Thursday, November 30, 2017

Class of 2022 -- Blog #5 -- A Christmas Wish

Tomorrow is the first day of December -- my favorite month of the year!  We are only twenty-six days away from Christmas!  Lists have been made, and shopping has begun.  Trees are being decorated, and stockings are being hung on mantles!  It's the most wonderful time of the year!  (Hey, that sounds like a song!!)

All of us love the presents and frivolity of the season -- of course!  However, when we really think of the season, there is so much more.  If we really look at our "needs" vs. our "wants," I would guess that there are few things that many of us really need.  We have so much -- what more could we really need? 

In our world, there is so much turmoil.  There is so much stress.  There is so much hurt.   Wouldn't it be great, if we could just wrap up a present - a wish -- to make things go away?   It would be so nice to just make things better or to make things happier. 

So, if you could have one wish for the world, what would it be?  Please write a minimum of four sentences for four extra credit points.  This blog will close on Friday, 12/18.  Merry Christmas to you all!  Write on! 


  1. I would wish for world peace.It’s what I’ve always wanted for our world.We are continually controlled by anger and it hurts so many people.We all have good in us but we choose to let our evil show.

  2. I would wish for no poverty. I believe that is what this world struggles with the most. If we could place everyone in a home, and everyone had enough food and water, our society would be a lot different. We should all work towards helping others, and maybe we will reach this goal.

  3. My wish for the world is to end hunger. It’s a Casey thought of going home and having nothing to eat. Things like food drives help with it, but they don’t end it. It’s a good thought to go home everyday and can get whatever you want to eat, and I want everyone to have this experience of never being hungry.

  4. I would wish for peace. There is always one country that gets mad at another and it starts a war. This happens every year and I wish it would stop. There is also school bullying and fighting, that should end too, there is no reason for us not to be friends.

  5. I wish people had more integrity and were honest in all that they do. My hope would be that a world filled with honesty and integrity would lead to world peace. A peaceful world would be a blessing especially for all the children in the world. God wants his children to live in peace and one day we will with Him.

  6. I wish that everyone in the world was a Christian. If everyone was a Christian and lived with our values the world’s issues would be solved. It would be like Heaven on Earth, because there would be barely any sin. The world would be a much better place.

  7. I wish for world peace. Since there is so much hate in this world I believe there should be peace. The news is full of terrible things. I don’t think it would be bad for peace

  8. I wish that there was no poverty. There are many kids in this world that don’t have a bed to go home to after a long day, maybe not even a house. I hope someday everyone has a home. Someday I will go back to Haiti and help all the kids in poverty.

  9. This blog is now closed. Merry Christmas!
