Monday, November 13, 2017

Class of 2022 -- Blog #4 -- GIVE THANKS

Well, it's hard to believe, but Thanksgiving break is less than a week away.  The semester is quickly passing, and we have only a few weeks left of it. 

I LOVE THANKSGIVING!  I think too many times, we rush through this holiday, in order to get to Christmas.  That bothers me because I think too many of us forget to be thankful.  We simply take our blessings for granted, and I think that is sad.

Thanksgiving is about stopping (at least for a moment), and thanking God for the blessings that He gives to us.  We live in a country that is free.  We live in beautiful houses.  We have food in our pantry.  We have a car in the garage. We have parents and grandparents that take care of us.  Someone may be sacrificing to make sure we are getting a Christian education at Goodpasture.    Although, those things are "second nature" to most of us, those things are blessings. 

So, just stop for a moment, and think of ONE (yes, only one!) thing for which you are thankful this year.  What is your biggest blessing?  Why is that so important to you? 

Mine would be my family.  They are my life, and they are God's biggest blessing to me -- every day and in every way. 

Answer in THREE (3) complete sentences for THREE (3) extra credit points.  This blog will close on Thursday, 11/23 at midnight! 

So, get ready for turkey, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin pie!  But don't forget to thank God for those blessings!  Write on!


  1. I am thankful for this marching band season. This marching band season has been a blessing to me because ive grown better with music, drumming, and marching. I have also realized what it means to be a true family. Ive grown so close to everyone in the band and I cant wait for next season.

  2. My biggest blessing is my dads mom ( my grandmother ) is still alive . She is 96 years old and lives in Mississippi in a home and my aunt takes care of her . We are going down there this year for thanksgiving and i hope to spend a lot of time with her .

  3. I’m so thankful for this past volleyball season even if it didn’t end the way we wanted it to. I’m so thankful for all the relationships that we made. I’m thankful for the talent God has bestowed in me to be able to play that amazing sport.

  4. My biggest blessing this year is the volleyball season we just finished. The relationships that have been made have really helped me throughout the summer and this year. I have gotten close to people I never thought I would’ve been close to, and it has really been such a blessing to me!

  5. I am very thankful for my family. This year we’ve been everywhere together and I realize what a blessing it is to have your whole family together. I’m thankful that we get to spend time together all the time.

  6. I am thankful for my family. They are always there for me when I need them. I am blessed to have such a wonderful family.

  7. I am thankful for my family because whenever I need them they are always there for me. We go everywhere together whether it is to Kroger or all the way to Florida for vacation. I am happy to have a fun and loving family.

  8. I am blessed with a lot of things, but I would have to say my biggest blessing is my older brother, David. My brother is always there for me. He helps me with my homework ,friends and anything else I need help or advice with. My brother has been the biggest help this last year. I am so thankful and blessed to have my brother.

  9. Some amazing blessings shared so far! Write on!

  10. I am thankful for this school year. I have learned many new things. I am also thankful for the friends I have made at Goodpasture.

  11. I am thankful for my family. They care for me and provide me with everything I need. They’ve always been there for me. I love them.

  12. My biggest blessing is my family. This includes my biological family as well as my band family and church family. All of these people are the reason I am where I am today.

  13. Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. This blog is now closed.
