Sunday, May 13, 2018

Class of 2022 -- Blog #8 -- Greatest Lessons of 8th Grade

Well, we are down to only a few days left for 8th grade!  This has been a great year, and it has really gone quickly! 

In a ten short months, I have had the opportunity to watch you grow as students.  I’ve seen all you of grow physically and academically, and I’ve seen many of you grow emotionally and spiritually, as well.  I am so proud of you, as a class and as individuals.

I know that you’ve learned a lot this year.  You’ve learned things about American history and mathematics.  Some of you have learned Spanish or leadership skills.  As my students, you’ve learned some great themes in wonderful literature, IXL and vocabulary.

But, I would bet many of you have learned great “lessons” that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.  I still remember some valuable lessons that I learned from my 8th grade teachers like Mrs. Switzer, Mrs. Piper and Mr. Hagewood.  These people remain influences in my life even today.

So, for your final blog responses for this year, what are your greatest lessons learned in 8th grade?  What teachers have been examples for you to follow in life?  How will you take these lessons and examples with you going forward into high school?  How will these lessons improve your life and your Christian walk with the Lord?

Answer in THREE (3) complete sentences for THREE (3) extra credit points.  This blog will close at midnight on Friday, 5/18/18.

Finally, I love you all, and it has been my honor to be your English teacher this year.  Have a wonderful summer break.  Please, come back to see me next year, and WRITE ON! 

Mrs. S.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Class of 2022 -- Blog #7 -- Man's Inhumanity to Man

As we begin our study of John Steinbeck’s novel, The Pearl, one of the key themes of the novel examines man’s inhumanity to man.  This idea of man's inhumanity toward his fellow man has been discussed and studied throughout history. 

We live in an era that is filled with violence.  We see daily in the news various ways that people are simply cruel and hurtful to one another. 

We live in a very selfish society, and we see the seven deadly sins played out in life over and over again.   Pride consumes our hearts.  Anger causes us to do things we know that we shouldn’t do.  Greed creeps in, and we simply want what we want.  Laziness, lust and envy become habitual.  Gluttony of all forms controls our lives.  We are all guilty at times, and that’s the sad truth.   Just yesterday, a man was gunned down in a local mall due to an ongoing feud.  Did the shooter allow anger, pride, envy or other things cloud his judgment? 

So, what needs to change?  Where can we start?  How can we make a difference?  Is it too late?  Should we just resolve ourselves to the fact that things are just going to continue to spiral out of control, as we become a self-destructive society. 

What do you think?  Please respond to these questions in a minimum of FIVE (5) sentences for FIVE (5) extra credit points.

This blog will close on Friday, 5/11/18 at midnight!  Write on!