Sunday, August 24, 2014

Blog #2 -- Social Media

Hello, 8th graders!  I hope you have had a restful weekend, and you are ready for your summer reading tests this week!

This blog post deals with "Social Media".  It seems that social media rules out lives!  From Twitter to Instagram to Snap-Chat to Facebook, we tend to communicate with one another 24/7!  We also constantly watch Vimeo, Vines, and YouTube!  It just never ends!

What are your thoughts about social media?  Are you involved in it?  If so, what sites?  If not, why?

Do you think communicating via social media is a good thing?  

Do you think people can actually become addicted to social media sites?  

What are some of the dangers of social media and teenagers?  (or adults?)  

Do you think social media can be used for good?  For bad?

In order to get 5 extra bonus points you need to respond in a full 5 - 8 sentence summary paragraph, responding to the above questions! (Responses with incorrect format will not receive the bonus points!) 

Blog entries should be posted no later that September 3rd! 


  1. My thoughts on social media is that it is a great resource to use to bond or share your hobbies or simply just communicating with friends. I myself is involved in social media such as instagram, facebook, twitter, and snapchat, and use most of them. I try not to get to involved in them because the social media apps or websites could lead to getting caught in a lot of "junk". Social media has its pros an cons such as a pro for it is that it is helpful to get ideas from (pintrest), and a con is cyber bullying. In the end the real question is that is social media good or bad, it really boils down to how you use social media.

  2. Social media is a great tool to interact and communicate with young people to let them know what is going on in life.

  3. I think social media should be limited on how much we use it. We today have a choice to say something nice to someone or something that is not.

  4. Good answers, but remember . . . for the full five points extra credit, you need to respond with a summary paragraph of 5 - 8 sentences!

  5. Social media is great. My opinion is that you need to use it the right way. There are consequences for using social media. You have to use it for notifying people if you don't have there number or email. Social media is great but have to use it in the right way.

  6. I am involved with Instagram, Vine, and Snapchat. Communicating on social media is a great thing unless you use it in an inappropriate way. People can become addicted to social media they want more followers so people think there popular and because they don't wanna miss out on anybody's pictures. A big danger is if you post a picture of you on vacation a burglar could break in because he/she knows your not there. Social media is good if you use it for communication it's bad if you make fun of people.

  7. I think social media is fun to use. People should limit the amount of time they use on social media

  8. Social media is ok if u use it for the right reasons. I have a Facebook but I' never get on it. Social media is a good thing for talking to people quickly. Many people are addicted to social media sites, and it is a very easy thing to do cause we r on it all the time. It is sometimes dangerous if you put too much of your information out their. But yes it can be used for good like sharing important information but some misuse it.

  9. I think social media is a great thing bad stuff can happen but it's good in my opinion.yes I'm involved in facebook and Instagram. Yes I think via social media is a good thing.i do think you can get addicted to social media.some dangers for teenagers and adults is that you could be on a sautéing website and it could be like a killer or something.I think social media can be used for both good and bad.

  10. I think social media is a good thing when you're using it correctly. I think communicating through social media is good when you aren't saying bad things. People can come addicted to social media. Social media can be good to use when you connect with someone you haven't seen in a long time. The bad thing is when you spend to much time on social media. Social media is a good way to see what's going on in the world today.

  11. This is zach. Social media is a good site if you know how to use it. I like it. I am involved with Instagram. I think being able to talk to people on the social media is good if you don't put anything bad on it. If you are social media all the time you can get addicted to it very easily. If you don't know someone on the internet and you add them as a friend and you start to talk to them all the time they can find out where you live and they can come kidnap you. Social media can be used for good and bad things.

  12. I think the internet is a good and a bad thing you never know who's out there watching you I am involved in social media I use Instagram Facebook and Snapchat. I think communicating is a great thing especially over the internet like doing a school project figuring out what home work you have and things like that. Some people get addicted with social media but really a lot of people don't get addicted I try not to use social media as much as I would like to I check social media some in the morning some at night. You always hear on the news that people are getting arrested for hacking something or people giving to much information and getting kidnapped or killed its a very scary thing to talk about. I believe if people use it right it will be great to use but sadly it can be used for bad and I thing people just need to quit and just use social media the right way.

  13. You guys are responding so well! Keep it up! BIG THINKING! I love it!

  14. I think that social media is a great thing so that you can talk to your friends and family. I do use social networking to talk to friends and family. Social media can be a bad thing. If u use social media make sure to use a private account because if you don't then anyone and everyone in the whole world can see every picture and comment you post. If you don't have a private account then don't put all of your personal information in your bio because then everyone knows everything about you

  15. I thnk social media is a great way to message or interact with people. You can aleays tLk to your friends and family or anyone for that matter. Some people do get addicted and are always on social media 24/7. I try not to be on social media a lot but i do use it. You can use the internet in general for bad and good but for social media and texting it can be used for bad and good. You should always try to be nice to others and be respectful.

  16. I am not very scared for 8th grade because if I study and work hard I’ll do good. The things I’m involved in Football, soccer, and wrestling, I am a huge fan of sports because I feel like that’s where I really understand things and I thrive in physical activities. I don’t like the basic subjects like math, English, and science but subjects like social studies, bible and other stuff I do enjoy. But I am a very hard worker in and out of school. I even have a job so I can make money.
