year that you decide your friends group & for some people, it means the year that you make choices that could change the rest of your life. This year has had a lot more temptations that make you think you should be careful and watch what you say and do. The academic part is farely easy. It is definitely a year that you can learn and develop good study habits. This is one of the best years ever.

  15. My 8th grade years has been the best so far. Ive gotten better grades then i ever have. This year has also more fun. Washing was one of the best trips ive ever taken. Banquet was so much fun. As well as the after party. I kinda wish i could redo it over and try to get even better grades. But now its over and im glad about that.

  16. Looking back on the school year, i would not want to change much. I overall have had an amazing last year of middle school. I do, however, wish I would've known that things do happen for a reason and things do eventually work out. Acedimically this school year was a huge success. I felt that I really improved my grades from last year to this year. Lastly, sports were something that I am so glad I did. In volleyball, we won state and I feel like I really improved. In softball, I have had an amazing time so far and I can't wait to see where the rest of the season takes us.

  17. Looking back on this year it was a better year than the last. I was more involved in sports and activities. I had a great time this year with friends. One thing I wish I knew was just not to trust anyone. This year really showed me a lot about people and how untrustworthy they are. Overall it was a great year and I had a blast! If I could do it over I wouldn't because it's made me into who I am today.

  18. Looking back, there isn't many things I would change. I might have pushed my self harder academically but I'm proud of what I've accomplished. I also might have chosen different friends to surround myself with. I'm going to miss Goodpasture and all my friends I've made along the way. My friends and family have supported me through everything and they are my rock.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. My 8th grade year has been a huge success academically, and athletically. I will absolutely miss middle school. Looking back, I would probably change nothing.
    Honestly along the path of middle school I
    have picked wonderful friends, studied hard, and tried to be academically successful. High school is a major step in your life, this
    is when it all counts and it all measures up your future. This is where we figure out our friend groups, pick the right classes, and try
    to make the best decisions possible. I have incredibly enjoyed the last couple years of middle school and will always remember the great memories we will cherish for a lifetime. Athletically, it has been a blessing to play for the softball team and I can't wait to see what our future holds this year!

  21. Great job, folks! Remember, this blog closes tonight at midnight! Write on!

  22. My eighth grade year was good! I loved going to Washington and making friends I didn't think I would make and getting closer to people that I was already friends with. If I had to change something, I would probably push myself harder academically. I also wouldn't have waited to make make all my friends in Washington. But, other than all the little things, my eighth grade year was a success!

  23. My eighth grade year was so great. Just the difference between this year and last year was phenomenal. My grades have changed so much. The teachers care so much more than they did at Ellis. If I could go back and change something I would change how much I studied. I studied really hard this year, but I feel that I could've studied more. I can't wait for highschool next year!!!!!

  24. Middle school has been hard, but I probably would not go back and change anything I've done. This year has definitely been better than the last. I figured out who my real friends are after I struggled with that last year. I wouldn't have changed anything academically because I tried my absolute best in that aspect and I was successful. The one thing that I try super hard on is being a good friend and a good example to people around me, and I would not change anything I've done these past couple years. I've had tough experiences but I've also learned a lot of lessons. For the most part, I've enjoyed middle school, but I'm ready for a new chapter in my life.

  25. My middle school years were a dear part of my life, but I knew it would end sooner or later. I honestly had no clue how the year would go, how hard it would be. Looking back at my year I don't think I would change that much. I branched out my friends, made good grades, and was happy. I hope to have years as great as this one in my high school future.

  26. Good job! This blog is now closed.
