Sunday, May 13, 2018

Class of 2022 -- Blog #8 -- Greatest Lessons of 8th Grade

Well, we are down to only a few days left for 8th grade!  This has been a great year, and it has really gone quickly! 

In a ten short months, I have had the opportunity to watch you grow as students.  I’ve seen all you of grow physically and academically, and I’ve seen many of you grow emotionally and spiritually, as well.  I am so proud of you, as a class and as individuals.

I know that you’ve learned a lot this year.  You’ve learned things about American history and mathematics.  Some of you have learned Spanish or leadership skills.  As my students, you’ve learned some great themes in wonderful literature, IXL and vocabulary.

But, I would bet many of you have learned great “lessons” that you will carry with you for the rest of your life.  I still remember some valuable lessons that I learned from my 8th grade teachers like Mrs. Switzer, Mrs. Piper and Mr. Hagewood.  These people remain influences in my life even today.

So, for your final blog responses for this year, what are your greatest lessons learned in 8th grade?  What teachers have been examples for you to follow in life?  How will you take these lessons and examples with you going forward into high school?  How will these lessons improve your life and your Christian walk with the Lord?

Answer in THREE (3) complete sentences for THREE (3) extra credit points.  This blog will close at midnight on Friday, 5/18/18.

Finally, I love you all, and it has been my honor to be your English teacher this year.  Have a wonderful summer break.  Please, come back to see me next year, and WRITE ON! 

Mrs. S.


  1. Replies
    1. Octavius, you didn't follow directions. You must respond to the questions in THREE complete sentences in order to get the extra credit.

  2. This year was a great and tough year. I learned that you should always think before you do or say something. Learning from your mistakes is the best thing you can do.

  3. This year for me was much easier. My grades stayed pretty well. I learned a lot from wonderful teachers.

  4. This year I learned that you should always be prepared. On some test I didn’t try very hard and I didn’t do very good but, on other tests I studied and I normally got good grades. Next year I will prepare for my tests and quizzes so I will do better.

  5. This year, I learned that you should always be friendly to everyone. You never know what someone is going through at home. I will carry this throughout high school, and the rest of my life.

  6. This year I learned to ALWAYS be prepared because most days I forgot we had homework or forgot we had a test; the result was not a very good grade. When I remembered and did my homework and studied like I was suppose to, I got very good grades. Throughout high school I will remember what I have to do in order to make good grades. This will help my relationship with God because if I can be prepared for what comes at me in school, I can be prepared to what God throws in my path.

  7. This year I learned to do your homework when it’s assigned. This year, I became closer to God. Next year I will give all I got on test or quiz.

  8. My grades were pretty good this year. I started doing homework the day it was assigned. i tested better this year then i did last year. It was a good school year. I am excited for high school

  9. Great lessons learned! Write on!

  10. My grades were very good all year. I learned not to wait to the last minute to do my assignments. I also learned to think before you speak or act. I learned to always be prepared and I’m excited for high school.

  11. I learned many good lessons this year. I learned that you need to study to get good grades. You can’t get by without studying anymore. I will carry this throughout high school. This can be a very helpful lesson.

  12. Over this year I’ve learned several valuable lessons. First off don’t be like me and talk in history class there’s so many important things you need to hear in there. Waiting until the last minute to do your homework isn’t a good idea either you need time to think and always study!

  13. Valuable lessons learned! Write on!

  14. I’ve made some mistakes this year that I wish hadn’t happened. At the very least, I know that the worst one will never happen again. Like Kadin said, we should learn from our mistakes. I just hope I do well and avoid making the same mistakes again! Have. A good summer, everyone!

  15. I have learned many valuable lessons this year. I have learned that your life isn’t going to be perfect, and neither will you. I have learned that you need to be yourself and stay true to who you really are. I have changed so much from who i was last year, and i’m really happy about that. Honestly I dont think i would be who i was today is it wasn’t for my wonderful friends, family. I love every one of them and I thank them so much for everything they have done for me.

  16. I have learned many great and valuable lessons this year. I learned that if you want a good grade u will need to study for it and will need to be prepared. That is something that will definitely need for high school .

  17. I learned many valuable lessons, but this one comes out on top. Hard work and responsibility pay off, and because of this I’m now a member of the National Junior Honor Society. I plan to work hard over the summer, and be prepared for my freshman year.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The lesson I learned is all ways be respectful and kind to adults so you don’t get in trouble. I am gonna use this next year so I can be a person people want to be around. If I am respectful and kind I am doing what god is asking me to do and it can halt me get a job in the future.
