Thursday, November 30, 2017

Class of 2022 -- Blog #5 -- A Christmas Wish

Tomorrow is the first day of December -- my favorite month of the year!  We are only twenty-six days away from Christmas!  Lists have been made, and shopping has begun.  Trees are being decorated, and stockings are being hung on mantles!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!  (Hey, that sounds like a song!!)

All of us love the presents and frivolity of the season -- of course!  However, when we really think of the season, there is so much more.  If we really look at our "needs" vs. our "wants," I would guess that there are few things that many of us really need.  We have so much -- what more could we really need? 

In our world, there is so much turmoil.  There is so much stress.  There is so much hurt.   Wouldn't it be great, if we could just wrap up a present - a wish -- to make things go away?   It would be so nice to just make things better or to make things happier. 

So, if you could have one wish for the world, what would it be?  Please write a minimum of four sentences for four extra credit points.  This blog will close on Friday, 12/18.  Merry Christmas to you all!  Write on! 

Monday, November 13, 2017

Class of 2022 -- Blog #4 -- GIVE THANKS

Well, it's hard to believe, but Thanksgiving break is less than a week away.  The semester is quickly passing, and we have only a few weeks left of it. 

I LOVE THANKSGIVING!  I think too many times, we rush through this holiday, in order to get to Christmas.  That bothers me because I think too many of us forget to be thankful.  We simply take our blessings for granted, and I think that is sad.

Thanksgiving is about stopping (at least for a moment), and thanking God for the blessings that He gives to us.  We live in a country that is free.  We live in beautiful houses.  We have food in our pantry.  We have a car in the garage. We have parents and grandparents that take care of us.  Someone may be sacrificing to make sure we are getting a Christian education at Goodpasture.    Although, those things are "second nature" to most of us, those things are blessings. 

So, just stop for a moment, and think of ONE (yes, only one!) thing for which you are thankful this year.  What is your biggest blessing?  Why is that so important to you? 

Mine would be my family.  They are my life, and they are God's biggest blessing to me -- every day and in every way. 

Answer in THREE (3) complete sentences for THREE (3) extra credit points.  This blog will close on Thursday, 11/23 at midnight! 

So, get ready for turkey, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie!  But don't forget to thank God for those blessings!  Write on!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Class of 2022 -- Blog #3 What Can We Learn from the Story of Anne Frank?

As we begin our study of The Diary of Anne Frank, I want you to take a moment to think about some very important principles and standards that we will be discussing during our study.  Our history, and the history of the world has been filled with glorious, positive things, as well as dark and horrible things.  We cannot erase history, but we can certainly learn from it.

The Diary of Anne Frank and the stories of the Jewish Holocaust are prime examples of the evilness of prejudice, discrimination and judgment of others.  Prejudice is defined as an unfavorable opinion or feeling formed beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason. Discrimination is defined as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things.  There is no room in the world today for these things, and these are part of so many other problems, such as racism, bullying and harassment.

As we read this play, we will see firsthand the horror of prejudice and discrimination.  We should learn from this part of history how we should NOT be, and how we should NOT treat other people around us.

As you think about these things, please respond to these questions: Why do you think that prejudice exists in the world?  Why do you think that many people judge others so harshly?  What can we do to make sure that we are not guilty of prejudice and discrimination? 

Respond in FIVE (5) complete sentences for FIVE (5) extra credit points!  This blog will close on Friday, November 10th at midnight.