Wednesday, August 12, 2020

GCS Class of 2025 -- Blog #1 -- BACK TO SCHOOL

Welcome, GCS Class of 2025.  I know that sounds strange to you, and you think that 2025 is a LONG time from now, but you will be shocked at how quickly that time will pass.

As we begin a new school year, I want to introduce you to blogging.  The word "blog" can be used as a noun or a verb.

It is defined as:  
noun: blog; plural noun: blogs
  1. 1
    a regularly updated website or web page, typically one run by an individual or small group, that is written in an informal or conversational style.
verb: blog; 3rd person present: blogs; past tense: blogged; past participle: blogged; gerund or present participle: blogging 
1.  add new material to or regularly update a blog.

Over the course of this year, you will have the opportunity to respond to a variety of blog posts for extra credit.  Each nine weeks, I will post an average of two blogs.  Your responses must follow the requirements posted, and you will be able to gain three to five extra credit points for your posts.  These points are weighted as "test points," so they are actually worth 9 - 15 points in your cumulative points.  There is also a deadline by which your responses must be posted!  This is a more relaxed, conversational writing, so no worries!

My main objective is for you to WRITE ON!  This is easy for some of you, and for others, not so much.  But we will all grow and learn together.   So . . .  here goes! 

As we begin 8th grade, are you ready?  What excites you about this upcoming year?  What scares you?  Are you involved in extracurricular activities?  If so, what?  In FIVE COMPLETE sentences, please tell me your vision for this year.  Tell me about you and your goals for the year.

You will receive FIVE extra credit points for your completed response.  This blog will close on Friday, August 21st at midnight.

I'm excited about this year and getting to know you better!  Write on!  


  1. Yes I am really excited for this new year of 8th grade. I am happy to be in a new grade and hope to make a lot of new friends. I am a little scared about the new class but it’s been fun so far. I play two sports baseball and I wrestle. My goals for the year are to get stronger, make all A’s and I have a fun year.

  2. Yes, I am ready for 8th grade. It’s one step closer to being a high schooler and even more than that, being able to drive. I’m really excited to play baseball this year because I’ll most likely play varsity. My extracurricular activities are baseball and basketball for GCS. My goal for this year is to continue making straight A’s and perform to the highest level in the classroom and on the field. I want to make new friends and grow closer to my old ones.

  3. I’m not sure if I am very ready for 8th grade but so far it’s going good. I’m excited to learn and understand the importance of all my classes. Failing is my worst fear about English because I’m not super good at it. I’m hoping my goals like, getting straight A’s and getting through year fast and easy with all my work done accomplished this year. Goals are super important during the school year for you to test yourself in many ways.

  4. For the most part, I am ready for 8th grade. I am excited to be able to play on high school teams for the sports I play. The only things I am involved in are softball and volleyball for the school. My goals are to get closer with people and get better at taking tests. I ,usually, make good grades on tests, but I am always super busy and can’t focus very well.

  5. I am ready for eighth grade, but I am also nervous. What excites me about this year is all of the new opportunities. What scares me about this year is that is it way harder than it was last year, and there is more homework. I am involved in sports. I am a gymnast and I do swim, so I am never home. This year I plan on staying out of drama and trying my best in school.

  6. I think I am ready for 8th grade I felt like 7th grade was too easy. I am excited for us possibly going to Washington D.C. We may not go though because of corona virus 😠. I don’t know what really scares me it would probably be me failing a class. My goal for the year is to get all A’s all year long.

  7. 8th grade so far has been a whirlwind of new friends, more difficult classes, and greater responsibilities. This year I am on the cheer team, the swim team, and I still do diving. This year doesn’t really scare me, but at the same time I am anxious about my more difficult classes like algebra. I feel like my social life is going pretty great and all of my friends are awesome. I’m hoping and praying for an awesome last year of middle school!

  8. I am so excited about my eighth grade year. I’m excited for homecoming, floats, food drive, and so much more. I am a little bit nervous about eighth grade because I am getting prepared for high school, but I am still very excited. I am involved in cheerleading, softball, and volleyball here at school. I think this year is going to be one to remember.

  9. I’m very excited for the new school year. Some things that excite me are the new cheer season, homecoming, banquet, and our trip to Washington D.C. I’m a cheerleader and have been one for the last three years. It’s one of my favorite thing to do, and I love it. I’m scared about how hard the work might be this year. This new school year is very exciting for me.

  10. I am ready for the 8th grade year, since we have been at home for so long I’m excited. I’m excited for all the things we have this year, learning, projects, and trips if we can. Nothing really scares me about this year. I am evolved in football, basketball, and football. I can’t wait for the year to pick up. I hope I can get good grades and have fun.

  11. As I begin 8th grade I do feel ready. I feel accomplished as a 7th grader and excited for this year. I am excited for all we do in this class. I am really excited for the diary of Anne Frank novel we will be reading. I am Not scared about anything.I swim , cheer, run cross country, and I am on the student council.I am so excited to be attending this accelerated English class, and can’t wait to do another blog soon.

  12. I think I’m ready for 8th grade this year, since last year was so crazy I’m ready to slow down and hopefully things will get back to normal soon. I can’t wait to go to Washington! History has always been an interest of mine so I’m excited to learn more about our country. I’m a little nervous about algebra 1 because I have never been that great at math. I’m involved in cheer and many church activities so this will still be a busy year. This year I’m trying to make too make top 10% or at least stay in all advanced classes. Overall I’m very excited for 8th grade and think this will be a great year!

  13. As we begin eighth grade, I’ve had a lot of learning experiences over the years. I don’t think that I’m going to struggle in any of my classes this year. I am exited o be the oldest in the middle school and to learn more. I’m scared t think that this is my last year before high school! I am involved in extracurricular activities, such as: Football for GCS, and not for GCS I race mountain bikes. My vision for this year is just to do better at ALL costs. I don’t think that I’ve really cared much for school a lot. But I now realize that I need to. So I am going to try harder in school. I am also going to try harder in my extracurricular activities as well. Thank you for reading my blog.

  14. Great responses, Period #1! Write on!

    1. I am involved in football baseball and wrestling. I am really not scared I’m just a little nerves. And I’m excited because we don’t get treated like babies anymore. Because in 7th grade last year we got babied a lot. I’m also excited for football because now I’m older and I am a leader for the team now.

  15. As we begin 8th grade, I feel like I’m ready. The most exciting thing is I know what we are doing so I’m not surprised by anything. Nothing really scares me coming into the school year. Yes I’m playing baseball but I can’t play for the school this year. I do a program every night for 3 hours.

  16. I’m am personally very exited about this year in eighth grade . I think this year will be lots of fun though I am scared to be in high next year while also exited . I am involved in a few extra curricular activities such as football , swim team , and a mountain biking team though it’s not through goodpasture . This year I hope to work hard and make it into advanced English for next year . In the past I have personally been challenged in English but haven’t give much extra effort . This year I am going to do my best to work hard and study extra . Thank you for reading my blog .

  17. As my last year in middle school it has been chaotic, I changed schools after my dad was fired we couldn’t get in in at the right time. But all that to say is that I have joined and I am meeting new people. I am so exited for this coming year and what what is next in my school life. I am hoping to be ready for high school coming out of 8th grade and have a good friend group and know people here. I am learning the school and the rules while finding out what school is like here, I am looking forward to this year and what comes next.

  18. I feel fine about eighth grade to be honest. I mean if I fail everything then I’ll just skip college and become a landscaper or a plumber. Not saying I want to fail, I’m going to try my best and everything and hopefully get good marks and be ready for high school. I’m going to play soccer and maybe basketball here at school. This is my first year in a new school so it’s definitely a new thing for me but I think I’ll be fine. Everyone is nice and the teachers seem great. Should be pretty epic.

  19. I think I am ready for 8th grade because I’m exited. Since we have been stuck at home I’m exited to start school to hang out with my friends and learn. I am also exited to play basketball for Goodpasture. I came from dca where I played basketball so I am exited to play here. I also want to increase my grades to become smarter academically so I can go get prepared for high school. I hope this will be a great year.

  20. This year for me is gonna be a good one. I say that because I always try to make the best out of everything. Even tho I struggle in school and don’t do the best people help me a lot. I am excited to go the games with me friends and get all the wins. What scares me in the fact I have a hard time turning things in on time. I don’t have any extra coricular activities but school is gonna be good or I will make it good and help others and spread the word of god.

  21. As I start eighth grade, I believe I am ready! I am excited to! I’m excited for a new start and being able to learn new things. I am scared that I may not understand some things and we keep going as a class ,but I may still be stuck. I’m involved with: high school football, high school basketball, weight lifting ,and training. Some goal I have this year are to not be as social and to keep my head on straight. I also want to make all A’s. I really just want to succeed in the class room ,and on the field and court. Lastly, I hope to make new friends because you can never have enough friends. ( also to grow a better relationship with God!)

  22. Yes i am excited for my 8th grade year. I am excited to learn new things and go to Washington and learn about it. Something that scares me is if I get in trouble in school my dad will handle it instead of my mom. Yes I am involved in extracurricular activities such as baseball. Some goals are to get strong at english and science because I am not that strong in those 2 classes.

  23. I am exited for eighth grade year, this year feels like a new me. I am exited for volleyball, homecoming, banquet, and hopefully Washington D.C. I am doing volleyball this year and hopefully we have a good season this year. I’m hoping that I can get really good grades this year in school and continue to work really hard. I am trying my hardest not to be nervous about all my classes even though I am. This is are last year before high school so I’m going to try and enjoy this year.

  24. As I begin 8th grade ,I feel good about this school year.The most thing I’m probably scared of is probably test because of how I’m online and the internet.The most thing I’m excited for is what we will learn and develop.I don’t really care for school a lot .But I still have to get it done. I hope I can have fun and not be as bored as I was last year.I think that’s it thanks for reading

  25. What or we doing this year in English or we writing the hold time in the class I’m kind excited this year I got a lot to experience this class I’m little with the grades this I’m not trying to failed English I’m trying to get all a in English and retaking some of my trying to go to high school in trying to get All A in my other class

  26. As eighth grade starts I think I’m ready. In seventh grade I didn’t do well, I hung out with the wrong people and just didn’t meet my expectations for grades. This year I hope to do better with school work and have no excuses. It was nerve wracking to move from Massachusetts to Tennessee with only four days to get ready for school. As of right now I am not involved in any extracurricular activities but I plan to be.

  27. As I begin 8th grade I’m a little nervous because It’s new a while new grade.Im excited though to start fresh on a whole new year of school, I’m hoping that I make better grades and try to apply myself more to school. I’m hoping I can still play soccer this season because it’s something I really enjoy. This is my last year before high school so I’m going to enjoy it as much as possible!

  28. I am not really scared about this school year as a remote learner I worry about what will happen when I go back to school. I am most excited about the knowledge i will learn about in class this year. I hope to Improve my grades as well as my social life in school. I will be joining sports like tennis and maybe baseball. I am excited for this year and I hope you are to.

  29. Yes, i do feel I am ready for this year. What excites me about the up coming year, is that it will be full of new opportunities and experiences. I feel that it will be somewhat fun, also frightening at the same time. But I’ll get to see new people and new teachers. But what frightens me is that I have no idea about high school, it will be a whole new experience for me, but I will think In the present. My goals for THIS year is, to get good grades (that’s probably everyone’s), to focus more, and just overall do good in school I guess.

  30. Yes, I’m ready for this school year. I’m not exited about anything in particular. I’m in the band. I hope we will be able to do the concert with all this modelo virus stuff going on. Other than that I don’t got much going on. I spend most of my time wasting the day away in front of a computer screen, with my friends that got nothing better to do than to hang out with me. I also like riding my bike, but you can only go around the block a so many times until your comparable to a goldfish. When I’m at my moms I’m doing more or less the same stuff. Playing games and riding in circles.

  31. I am ready for 8th grade. I made some dumb mistakes last year and I wanna make em right. I am a very athletic person I play sports and workout a lot. I want to be able to do well in school as well as sports. The sports I play are football, soccer, and wrestling. I’m actually the starting outside linebacker and possibly the running back. I have few goals set this year I only want to make good grades, do well in sports and stay out of trouble.

  32. Im excited for science this year. As science is my favorite subject.
    I’m scared of doing social studies. As social studies was my hardest subject

  33. Good responses, Period 3! Write on!

  34. I’m excited for another year of eighth grade even though I’m repeating. I’m going to be a manager for basketball and baseball since I can’t play this season. Even though I can’t play I think I will still have a great year. I want to get even more smarter this year and get stronger in the weight room. I’m excited for this year and hopefully it will be successful.

  35. I am excited and also kinda nervous as 8th grade is harder than 7th and we have been out for 5 months. I really hope I can get my brain back in check. I really hope that this will be a fun year. I guess we will see how it goes

  36. I am excited for this year! I am in Marching Band and Student Council, and they are so fun! I was nervous for this year at first because we had just moved into the first house that my parents have bought in three days. It was tough, but we managed. Anyway I love all my new and old teachers, and I hope to form a good relationship with them.

  37. Yes, I’ve been looking forward to 8th grade year. What excites me about this year is all my sport activities and just getting ready for high school. I’m involved in club volleyball and goodpasture volleyball. I also do cheerleading. I want to make sure I stay on topic though and try to balance out my sports and homework. That’s really the only thing that I’m worried about. Also I have faith in our volleyball team (for school) that we can win the championship again this year. We just have to work together and make sure we are all working hard too.

  38. I believe that I am ready for this year. After a few days, I was not scared about any of my classes, unlike at the beginning. I am curious to see how COVID-19 will affect the rest of the year. It will be a good social experiment. I just hope that we all come out of this okay.

  39. I’m really excited for 8th grade! I am excited for English and Science most of all. What scares me is math because I think it’s going to be really hard. I play softball and I’m also in the marching band! My goals are to make great grades and to have a amazing 8th grade year!

  40. I feel ready but nervous for this year. I’m just excited for being able to learn new things, both in and out of class. I do marching band, where it’s normally sweltering, and I know I like other things more than it. My goals for this year are to make straight A’s like every year, otherwise I will be shattered. I love writing stories, and I finished one from last year called The Elements, and I’m working on another called Ghosted.

  41. I am very excited for 8th grade. I am excited for float decorating, but I’m scared that algebra is going to be hard. I am involved in gms volleyball and soccer. My vision for the year is that we will all have fun during this difficult time. This year is going to be great!

  42. Honestly, I feel like I’m not ready for eighth grade. I really want to be back in a school environment instead of being at home. Reading has never been my best subject. I’m scared that I won’t do as well as I want, because my reading comprehension isn’t fantastic. I am apart of student council, and I’m excited for all the projects that we will do.

  43. I think I am ready for this year. I am most excited for band concerts and other things related to band this year because last year some got cancelled or moved to a later date. In band I play Horn and in Marching Band I play Mellophone. I’m not scared of anything at the moment but something will probably happen soon. I don’t have many goals this year, but my top goal is to keep good grades all year.

  44. I am kinda excited for eighth grade. I’m excited for science because I like my class and mrs winters. I’m not excited about math because it’s math. I am cheering and playing soccer so I’m excited about that. My goal for this year is to study more,last year I didnt really study,I still made good grades,but it will help me later in life if I study more,especially in high school and college.

  45. I believe that I am ready for 8th grade. I am involved in basketball for goodpasture and a soon to be tennis player. This year I want to get better in every subject, but especially math because I kind of fell behind just a little in algebra because last year I didn’t learn any of that. I also hope that we go to Washington DC this year. 8th grade sounds awesome!!

  46. I am excited for 8th grade because each year is full of different things to do, and people to meet. Football will be very fun this year. I think school is going to be a little crazy though because of all the mask and things like that. My goal for this year is to just have better study habits. Last year I really didn’t study and it showed on my grades.

  47. I feel like I am ready for 8th grade. I am especially excited to see what kind of writing techniques are introduced to us this year because I enjoy writing. As of right now concert band is my only after school activity, but I am looking for a writing club. I’m hoping that we’ll be able to do the band concerts this year, and I’m hoping to improve my writing skills this year. My goals for this year are to have fun, and write according to the best of my abilities.

  48. I am ready for my 8th grade year. I am excited but at the same time bored because some days move slower than others. I am in cheer and volleyball so I have a sport period everyday which I like. I am ready for when holidays come up and everyone is in a good, cheerful mood. My hitting for volleyball has gotten a lot better and I love the group of girls I am playing with. In conclusion, I am excited to start this 8th grade year.

  49. I’m very excited for 8th grade this year because this is one step closer till I graduate from high school. I’m not really nervous this year for 8th, but instead I’m very excited because I’m getting a good education, and I’m also excited to see my friends. My favorite subject is math because I’m very good at it, and it’s also fun for me to do. At GCS I participate in basketball and soccer for extra curricular activities. I mostly look forward to do doing basketball this year because I’ve improved a lot in basketball, and I feel like I’m going to do good this year at it.

  50. I’m super excited for eighth grade this year. One thing that I’m excited to do is the pumpkin project. I will be playing baseball, basketball, and golf. I’m glad that I get to see my friends again. I really missed seeing them over quarantine. I have a lot of things to look forward to in eighth grade.

  51. I feel both prepared and unprepared for eighth grade. I’m excited for eighth grade for reasons I can’t really explain right now. I guess we’re growing up, and that’s something scary and exciting at the same time. Math is definitely not my strong suit, so (academically, at least) that scares me quite a bit. I think I’m really going to enjoy science this year, as it’s always been my favorite (and best) subject. I’m going to be in marching band this year, so that’s another thing to look forward to! It’s just a lot to take in, the fact that we’re graduating in five years.

  52. I feel like I am ready for 8th grade with my supplies, but I’m not so sure about the actual school part yet. I usually don’t judge the difficulty of classes until after the second week because I feel like we just review the first week. I’m really excited about going to DC (if we do go) because I’ve heard some cool things about it, and I really like history. I’m scared about Algebra 2 because when it comes to math, I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Im the secretary of student council. Overall, I’m really excited about this year so far.

  53. This year I have no fears going into the 8th grade! I am very excited to enter a new experience with friends, teachers, classmates, etc. I hope to have a good volleyball and basketball seasons! My goals this year are to make good grades, be kind to everyone, be successful in volleyball and basketball as a team, be a leader on and off the court, be coach able and much more! I hope to succeed in the 8th grade as a athlete and a student! My plan is to try my best at everything I attempt!

  54. Awesome responses, Period #4! Write on!

  55. I’m a little nervous about this new 8th grade year! I’m excited to learn new stuff. I’m involved in baseball this year. My goals this year is to make good grades,be kind,and try my best in all subjects.Im excited for this year and ready for what’s coming!

  56. I’m not really scared going into a new year. I mean it’s going to happen anyways so just make the best of the time you have here. I hope, like everyone does, just to get along with people and have a good year. The classes will obviously be difficult, but they are doable. I just always hope to pass this year as best as possible and make it as good as possible.

  57. What I am exited about is to grow as a student and a person.I am also exited for sports if we have it, hopefully it does not get canceled. I am exited for basketball and many more things. Some goals I have for the year are to grow in my faith. Grow on the basketball court, lastly in the classroom. I would like to get A/B and make the honor roll.

  58. I’m excited as being an 8th grader and getting that experience. Also, I’m excited to learn stuff I haven’t learned before in the past. I know I’ll have a lot of responsibilities but that’s part of being an 8th grader. I’m excited to be here and ready to learn new things and to have a fun year. Also, I’m excited to be able to play up as an 8th grader on the high school team. So this what I’m excited about for this year

  59. I believe that I’m ready for 8th grade. I’m always nervous at first, but then I get the hang of it pretty quick. I’m excited for banquet. I know it might not happen this year, but I have hope. The exams scare me. They scare me every year. I’m not involved in any extra circular activities. My goal is to get the best grades I can. I want to be able to get into pretty much any college. I’m not totally sure what I want to do, so that’s why I want to have some good options.

  60. i’m kind of excited for this school year. i have always struggled in math so i know that’s going to be hard. my favorite subject is definitely history. as an 8th grader this year i need to work on paying attention and not being lazy and doing my work. last year i wasn’t the best person overall so this year i’m going to try to better my self all around. in conclusion i’m nervous about this year but kind of excited.

  61. I think I’m ready for 8th grade. Over the summer I was slowly preparing myself for what 8th grade would be like. Im playing high school soccer, so I’m really excited for all the games and practices we have. I love all the girls on my team, and it is always a blast. I’m not really scared for what’s to come, but I am excited for what this year has in store. The only extracurricular activity I do is high school soccer, which takes up most of my time so I would not have time for anything else. I have many visions for this year. One of them is getting to know everyone better. I strive this year to get in advanced English which is very important for me. I want to be a better Christian, and study Gods word more. I want to do my very best in every thing I do, and be the best person I can be. Overall I’m so ready for what’s to come this year.

  62. I think I am prepared for 8th grade . I’m excited to get to make new friends and see my friends and to get to know my new teachers . My goal this year is to make all A’s , so I am gonna work hard and try to stay focused and always have my homework on time .
    I’m excited for all the new opportunities !

  63. I think I am ready for this year because is a new start. I am most excited for the D.C. trip in Washington. The thing that scars me is probably not doing good in school. Yes, I play High school soccer for Goodpasture. My one goal is to have all A. The mane goal is to work harder than anybody in soccer. I am good at math. I don’t like reading a lot but if I am in to it I will read it for hours. I hope for the beast 8th grade year in sports and school.

  64. I am exited for this year, but also kind of nervous, I think I am under prepared because of my supplies, but other than that I am ready. I am really exited to learn more about English because that is probably what I am worst. I am am in cheer and soccer. My goal for this year is to get good grades all year. Another goal for me is to make better relationships with my friends.

  65. I’m exited for this year, but I feel like Im not going to understand some of the work. I’m ready for all my classes, but I’m not sure if I’m going to be ready for the work. Something else I want to work on is my social skills and make more friends. Those are what I want to accomplish this year.

  66. I think I’m prepared enough for 8th. One thing I’m excited for is the trip to Washington DC. It does scare me that I will not pass this year, but I will try my best to make good grades this year. I’m I hope I can make at least one new friend this year. I also can’t wait for Halloween to see everyone’s costumes. Over all I can’t wait for what 8th has in store for me.

  67. I’m not as excited for this year. I’m worried I will stress it too much and fail. I’m scared of certain things. I’m hoping I can pass though. I feel like if I spend all of my free time on school, I can make it. It’ll just be hard

  68. Yes, I am ready. Something that excites me is that I’m actually trying this year. Something that scares me is me getting any lower than a B because I won’t be able to move if I do. I’m involved in soccer this year. A vision for me this year is to get a gpa of 3.5 because I’ll get accepted into a school I’m looking forward to go to, I’m looking forward to not slack off this year the same way I did last year. My goal is to beat my sister in a bet we did because she thinks I won’t get into mlk because of my grades.

  69. Yes,because it’s a new year and I’m at a new school so it’s going to be different.
    Playing basketball on a different level,and meeting new more scared about not doing good this year.
    Yes,basketball,and vision is doing good and learning how to do more advanced things .one of my goals is to make A’s and B’s and to try harder this year .

  70. Great job! I think almost everyone has responded!
