Monday, September 14, 2020

GCS Class of 2025 -- Blog #2 -- (Real-life) ANIMAL FARM

 As we conclude our study of the novel, Animal Farm, we have talked a lot about rules and laws in a society.  We have also talked about persuasion, and how sometimes, we are easily led by others. 

In the novel, Snowball and Napoleon are the leaders of the pigs.  In the beginning, they both really want a better life for all of the animals on the farm. 

Napoleon eventually bullies Snowball and runs him off of the farm.  All of the other animals watch in horror, but they do nothing to help. 

Bullies have a tendency to love power, and many will do whatever it takes to have that power over others. Of course, Goodpasture is part of the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, designed to improve peer relations and make schools a safer and more positive place for students to learn and develop.  We want to always make sure that we are part of the solution in the event of witnessing bullying by telling an adult at school and an adult at home, as we learned in the program kick-off. 

For this blog, please respond to this question? 

Have you ever witnessed or experienced bullying?  What happened?  (No names or juicy details, please!)  How did it make you feel?  How do you believe we can prevent bullying on our campus?  

Respond in five complete sentences for FIVE extra credit bonus points!  This blog will close at midnight on 9/25/2020.  Write on!  


  1. I have never experienced bullying firsthand, but I have seen it happen to others around school. It never feels good to stand around and watch someone being mistreated especially when you feel there's nothing you can do to help. As a school I think we should be trying harder to prevent students on campus from being bullied, and we shouldn't be afraid to stand up for those who need our help. It can be easy to get so trapped up in what's going on in our own lives that we forget to take a step back and look at the others around us. Bullying is a very serious and real issue going on around this school and many others, so we need to learn to take charge and prevent it form happening.

    1. This is Sarah Carver's by the way iI forgot to log in.

  2. This is Janie Grace Moss. I have been bullied before. I was getting pushed around all the time . This person would tell me that everyone hated me. She would try to make me look bad. It make me insecure about who I was. It made me feel like an outcast. It hurt my self confidence. I am a person that does not like conflict or confrontation. I had a hard time standing up for myself. I needed someone to help me to stand up . I would let this person run over me like a bulldozer. At the time I needed someone to help me stop it. Now I look back on it though it has made me a better person. That experience has brought me closer to my family and our father in heaven. It has shown me that I am more confident than ever . I have a voice. This is part of my story.

  3. I have never experienced bullying before. I have seen it happen thought at school. They were being pushed around and being taken for granted and the person was calling them names and even cussing them out most times and told them there parents don’t love them and that they were a mistake. It didn’t make me feel good but I should have done more than I did. We can prevent bullying by just not saying rude stuff to people and making sure that person is comforted by people and not left out.

  4. I have never experienced getting bullied but I have seen people been bullied. I try my hardest to stick up for them because it hurts my heart to see people getting torn up piece by piece. I saw someone getting picked on and I’ve seen a group of girls talk about this person before. There was one in particular that kept being so rude to this one girl. I talked to the “bully” after and asked her why she did that and she said because she could. I also talked to the person getting bullied after and I felt so bad for her. Bullying is very serious and can really cause someone to take their own life. People just need to start putting themselves in each other’s “shoes” and just realizing how hurtful others can be. We also need to start taking it seriously because it’s a real thing that happens.

  5. I have never experienced bullying. I have seen it happen multiple times. They always get pushed around and called names. Sometimes it would get physical, too. It makes me feel sad. I feel bad too because they can’t stand up for themselves. I think we should learn karate so we can fight back or something. That would be very helpful.

  6. I have experienced bullying, but i don’t think I’ve seen it anywhere. I was being made fun if for my last name, and I’m sure they meant it as a joke, but they knew I hated it, like genuine despising, and continued. It was only in my Bible class, and thank the Lord the one that started it has left to 9th grade. I think I may have seen bullying in my grade, but I’m pretty sure the “victim” isn’t too bothered. Still, I tried everything to stop being made fun of, even pointing it out, where they stopped for one day, then continued on their despicable pattern. I even announced it during class, but the teacher didn’t do anything to stop it, he barely tried. Bullying is a sick thing, and the person bullied can feel helpless, and sometimes also hateful, but they can’t find anything to stop it. The only way to really help it is to just ignore, or find some way to outsmart the bully.

  7. Bullying is a sad topic. It talks about giving others pain and discomfort it talks about putting others down to satisfy your needs. I’m not sure if I’ve ever witnessed bullying but when someone talks about someone I care about I definitely do not let it slide. Don’t think that if your friend didn’t stand up for you or like you that you can’t make their day better by giving them a little back up and being there for them. Everyone needs that 1 person to be there.

  8. I have not like myself experienced bullying, but I have seen it happen. They were calling out someone and yelling bad things to them. It was so aggravating and so sad, you could see the look on their face it hurt. I feel like we can prevent it by being more aware and trying to really let people feel safe like talking to you. Someone could be getting bullied and tell no one, so they can’t get help. If they feel safe telling you, you can stop it from happening further because you know about it.

  9. I have never experienced bullying myself but I have seen it happen. Everyday after school they would just harass him and call him names. I myself didn’t personally love him but it was really sad to see him just trying to live his life and they would just come up and harass him for no reason. We can’t completely stop it but we could slow it

    1. Down by including people and just being more aware. If someone wants to talk to you about bullying please just listen it could make a huge difference.

  10. I don’t recall ever experiencing or witnessing bulling, but I have heard my friends stories. They told me about the times they were bullied, and I felt awful for them. They told me that people have bullied them for being overweight or not fitting the beauty standards society puts on us. I told myself that if I saw something like that happen, I would speak up about it. I would never want anyone to feel as though they aren’t good enough.

  11. I have experienced bullying. I was told I was annoying and stupid and other rude names. It made me feel very bad about my self. I do believe we can prevent it. We just need to watch out for it more.

  12. Bullying is something that is often happening in our society now. Whether it is happening to us or we are witnessing it. We often get bullied for being different than everyone else. I have both witnessed bullying and been bullied. I have learned to stay away from the negative people that bring you down because if they are constantly bringing you down, then they are doing it to make themselves feel better or they think it is cool. Bullying is not a funny thing to do. It brings peoples confidence down and they are often too scared to stand up for themselves. Be a good friend and stand up for what is right !

  13. Good job! You guys are awesome! Write on!

  14. I have witnessed bullying before. Bullying can happen anywhere, but one of the places I’ve seen it is at school. Bullying comes in many different forms. Something I see all the time is people getting left out. Whether it’s at lunch or in the hallway bullying is always happening. A way we could fix this is by keeping everyone in. By that I mean if you have your friend group you can add more people it doesn’t have to just be y’all for the rest of your Goodpasture years. Communicate with everyone not just your close friends. I think something that will help bullying a lot is treat others how you want to be treated. I know that people say that all the time and you just let it go but we really should listen to that. I think it will help a lot of the bullying problems at school.

  15. I have witnessed bullying and been bullied before. I don’t think the victim who was being bullied was too effected by it, but I still regret every day not having the courage to stand up for her. All I would prefer to say about being bullied is that it was just constant insults, teasing, and being told I should be someone who I was not. Bullying makes you feel horrible, and watching others being bullied can be even worse. Bullying is a horrible thing that can stab at our hearts, minds, self-confidence, and personalities. It is important for us to remember that we were all made in God’s imagine. He designed each and every one of us. Just because we are different from others does not mean that we should be treated in a different, negative way. We are all different, and it’s exactly that that makes us all special. It’s important for us to stop bullying each other, and just learn to love and accept each other for who we truly are. I think we can prevent bullying by just stopping ourselves from thinking so negatively. If we could all learn to just include, to love, and to accept each other I honestly think there would be less people being bullied.

  16. I have witnessed bullying before. I don’t remember when it happened but people were talking down to someone and it was not very kind words. It made me feel awful and like I wanted to do something but I just walked by and allowed it to happen. I feel if we witness bullying we should always try to prevent it as best as we can and need to be kind to one another. Those are the things I think we should do to prevent bullying.

  17. I don’t think I have seen bullying before, but there are some people and situations that come to mind when I think of rude people and ridiculous situations. One situation I think of is that one girl hit another one in the face with a lunchbox. How that happened, I don’t know. I thought they were pillow fighting with lunchboxes, but the other girl that got hit got mad. She said the girl that hit her did it on purpose, and she made everyone else at the table feel bad for her (this was at lunch). For basically the rest of the year that person would find a way to smack her with her lunchbox. This made me feel very awkward and sorry because I was like the middle man, and I didn’t think the girl that had smacked the other girl in the face with the lunchbox first had done it on purpose. I think that we can prevent bullying by having more teachers supervising kids.

  18. I haven’t personally seen bullying before, but after it was already happening I heard that it was going on. Someone at our school, not long ago, was being bullied. I didn’t know about it until the person left our school because of it. It makes me feel guilty that I didn’t try to be his friend and talk to him during the day. He was new to our school and already didn’t have many friends. I feel guilty, but I know that I shouldn’t because I didn’t know that it was happening. I just wish I could have done something about it and kept him company because he seemed like a sweet person. What happened was, another new kid who was almost two years older than him and on his team was calling him very ugly names and constantly making fun of him. I think that the school should have handled it way better than they did because that boy didn’t deserve to be made of everyday. He , eventually, got tired of it and left our school. I think we can sort of prevent bullying by handling the situations better, but we can’t prevent it fully because the school doesn’t know anything going on in people’s lives. Some bullying probably happens that we don’t know about and there’s nothing the school can do. In conclusion, we can’t really prevent bullying, but we can handle the situations and how to deal with them better.

  19. I do not think I have ever witnessed bullying, but I know for a fact that it happens. There are times that I have seen people being mistreated, but I do not believe it is bullying unless it is constantly happening. It is hard to watch other people being mistreated because we may often feel like stepping in would only put us in the middle, but that is never the case with bullying. There is never a wrong time to stand up for what is right, even if you may just end up being bullied yourself. I believe bullying can be prevented if we all do our part and never be afraid to say something.

  20. What I have whiteness is not bullying it is people being ignorant, but I have seen bullying before. I think we are scared to stop ignorance or bullying because if we get in the middle of it it could cause more problems. The sad thing is we always wait to say something until we see that the persons self esteem getting really low. I wonder sometimes how come we couldn’t help that person when we first saw it happening we could have prevented something bad from happening if we just said something it’s almost like we want that person to suffer.

  21. I don’t think I’ve ever scene bulling right in front of me but I know it happens every day. I know some kids may get mistreated or get called names. What we need to do to stop bulling is to pay attention for it and if you do see someone being bullied, tell someone or tell the person bulling to stop. We need to show bully’s that it’s not right. Some people may get scared or think something will happen to them, but please do something. It is better to be have done something about it while being a little frighten, than not and having guilt always following you. This is how we can stop bulling together.

  22. I have witnessed bullying happen in front of me a lot, and I myself have experienced bullying before. When I was around the person who bullied me he made fun of things I like about myself, and stuff I’m good at. He acted like I wasn’t there in the room when I was, and this made me feel bad about myself. We can prevent bullying by having more teachers out in the hall, or more adults around students to prevent bullying from happening. I need to stand up against bullying when I see it, but also we need more leaders among students to prevent bullying from happening.

  23. I don’t know if I have seen any bullying happen near me. I’ve heard of someone getting bullied or annoyed by someone. I don’t really know anything about any of it though. I don’t like bullying and I hope it can be stopped everywhere. At our school and at any other school. We can prevent bullying by reaching out to people or bullied people reaching out for help. If we know who is getting bullied we can help stop it.

  24. I’ve never experienced first hand bullying. I think it’s a bad thing all kids respond different to the situation. I think you should always be cautious of what you say to others. I know being told hurtful things to me doesn’t feel good. I know it wouldn’t to anyone else. At school I think if we just care more and be positive to one another we will be better.

  25. I really never experienced someone getting bullied. I feel like you should always just watch what you tell people and it will help a lot on bullying.I also say that if we just cared more for people or if we wanted to say something just say it in your mind I feel like sometimes people can just keep it to there self but they just say it to make someone like and just want to be cool . I say if people just step in and stop it .it will make the situation a little better than if you just walked by and didn’t do anything.Some people when they bully someone only bully someone because of how his life is like at home so I say if some parents do better on teaching there children about it it will help a lot.

  26. I think should always be cautious of what you say to others I know being told hurtful to other anyone else at school bullying is really bad you do not need to do that other will bully you other will bully you and make you mad

  27. You are making valid points. Bullying is never cool, but sometimes people will think it is. Write on!

  28. I have seen plenty of bullying in my lifetime. I don’t like the thought of that because I hate it when people get hurt. I am glad that I moved to Goodpasture because there isn’t as much bullying here than at my old public school. I had tried to intervene in the bullying multiple times, but it just transferred to me as the result. I don’t really regret that, and I would do it all over again even if it broke me down again and again. I am glad that we have the power as human beings to help, love, and encourage others. We can try and lessen bullying by reaching out and encouraging others more.

  29. I have witnessed bullying . The bully was shoving them around and making fun of them . When i see people getting bullied I feel really bad because no one deserves for that to happen to them . To prevent bullying you could tell someone to stop bullying if you see a someone doing it . Also try to not say something mean about someone to someone else because they could tell people and it get to the person you said it about .

  30. I’ve seen bullying happen way more than it should have. No one deserves to be bullied, but people do it anyways. There’s not as much bullying at Goodpasture than there was at the public school I went to, but it still happens. Seeing it makes me feel bad for the victim in the situation, because half the time they didn’t do anything. Yes it is true that sometimes they say something that starts it, but still, no one deserves to be bullied. Bullying can lead into many other things, so it’s just not a good thing. I’ve seen different things happen that were bullying, from just constantly shoving them around, or always being there to say something hurtful to them. We can prevent bullying by always being there for others, and lifting others up, instead of bringing them down.

  31. I have witnessed someone getting bullied. People say negative things to other people , and I wish it would never happen. You may not know but your words can really hurt other people. If we see someone get bullied, we need to help the person who is getting bullied. We need to always try to build others up instead of bringing them down. Also, some people bully other people to make themselves look cool. That is usually a sign that they are insecure. So not only should you help the person getting bullied, but help the bully too. We should always try to prevent bullying by standing up for others.

  32. I’ve witnessed bullying before. It’s a very messed up thing to do. It makes me feel terrible to see people in pain. I feel like to fix some things we should ask what’s going on to the bully. Usually when someone bully’s they have problems too. Just talk it out.

  33. I have witnessed bullying before and have personally been bullied. It really cuts deep and can hurt people. It’s hard when you feel like you can’t breathe without some rude comment or be made fun of for no reason whatsoever. If everyone treated everyone else with the golden rule there wouldn’t be so much arguing and rude,hurtful comments if everyone just treated each other with respect

  34. I have witnessed bullying and had been bullied myself once. I felt angry but helpless. I felt like no one was there for me, but my friends noticed and balled me through it. I am now friends with him and I has been a while since he has ever done something. I think the best way to stop bullying is asking people about their life. A bully is usually someone who has been hurt, so they take out that pain to others to make themselves feel better. Just help people. See how the average day for them goes and work through it.

  35. Great job on writing! Blog closes tonight! Write on!

  36. I have witnessed and have been bullied before. A bully is usually someone that has either been bullied or has a bad day. If you are getting bullied you need to tell an adult to solve the problem. When I was bullied I felt helpless and felt like I’m no good. Many people get bullied every day and I want to stand up for people to stop the bullying. We should use the golden rule and treat others like we want to be treated.

  37. I was part of bullying someone at a time. I didn’t realize what I was doing, but after someone had pointed it out to me, I realized. I felt really bad about it. I am really glad that someone pointed it out to me. I think that sometimes, the bully doesn’t realize that they are a bully. Once you realize though, it should be their personal goal to fix it.

  38. Thanks for your responses! The blog post is now closed.
