Friday, May 4, 2018

Class of 2022 -- Blog #7 -- Man's Inhumanity to Man

As we begin our study of John Steinbeck’s novel, The Pearl, one of the key themes of the novel examines man’s inhumanity to man.  This idea of man's inhumanity toward his fellow man has been discussed and studied throughout history. 

We live in an era that is filled with violence.  We see daily in the news various ways that people are simply cruel and hurtful to one another. 

We live in a very selfish society, and we see the seven deadly sins played out in life over and over again.   Pride consumes our hearts.  Anger causes us to do things we know that we shouldn’t do.  Greed creeps in, and we simply want what we want.  Laziness, lust and envy become habitual.  Gluttony of all forms controls our lives.  We are all guilty at times, and that’s the sad truth.   Just yesterday, a man was gunned down in a local mall due to an ongoing feud.  Did the shooter allow anger, pride, envy or other things cloud his judgment? 

So, what needs to change?  Where can we start?  How can we make a difference?  Is it too late?  Should we just resolve ourselves to the fact that things are just going to continue to spiral out of control, as we become a self-destructive society. 

What do you think?  Please respond to these questions in a minimum of FIVE (5) sentences for FIVE (5) extra credit points.

This blog will close on Friday, 5/11/18 at midnight!  Write on!


  1. I think man has no respect for other mans life and doesn’t think that it matters if u kill someone else . People think that their life is more valuable and any other persons life ., we should start at learning to respect other people’s life . We can make make a difference by not letting any of the 7 deadly sins clout our judgment when consider other people’s life . It is definitely not to late.

  2. It is never to late to make a difference with our actions and feelings towards one another. We get so mad at friends or other people that we don’t even know and it gets to the point of fighting. People are selfish and do not know how to control their anger. You find yourself taking your own problems out on innocent people. Let’s be nice to one another and change the world one person at a time.

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  4. We can make a difference in many ways. One way we can make a difference is to not be selfish. The doctor in the pearl is very selfish. He won’t help people if they don’t have money which leads some people to death. We need to help others even if they don’t pay us. We need to do things from the kindness of our hearts.

  5. We can make a difference, to make this happen everybody needs to be involved. You can’t make a difference if you aren’t doing anything. Like when the day in the pearl needed help from the doctor because he was stung by a scorpion. The only doctor they had didn’t even want to help. But when kino and his family found a pearl everyone wanted to help them out. So that mean people out there in the world are just rude and disrespectful. So as a community we need to try to do what we can for people who are having hard times.

  6. I feel like there is a limit to what we can do in that respect. Some people no matter what we do will continue to live that way and hurt people for no reason. I feel that we can do some things like pray for the victims and there families maybe professionals can get to the person planning it before they do it. I just kinda feel like it is a little to late to fix the problem completely.

  7. It may seem like it, but it is never too late to make a difference. A person might have been a bad and selfish person their whole life, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t change. If you don’t know what to do, just look at the things around you. You can do simple things like, donate you old clothes to Goodwill, or participate in the food drive when it comes around, or even volunteer at a place that helps the community. Don’t stop trying, we still have a chance to turn the bad things around.

  8. This is Raegan. I think we can start by not judging others. Also by having more respect for others and not thinking our life is more valuable than any other person. The Waffle House and Opry Mills shooting are two examples go how the seven deadly sins can effect us. I honestly don't think its too late to turn the bad things around, I just think we gave up on trying.

  9. I think we need to value everyone’s lives whether you know them or not. We can start by not being selfish and thinking that if my life is bad, I’ll take it out on others. It seems like it is too late, but the reason people don’t value each other any more, is because our generation is more selfish. We can’t just accept that things are bad, we have to fix it, because if we don’t fix it more people may suffer because of it. We have to learn to have love for one another instead of trying to make ourselves look better than everyone else.

  10. We need to be better towards each other. To be more respectful and kind. We need to work together to make a better society for us and our parents. We need to learn love and use it to help one another. We do not need to worry for God will always be their for us.

  11. Great ideas! You all have wonderful insight! This blog is now closed.

  12. Blogging is a way too talk to people around. I have never blogged before, because i have never had time to really do this kind of stuff. I am excited to blog this year.
